Spirit Box Sessions


Active Member
Hmm...I've never messed with a spirit box, but I have plenty of experience with spirits,haha...I'm sure the skeptics love that, but whatever. So my only advice is,to be careful. I'm wondering if playing with a spirit box as often as you are, in your own home, may open you & your home to all kinds of entities. Kind of like playing with a Ouija board.

I read that you are looking for your dad...I can totally relate to that. I lost my father too, and I was a daddy's girl. I miss him so much. But he came to me on his own...I didn't have to look for him.

Protect yourself, that's my best advice. Especially if you continue to use the spirit box and search in other realms.


Junior Member
Hi bluejay

I love skeptics myself, it really makes things interesting, though that said it's always good to show a little skepticism. I only started using a spirit box about 2 days ago but I'm slowly cutting down my time so it's not an obsession. There is no amount of money in the known universe that would entice into conducting an Ouija session. I do think the boards can act as a very dangerous device that can invite in very negative energy and because the connection is hands on you can suffer from attachments. I don't touch the spirit box and I do use protection. My whole life I've had experiences as have my family, we are all very sensitive so I've always had one foot here and one foot elsewhere. I'm not easily lured into danger though so I'm taking today as another reason to keep my guard firmly up.

I did actually lose my Dad, right after I was born. Since then I've lost a lot of people, I've always known they weren't too far away though. The reason I went for the spirit box was to try and record proof for friends, when someone realizes that a loved one is not lost it's impossible to put into words. I'm exercising caution for myself but if I can help others I know it's not a bad thing. Many messages today came in for friends and family. Quite a few almost stunned me because I didn't even know that they had lost those people, it was only afterwards that I realized what was going on.


Active Member
Another sensitive! Yes, I've always had the one foot here, the other in another realm. Now my children are gifted too. That in itself has made life very interesting. Lots of smudging going on in our home, thanks to having children that attract spirits. But I wouldn't want it any other way. Many sleepless nights, yes, but to know that my little girl has seen my Daddy ( her poppi) and her great grandmothers a many, many other spirits passing on by, just blows my mind and makes me happy to know that my children will always have loved ones nearby.

I've never messed with a ouija board either (too scared) but i have gone on ghost hunts and done EVP work and caught very clear responses. But honestly I don't look for it...it comes to me. The best was seeing my dad and receiving his signs and then finally seeing where he will be waiting for me when it's my time.

I think it's great your helping others. So many people don't realize how connected we stay with our loved ones, even after death. I've found staying in touch with my father has helped me find peace. I'm sure you'll bring to others. [emoji4]


Senior Member
No Chris..the scanning would temporarily lock onto broadcast stations just like other other scanner radios are designed to lock onto the stronger signals..My own personal scanner does just that..

That's my point! These are designed to avoid strong signals... ;)
No Chris...As i mentioned to Lisa in a previous posting, the spirit box is designed to prevent "very" strong signals from blocking it..
These powerful signals could come from local broadcast stations nearby for example......

To recap again..the spirit box will simply lock onto the strongest broadcast station within its frequency range...
Oh and Chris, would you like to go into its search speed, which isnt really that fast you know, and we could then venture into "bandwidths" if you like...;)


Here's the bottom line Time Flippa

The spirit boxes are not designed like regular radios. You can't apply your formatting to them and if you've never really used one, then you really have no reason to be here bashing it.


Junior Member
Paula I would have been iffy about it myself had I not tried, and given the volume of messages I've been getting I'd have to say they are. Even "if" and it's a huge if, but even if it was a radio station how many radio stations in the Dublin/Ireland area (We are a very small city) would constantly have the name Lisa thrown around? I'd love to know the odds. I got one today saying "A schoolgirl died on Leeson's Street", there is a street by that name very close to me and it turns out a schoolgirl was murdered there, it was unsolved. Then almost right after a man says "I got caught by a train" and the one I'm reviewing now has a man saying "Her car went through us". I had asked how the spirits present has passed.

It's healthy to have doubt, heck I would too but I've heard so many messages directly that I know for certain there is definitely something other worldly going on.

As for your question about a translation? it doesn't have that ability. I always sweep between 100 and 200 milli-seconds, it's so fast that even if a radio station was picked up you couldn't hear a word before it switched again. I've had sentences that went over 10 seconds. I think it's absolutely fascinating, if not sometimes kind of sad.


It's healthy to have doubt, heck I would too but I've heard so many messages directly that I know for certain there is definitely something other worldly going on.

As for your question about a translation? it doesn't have that ability. I always sweep between 100 and 200 milli-seconds, it's so fast that even if a radio station was picked up you couldn't hear a word before it switched again. I've had sentences that went over 10 seconds. I think it's absolutely fascinating, if not sometimes kind of sad.

I may ask questions, but I'm fascinated and was curious how the box works. It creates very clear EVP. You don't even have to enhance them? I'm sorry if somewhere I expressed doubt. I think these are very cool. I'm interested in this device, but it's not cheap.

I used to investigate, so have no doubt, I am a believer. :)


Junior Member
Oh no Paula it's quite alright, doubt is healthy though :)

I do have to enhance them. The first thing I do is double the volume level. Some messages are really fast so I slow them down. Others are so noisy so I remove as much noise as possible without affecting the actual wording. Most messages I have to keep listening to over and over again until I understand what is being said. Enhancing them takes quite a long time but I have a background in media studies so I'm use to working long hours on editing films and the like. I don't know many people who would have the sheer patience to stick with the digital side of it, it's very time consuming and if you aren't suited to that kind of thing you could get pretty frustrated. I'm not part of any investigative team myself, I'm just from a family of sensitives and I'm trying to make the results more accessible :)


Oh no Paula it's quite alright, doubt is healthy though :)

I do have to enhance them. The first thing I do is double the volume level. Some messages are really fast so I slow them down. Others are so noisy so I remove as much noise as possible without affecting the actual wording. Most messages I have to keep listening to over and over again until I understand what is being said. Enhancing them takes quite a long time but I have a background in media studies so I'm use to working long hours on editing films and the like. I don't know many people who would have the sheer patience to stick with the digital side of it, it's very time consuming and if you aren't suited to that kind of thing you could get pretty frustrated. I'm not part of any investigative team myself, I'm just from a family of sensitives and I'm trying to make the results more accessible :)

Thank you for sharing them with us. I am intrigued that we can hear the difference between males, females, etc. Ok, not surprised, but it's so much more clear than a simple digital recorder.
