Steven Gibbs passed away

Doc 05

Active Member
Steven Gibbs, so unique and unlike anyone else in the world. You will be greatly missed.

I am glad he was able to do a couple of newer interviews recently, over the last 2 years.

The HDR continues to be something I work on frequently, and is always at the forefront of my mind.

Thank you Avery for keeping us updated.
Full Moon is coming up, so is the Solstice; I'm planning on doing an HDR session.
I will truly miss Steve; hope he made it to planet Weir to work on the Big HDR.

Doc 05

Active Member
Just talked to Steven's sister; She said that he had a fall on Thursday (9 Dec) and was taken to the ER in Topeka, Ks. Was released on Friday, she got him to his house and stayed with him. They got to watch a movie together and she "fussed" over him. She left him in good spirits on Sunday; but on Monday could not make contact with Steve and knew something was wrong. She contacted local police for a check and they found Steven in bed and passed away "peacefully". His sister is saying that Steve passed away on Sunday the 12th, because Steven wouldn't want to pass away on the 13th. That's so Steven.

Doc 05

Active Member
When you obtain an HDR unit, you tell the rest of the world to kiss your butt.
You say anything is possible, any belief has merit, no one can be judged, nothing is off the table.
Time travel, aliens, bigfoot, ghosts, demons and Angels; why not.
Where Multiverse theory makes perfect sense; timelines divided by just rates and frequencies,
and obtainable by the flip of 3 switches.
I will miss Steve' s non-judgmental ear and his tales.
Talks of timelines, counterparts, rates & frequencies, and hyper-dimensional spider demons.
Creating time bubbles to protect your house from demons, IRS agents, and those pesky Census takers.
The Time Police, Men in Black, and the shape shifting reptilians that have taken over the US Postal Service.
May God bless Steven L. Gibbs.

Doc 05

Active Member
It's the little details that indicate that you jumped a timeline.
I did a session today; full moon, free form stick reaction (no intention statement), DT quartz crystal, and a small selenite crystal in the witness well, long 180 count (3 minutes) session time, 12:00 pm EST, No vortex.
Laid down, lucid brief dreams - nothing memorable until much later (more on that).
Woke; trying to process session then the phone rang - Barry (go figure)

Bottom line is; "What would Steven want?"
1. Take care of his sister - business side of the HDR.
2. Continue the legacy - keep publishing reports, audios, etc.
(making more HDRs may take some work to replicate Steve's process - prayers & pyramids)
3. Continue research - repeatable experiments with published reports.

Steve might be gone from this timeline, but he's now not constrained by the bonds of the physical.
Let's do the right thing.


Senior Member
I will always miss Steven Gibbs, he was a great person. He did open new worlds to me. There is so much that we to not know and he was excellent at opening my eyes. I still remember that he told me that things are different on different timelines... for example, here most of the barns are red, not blue or green. He once saw a timeline where everything was gray. Steven Gibbs, we will miss you.

