Temporal Agent from a distance future

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Date and time has been set for the UK departure... Monday the 28th of May 11 minutes past 4... Location Borough Hill Daventry Northamptonshire... Please be warned.... Due to the fickle nature of time travel your safety cannot be guaranteed... All those that wish to volunteer please contact me through this forum via private message...
An ad on a dating site like that would be a trip. This kind of goes beyond cradle robing in a way. Why do people think Harriet is a male?
It all does seem like a fun dialogue and one would hope hey maybe this could happen. Just like all the far fetched YouTube videos. Some people don't believe me when i talk about an alien abduction experience i had.
Lets hope there isn't a Trump space station.
This forum is a perfect spot to play on people who would like to believe. I want to believe it could be possible I'm sure many of us fantasize possibility but logically many know otherwise. But Harriet is putting out the notions of sometimes truth is stranger than fiction but we can't put a definitive proof on time travel or it would be all over the news or just a secret done by a shadow government.
Harriet i still want to go...

How many people pm'd Harriet? I sure did cuz i am curious.
You would think it be easier to hit a sperm bank or the future would have some.
Harriet how can you prove that this is real?
It is fun to just enjoy the dialogue too...
what are the risks for travelling?

do i have to say good bye to my family forever?

No form of travel is without its risks... Time travel is no exception... The risk of something going wrong is about 60 per half a million temporal journeys... You'll have the option to stay or return.. If you wish to return you will be confined during your visit to the facility only... A considerable number of females will be brought to you.. If you however wish to stay that decision will be permanent but you will be allowed outside the facility to indulge your appetite and father as many children as you can with as many females of childbearing age as you want... On one of several planets or artificial satellites...
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