SmartLucider Lucid Dream Induction Device

Doc 05

Active Member
DISCLAIMER: The following is Day 9 of a 10 day online lucid dreaming course I signed up for:
It is developed, published and sent to me via email by: Chris Hammond, FOUNDER, WORLD OF LUCID DREAMING ACADEMY.

The posting of this course is for your information and entertainment only and in no way endorses, promotes, or suggests any purchases, techniques, or procedures.

It is up to you the reader to research, study, and understand any information presented and please make informed decisions prior to any action taken.

Thank you, enjoy, and please act responsibly.

Last lesson today!

But it's an important one.

Today I'm going to tell you about the extraordinary state of sleep paralysis.

Because invariably – in your lucid dreaming journey – you will encounter this state. And you should be overjoyed when you do! Because it means an intense lucid dream and potentially an out-of-body experience is just around the corner.

So let's learn how to master it.
Converting Sleep Paralysis to a Lucid Dream
Sleep paralysis is the very real feeling that you can't move your body when you wake from sleep.

If that sounds scary, let me reassure you that you this state - scientifically known as REM Atonia - already happens to you every single night!

It's just that usually, you sleep right through it.

The main purpose of REM Atonia is to stop you from acting out your dreams. And that's just as relevant when practicing lucid dreaming - else you might get out of bed and start making love to the wall!

When you start exploring with advanced lucid dreaming techniques and supplements, you can become aware of REM Atonia as it starts to kick in!

So if you do become aware of this, then you need to know how to respond – which is really easy.

It's important to remember that sleep paralysis is a very good thing!

It's direct proof that you are consciously aware whilst your body is asleep – a golden opportunity that you can convert directly into a lucid dream.

Here's what to do if you feel sleep paralysis:​

The first thing you will feel is a slight sense of panic ("I can't move!!!").

Don't fight this. Relax into it.

Remember to yourself: "this is sleep paralysis. Chris told me exactly how to handle this".

Remind yourself: this is a natural sensation. It can't hurt me. I am going to relax into it and make the most of the opportunity.

Don't try to move your limbs – as this will feel frustrating.

Instead, move your awareness away from your limbs and up to your mind.

Keep cool. Smile to yourself inwardly. Grin that you are about to experience an incredible lucid dream.

Keep repeating to yourself "I am dreaming".

Start to imagine yourself floating, whilst you relax.

Close your eyes and visualize a distant dream scene, like a snow-capped mountain.

At the same time start to imagine you are on a swing. Feel the momentum in your body as you awing in arcs – back and forward.

Keep concentrating on the momentum and the dream scene you want to swing towards. As you become totally immersed in these sensations, you will forget about your physical body and pop straight into a lucid dream!

Don't forget to stabilise by looking at your hands, performing a reality check and demanding clarity!

And if you really want to try something advanced...

Instead of swinging out into a dream, imagine your body sitting up.

If you get it right, you will leave your body and float into your bedroom!


One of the most confusing things about sleep paralysis - beyond that startling, set-in-stone sensation - is that it's hard to tell whether you are fully awake or dreaming in the darkness of your bedroom.

It can be a little scary the first few times, but that's only because it's weird and unknown :)

Your positive mental attitude will overcome this. Forewarned is forearmed!

And most of all - even though it means probing uncharted territory...

Sleep paralysis is 100% controllable.


Doc 05

Active Member
Lucid Dreaming 10 day course review, with notes on Time Travel (TT) training with lucid dreaming.

Day 1: Introduction;
a. Importance of proper rest
b. Intention statement: "I will remember my dreams tonight"
c. Attention to your sleep process

TT note: Development of a Time Travel Induced Lucid Dream (TTILD) course would be fun
and "do-able". ;)

Day 2: Mindfulness
a. Practice being in the moment while awake
b. Stop and observe, practice using all your senses while awake, in order to do this in your dream.
c. Observation will assist in recall

TT note: Some TT themed "sensory exercises" could be used for training; i.e. living history museums, reenactments, visits to historical sites, etc. With a "journaling" session afterwards to aid in recall.
Also with the goal of real time "lucid dream narration" (talking in your sleep), a recorder used during these exercises may prove helpful.

Day 3: Sleeping Awareness / Relaxation Exercises
a. Practice of standard relaxation exercises
b. Diaphragmatic breathing, concentrated body part relaxation
(note: eastern - feet to head / western - head to toe)
c. Observe your hypnagogic imagery (visual patterns prior to sleep)

TT note: I've always been a fan of the Jose Silva mind control system's long, short, and 3,2,1 relaxation exercises. Development of a similar taped relaxation exercise with a "TT intention statement" incorporated into the verbiage would be helpful and easily accomplished.

more to follow...
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Doc 05

Active Member
Lucid Dreaming 10 day course review, with notes on Time Travel (TT) training with lucid dreaming. Part 2

Day 4: Reality Checks

a. With the realization that you are dreaming, comes consciousness.
And this presence of mind allows you to take control of the dream.
b. Make it a habit; perform 10-20 reality checks spread out through the day.
c. Goal is create this habit to signal your in a dream state.

TT note: It's been reported/commented that in a dream state, technology is "off", i.e. two clocks will not show the same time. Taking this a step further could a prospective Time Traveler use a dual-time watch (there are some really cool looking dual time watches - for pilots) or wear two watches. "Excuse me are you a Time Traveler or just selling stolen watches?" ;)
Use of a REM detector (Smart Lucider) should also assist in this (dream signaling).

Day 5: Hypnagogia
a. Hypnagogia is the natural visual state that appears around the onset of sleep and dreams.
b. Practice visualization during meditation.
c. Binaural beats audio and Supplements (Galantamine or Huperzine) to aid visualization.

TT note: TT training could incorporate guided visualization during meditation, of a previous "sensory training target", ("Now visualize the castle entrance from yesterday's field trip").
Goal being to be able to control the dream state and "go" to the intended target and event.

Day 6: Lucid Dreaming Supplements

a. Most indigenous cultures have "dream herbs"; Xhosa of South Eastern Africa: Silene Capensis, Mexican shamans: Calea Zacatechichi, and other cultures with blue lotus, entada reidii and mugwort.
b. Herbals are "touchy", and should only be pursued by those with "experience" handling such endeavors.
c. Galantamine and Huperzine-A are the primary supplements used in lucid dream research: galantamine being extracted from the Red Spider Lily and Huperzine-A from Chinese Club Moss.

TT note: TT missions will incorporate the supplement Galantamine, due to it's low side effect potential, availability, and lucid dream track record.

But when I saw the herb Mugwort I was reminded about my ventures into the Mugwort Dream Pillow. I found this "recipe" in an herbal from the 1970s (basically stuff a bunch of mugwort in a cloth bag and throw it in your pillow case), but it was the introduction to this recipe that intrigued me. The intro spoke of the author's vivid dreams of space travel along a Venusian landscape using this pillow.

Much later in life I was receiving acupuncture at a local college of oriental medicine, and while receiving acupuncture with moxibustion, in which the herb mugwort is burned on the ends of the needles to heat them, I experienced vivid dreams. The dream was extremely realistic and involved me as a "door-gunner" on a low flying spacecraft, strafing a Venusian city (I felt bad about doing that).

Both of these events with the herb Mugwort involving Venus made me wonder if certain herbs stimulated certain "frequencies", of certain "parallel universes", allowing the user's mind to experience a "counterpart's" actions. ;)

more to follow...

Doc 05

Active Member
Lucid Dreaming 10 day course review, with notes on Time Travel (TT) training with lucid dreaming. Part 3

Day 7: Wake-Back-to-Bed Technique (WBTB)

a. Go to bed and set an alarm for 3 sleep cycles (1 sleep cycle is 90 mins, 3 sleep cycles = 4.5 hours). THe course states 4 cycles (6 hours), however this decreases the possibility of falling back asleep.
b. Stay awake for 25 - 45 min, writing in a dream journal and/or reading a book about your intended target. Don't forget to state (write down) your dream statement: I will remember my dream (MILD).
c. Take your lucid dreaming supplement now, if you have one. Perform the full relaxation technique, and visualize your desired lucid dream scape in detail.

TT note: This technique offers a good format for a TT Induced Lucid Dream. During the awake period taking the time to study the intended TT event (past or future) and solidifying the intention. An HDR session would be performed during this period.

Day 8: Dream Stabilization: How to stop a lucid dream collapsing

a. Remain Calm when you discover your dreaming
b. Do your reality check, look at your hands and rub them together (your "dream" hands).
c. "Clarity Now": tell your brain you want more clarity (your in charge now - take control).

TT note: Perfecting this state will be the key to successful Time Travel; the ability to identify, control, and direct the lucid dream to the intended "time event".

Day 9: Controlling Lucid Dreams

a. If you forget that you're dreaming, your ability to control the dream is diminished.
b. Maintaining awareness while awake will help you maintain awareness during lucid dreaming.
c. Expectation and Confidence in a particular outcome means there is no doubt in your mind that dream control is possible.

TT note: Possibility of a Lucid Dream training course similar to a new video game where you "learn" the controls (run, jump, duck, crawl, etc.). This would be stated in your intention statement (in this dream I will run, jump and fly).

Day 10: Converting Sleep Paralysis to a Lucid Dream

a. The main purpose of REM Atonia is to stop you from acting out your dreams; it's normal and necessary.
b. Don't Panic, don't try to move, close your eyes, relax, go into your dream, "swing" into your dreams-cape. Don't forget to stabilize your dream
c. Try sitting up, turning your lucid dream into an OBE.

TT note: Development of "Immediate Action Drills" for lucid dreams, so that the dreamer will know exactly what to do when these events happen (sleep paralysis, loss of lucidity, being pursued by the Montauk Monster, etc.)

Doc 05

Active Member
DISCLAIMER: The following is my research into Lucid Dreaming and attempting to merge the phenomenon of lucid dreaming, remote viewing, the HDR, and Time Travel, (and anything else that we can throw into the mix) into protocols that can be studied, repeated, and practiced by everyone.

The posting of this course is for your information and entertainment only and in no way endorses, promotes, or suggests any purchases, techniques, or procedures.

It is up to you the reader to research, study, and understand any information presented and please make informed decisions prior to any action taken.

Thank you, enjoy, and please act responsibly.

What's Next?:

1. Galantamine: So for lack of anything else and availability; I took 4 mg of Galantamine at bed time (11Feb22). The effects were beginning to be felt within 15 minutes of ingestion (more colors and clarity to visual patterns and images when I closed my eyes), it has been reported to be fast acting.

Fantastic, "vivid" dreams with good recall; the scene kept switching from rows of run-downed green houses to rows of old school soviet barracks hallways. And everybody wanted coal-tar medicated shampoo, to the point you could get anything for a case of shampoo. I have no idea what this means; I think it was just "entertainment". ;).

Upon waking, I had a slight headache possibly due to mild dehydration. I did notice that I had been sweating during the night. It did remind me of the "night-sweats" I experienced with PTSD from Afghanistan; but Nowhere near as intense (luckily). It also reminded me when back in the 1970's when waterbeds first came out, my friend would increase the temperature on her waterbed to induce a "fever-dream" effect. She was of native-american descent and this seemed natural for us.

The residual effects; the next night NO Galantamine was ingested in order to experience any residual effects (12Feb22). I experienced more "vivid" dreams with good recall. I did make sure I was hydrated prior to sleep and positioned water next to the bed (this alleviated any headache upon waking). The vivid dreams did make it hard to "get-up", because every time I would wake (phone, urination, and cats), I would go "back to bed" to see what happened next.

The dream involve a "wild" cross country ride in a minivan driven by my deceased brother, packed with "family" and an old girlfriend. We merged onto a highway and was next to a massive pile-up along with an exploding fuel tanker and responding fire trucks. The flames were extinguished and we (us and the fire crews) were treated to a steak and shrimp dinner by one of the participants in the pile-up (a restaurant owner), and I ate shrimp with my old girlfriend. This dream kept continuing each time I would return to sleep (why I didn't want to get up). ;)

Lessons Learned:
1. Stay hydrated and have water available.
2. More research required into Galantamine.
3. Research into Bi-aural Beat music (to get that 4.5 hours of deep sleep prior).
4. Look into a body temperature monitor devices to record asleep body temps.

Again; this is NO suggestion that you run out and ingest some supplement just because Doc 05 did it. You Must use "Common Sense" and "Research" your particular situation (current health), especially high blood pressure and any current medications that you are taking.

Just because I take risks (I own an HDR), I don't encourage you to do the same without proper study. ;)

Doc 05

Active Member
DISCLAIMER: Hey kids; don't do this at home; do your homework first - then you can go "play". ;)

Galantamine: some quick (and sometimes scary) links:

Information for Perscription Galantamine HBR:
Galantamine: MedlinePlus Drug Information
Galantamine Uses, Side Effects & Warnings -

Information for Galantamine Herbal Supplements:
Lycoris radiata Extract Galanthamine Hydrobromide, 1953-04-4,Galanthamine,galanthamine hbr,Galanthamine Hydrobromide,Alzheimer - Herbs-Tech - Zhejiang Yixin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

An interesting paper on Herbs used in the treatment of Alzheimer Disease: 55(2) 63-73.pdf

A really good and simple article on Galantamine and lucid dreaming:
Review of Galantamine: the Lucid Dreaming Pill | Dream Studies Portal
even with it's "sales pitch" at the end.
("Reality Check Talisman", WTF?)

Remember: "Use you head and you'll keep it".
(or better: "Use your brain, and you'll keep it"). ;)

more when I come across it...

Doc 05

Active Member
Sleep Paralysis:
Experienced Sleep Paralysis this morning; but it was part of the dream.
I'm still having fairly vivid dreams even though Not taking any more Galantamine.

So, the other night my son and I were watching "Revenge of the Creature" (of the Black Lagoon), which front-loaded my dream.

My dream (which was in black & white - like the movie) I had fell on a pond/swamp bank and the creature was approaching underwater. I couldn't get up, because my legs wouldn't move (sleep paralysis), I kept thinking "I need to get up, the creature is coming". I finally got my legs to move, just in the nick of time as the creature grabbed for my leg. I woke up and realized that it was sleep paralysis and thought how cool it was that it was in black & white. Not scary at all.

This also helped solidify the idea of "front-loading" dreams with intended subjects/targets.

Doc 05

Active Member
OK, so it's the third day post 4 mg of Galantamine; dreams were still somewhat vivid, but the recall has diminished (only can recall about the last minute).

So the dream effects of Galantamine appears to last around 3-4 days
(more research needed on higher / longer dosages).

However, I have noticed the recall of "past" vivid dream memories.
This was totally unexpected and a little troublesome at first,
trying to discern between "real" and "dream" memories.
Especially on places I have visited (landscapes and buildings),

not flying. ;)

Doc 05

Active Member
The next experiment transpired like this;

1. Went to sleep, thinking that I needed to set an alarm for 4.5 hours (3 sleep cycles), but wanted to try some Theta CDs but didn't have them handy, so I Did Not set an alarm and just laid down.

2. 4.25 hours later I woke up.

3. Seizing this opportunity, I spent the next 45 minutes looking at Time Machines on Pintrest (mostly Steam Punk, but some really cool stuff).

4. Ingested 4 mg of Galantamine

5. Had some nice vivid dreams, but basically built an HDR by the schematics I have posted. Nothing really exciting, somewhat "boring".

6. Apparently my thought of, "this is boring", my mind responded by stepping it up a notch.

7. We then constructed (in my dream) a Witness Well out of a 35 gallon plastic drum and connected to the HDR and a friend's child (unknown to us), was throwing my chickens in the Witness Well just to see them "disappear". We found out after we noticed the chickens were going missing and asked her where they went.

8. Then I woke up, thinking "how cool is that". ;)

This whole "experiment", really helped solidify the concept of the guided "Time Travel Induced Lucid Dream".


Senior Member
Its interesting to note that Galantamine is a medicine to treat people with mild Alzheimers symptons, nothing in the write up with claims it induces lucid dreaming :oops:
