Something I noticed about JTs predictions

Something I noticed about JTs predictions

I personally believe our system is antiquated and simply stated the electoral college could use a good flushing. The electoral college, in its present tense, could easily be used as a way to 'rig' an election, and that has obviously happened in the past.

Just another way to keep the 'sheep' in their corner.

This is America - I mean, why shouldn't the popular vote win? *sarcasm

I don't believe I've touched on this here, but I don't think there is any hard and fast rule that says that the electors have to vote the way their state did. It is mearly assumed and to my knowlege they always have. What if they don't this time.
Something I noticed about JTs predictions

That would be a sure fire way to have all those people scurrying around checking to see if the hole is really a hole again.
Something I noticed about JTs predictions

There are those now hard at work who want to skew the election results; hedging their bets in case Bush loses, trying to stack the deck against dirty tricks, etc. A number of schemes are under way in which the results of key states might well be in question in courts.

How far will people go in protest if the results are contrary to the popular will?
Something I noticed about JTs predictions

Let's not forget all those Absentee ballots due in from our brave soliders over there. One state has some 26,000 folks there, can't remember the name of the state. What chance will they and us have of a honest and decent effort to count those?
Something I noticed about JTs predictions

Originally posted by Darkwolf@Oct 19 2004, 01:44 AM
The left and the right seem to be attacking our liberties from both directions, using the conflict between them as a smokescreen. The sooner people wake up to that truth the better off we'll be. Both Bush and Kerry are statists. We're in trouble no matter which way we uhh.....roll the bones.
MOD edit - fixed quote commands

Roll the bones, hehe awesome.
Something I noticed about JTs predictions

Why dont all the news organizations hound any administration in office, hold them to the flame about everything and then we'll have some TRUTH. Every admin is shadey, they are all doing bad ######, im sooo sick of left vs right, fox vs cnn, ugg it makes me sick.

Remeber the truth is nonpartison.
Something I noticed about JTs predictions

Welcome to the plantation dssdnt. Glad to see you posting a bit on your first time out. As for as the news media holding those in office collective feet to the fire, that died a long time ago. The media is owned by huge multi-national corporations who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. A brief recap of major media and their corporate owners.

CBS owned by Viacom, Inc. Sumner Redstone, CEO

ABC owned by Walt Disney Co. Michael Eisner, CEO

NBC owned by General Electric, Inc. Jeffrey Emmelt, CEO

CNN (and a number of magazines and cable channels) owned by Time Warner, Inc. Richard Parsons, CEO

Fox News owned by News Corp. Rupert Murdoch, CEO

What's missing are the corporations that own newspapers, radio stations and TV stations around the country. I don't know those off the top of my head. The days of the "independant" news reporter are dead for all practical purposes, except for the internet. Matt Drudge is probably one of the better known independant reporters left today. But the major media isn't going to upset anybody's apple cart. Payback from the govt. is a bitch. Think govt. contracts, licensing, regulation, potential investigations from Justice Dept., FCC or IRS just for starters. You want real news? You got to go overseas (to some extent for a non-American viewpoint) or the internet for anything resembling the "real" news.

Something I noticed about JTs predictions

Originally posted by CaryP@Oct 30 2004, 04:44 AM
Welcome to the plantation dssdnt. Glad to see you posting a bit on your first time out. As for as the news media holding those in office collective feet to the fire, that died a long time ago. The media is owned by huge multi-national corporations who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. A brief recap of major media and their corporate owners.

CBS owned by Viacom, Inc. Sumner Redstone, CEO

ABC owned by Walt Disney Co. Michael Eisner, CEO

NBC owned by General Electric, Inc. Jeffrey Emmelt, CEO

CNN (and a number of magazines and cable channels) owned by Time Warner, Inc. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Richard Parsons, CEO

Fox News owned by News Corp. Rupert Murdoch, CEO

What's missing are the corporations that own newspapers, radio stations and TV stations around the country. I don't know those off the top of my head. The days of the \"independant\" news reporter are dead for all practical purposes, except for the internet. Matt Drudge is probably one of the better known independant reporters left today. But the major media isn't going to upset anybody's apple cart. Payback from the govt. is a bitch. Think govt. contracts, licensing, regulation, potential investigations from Justice Dept., FCC or IRS just for starters. You want real news? You got to go overseas (to some extent for a non-American viewpoint) or the internet for anything resembling the \"real\" news.


Hehe Matt Drudge, Matt Drudge was independent before Monica Lewinsky, but he's totally part of the Right wing agenda. I go to his site about 10 times a day, and listen to him when he fills in for Limbaugh, and Limbaugh is in Bush's pocket, he even admits it. "From my formally nicotine stained fingers and my previously vicadin pill poppen mouth, i admit today that i am an unpayed adviser to the Bush admin."
Something I noticed about JTs predictions

Hehe Matt Drudge, Matt Drudge was independent before Monica Lewinsky, but he's totally part of the Right wing agenda. I go to his site about 10 times a day, and listen to him when he fills in for Limbaugh, and Limbaugh is in Bush's pocket, he even admits it. \"From my formally nicotine stained fingers and my previously vicadin pill poppen mouth, i admit today that i am an unpayed adviser to the Bush admin.\"

Well, I guess ole Matt went and got him a seat at the table with the PTB like a good boy capitalizing on his Lewinsky coverage. What a country. Thanks for the update. I usually don't follow Drudge, something to do with inaccuracies for awhile now.

