Temporal Agent from a distance future

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Junior Member
Is Harriet banned? I read this thread and I must admit, one of the best free shows! If she/he is banned, is it because of the ongoing hoax? It is bothersome when an alleged time traveler does not answer legitimate questions. I am so glad some of you gentlemen fixed her/his clock (no pun intended). This is only my second time posting since I just joined yesterday and I must admit this whole thread was more entertaining than the domestic thriller novel I was reading. Well worth the interruption. I look forward to more posts from you ladies/gentlemen. Have a great day!


Junior Member
She started to harass people on the forum in discussions and in private messages. We had to kick her out when she wouldn't stop.
I did notice that she was very rude to Timeflipper and ClassicalFan and a few other gentlemen for no reason. I had no idea she was harassing ppl by emails as well. She never answered anyone’s questions either which is very bad.


Active Member
I doubt there are parallel universes. It's an unprovable conjecture pushed by atheists because the Big Bang is so devastating to atheism. A better interpretation is more in line with Aristotelian act and potency, where instead of all these universes you only have one universe (act) and a field of potential universes (potency).
Ironically, the big bang cannot the first thing to exist because if nothing existed before the big bang nothing could cause anything to exist. by definition nothing is there to cause anything!


Temporal Engineer
Everyone knows you have to have a cause to produce an outcome. The universe was created from an egg. The egg was sent back to the beginning of time and then it hatched.


Senior Member
How can there be a first cause when nothing caused it? Nothing was there before the first cause was there therefor something was never there. Right?

The first cause is eternal. Nothing caused it. That's the point.

There is nothing "before" the Big Bang. Time literally begins at the Big Bang. Space begins at the Big Bang. Everything that is created is ultimately contingent upon the eternal first cause, and the first cause is contingent upon nothing.

You can call that God or whatever. It doesn't matter with respect to this discussion. There has to be a non-contingent first cause, both logically and mathematically.
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