Terror in the Skies, Again?

Judge Bean

Senior Member
Terror in the Skies, Again?

Yes, still need to. I mean no harm. I'm sure that we might all benefit, occasionally, by being reminded of our charter. Without it, we might as well try to govern according to who has the most money or the most weapons.


Senior Member
Terror in the Skies, Again?

Originally posted by PyRo99@Jul 20 2004, 07:21 PM
For one. The Patriot Act has saved our lives. How do you think we can detain Terrorists? Do you think they use it just for the hell of it? Cuz I know you are smarter than that.

When a terrorist attack happens, and they use it to its full fledge use, then you may be disgruntled about it, because you have never even endured what good it does, you just look at the negative side effects from it. There are positive things that come from it.

I don't need to go back to class on the Consititution, I know damn well what Amendments it impedes upon. Do i remeber them by heart no, but I can surely glance over the Patriot Act and know which rights it strips. Freedom of Speech is one, but I don't see you shouldn't give a dang about that. You think they're going to detain you for saying President Bush sucks right after a terrorist attack? I am assuming that they only use the stripping of freedom of speech so the media cannot produce bull.

How do you know it is incapble of doing so. The government can detain a terrorist PRIOR to them striking down an American City, beheading an American, kidnapping, whatever. Do you have evidence that a terrorist attack has been thwarted since 9/11? Do you know that we have had one SINCE 9/11? I don't. And I would LOVE to know if we did or if we DID not.

They are both written pieces of paper. They serve nothing. However, the consititution has bogus things in it, dumb Amendments that serve not a purpose, but I don't see you knocking on their door for those, some of them destroy other rights.

Also, if we are refering to the Constitution that was ratified in 1791, then you have even more discepencies, because all of the amendments that were not on the constitution at that time. Slaves were still allowed on the consitution back then, because we didn't even have the Emancipation Proclomation amended until 1861 I wanna say. Women couldn't vote until 1921. What about the drinking Prohibition, or the other amendment that let 18 year olds drink 1/2 beers.

Now I am supposed to go back to American Government Class?

Ah, the arrogance of male youth. I like you Pyro. Enjoy the chats with you and all that. In time you'll see the wisdom of some of the older members here. When I was 16, as you are, I was "young, dumb, and full of cum." also (Mom, Grandma slap away - it's a line from "Point Break" by the actor John McGinley). Don't get too caught up in your beliefs just yet. The Patriot Act hasn't provided anymore security for the U.S. citizenry than before 9/11. It has been used to keep U.S. citizens detained without the use of counsel, or writ of habeus (sp?) corpus for at least two years. Have you ever read the Patriot Act? I doubt it. Congress didn't read it either, before passing it. The Congress didn't read Patriot Act II either before passing it. So, you can keep up with your uninformed vitriol as a mod here, or you can choose to become informed. Yes, you need a serious re-visit to your American Constitution class. Let me know what the tuition is. I'll chip in. Your lack of education and worldly experience are showing. What's that old saying, "Better to keep your mouth shut, and let others think you're ignorant, rather than open your mouth and confirm their suspicsions." I'm paraphrasing, but it's appropriate. The rantings of a 16 yr. old are just that. Rantings of the uninformed. Insulting a lawyer (Paul) who is a duly admitted member to the bar furthers the case for the assessment of your ignorance and harmonally induced rantings. Chill bro. Spend time with your pup. Enjoy your time not having to work. That will change to your chagrin later in life. Leave the "big stuff" to those who have some wisdom in the matter at hand. I hazard a guess that you parrot your parents' political leanings. That's my opinion, I could be wrong.

Peace and Chavez to you (my 25 yr. old daughter told me that was a "cool" closing statement - what the hell do I know.)



Terror in the Skies, Again?

Please be careful about being patronizing or antagonizing. If you don't agree with Pyro, by all means state why. However, do not suggest to him or anyone else not to express his opinion or to keep away from the 'big dogs'. I am not a lawyer, but I'll debate Paul if I feel like doing so.

Remember, this is a free and open message board where anyone is free to post. If someone wanted to be pro-communism and anti-american, they would still have the right to post here as long as they were not being disruptive.

Also, everyone here needs to remember to keep their cool. Let's all be friends or, barring that, at least respectful to one another. If flare-ups and rude behavior continue, warnings will be issued.


Active Member
Terror in the Skies, Again?

Ah, the arrogance of male youth. I like you Pyro. Enjoy the chats with you and all that. In time you'll see the wisdom of some of the older members here. When I was 16, as you are, I was \"young, dumb, and full of cum.\" also (Mom, Grandma slap away - it's a line from \"Point Break\" by the actor John McGinley). Don't get too caught up in your beliefs just yet. The Patriot Act hasn't provided anymore security for the U.S. citizenry than before 9/11. It has been used to keep U.S. citizens detained without the use of counsel, or writ of habeus (sp?) corpus for at least two years. Have you ever read the Patriot Act? I doubt it. Congress didn't read it either, before passing it. The Congress didn't read Patriot Act II either before passing it. So, you can keep up with your uninformed vitriol as a mod here, or you can choose to become informed. Yes, you need a serious re-visit to your American Constitution class. Let me know what the tuition is. I'll chip in. Your lack of education and worldly experience are showing. What's that old saying, \"Better to keep your mouth shut, and let others think you're ignorant, rather than open your mouth and confirm their suspicsions.\" I'm paraphrasing, but it's appropriate. The rantings of a 16 yr. old are just that. Rantings of the uninformed. Insulting a lawyer (Paul) who is a duly admitted member to the bar furthers the case for the assessment of your ignorance and harmonally induced rantings. Chill bro. Spend time with your pup. Enjoy your time not having to work. That will change to your chagrin later in life. Leave the \"big stuff\" to those who have some wisdom in the matter at hand. I hazard a guess that you parrot your parents' political leanings. That's my opinion, I could be wrong.

Peace and Chavez to you (my 25 yr. old daughter told me that was a \"cool\" closing statement - what the hell do I know.)


This is going to sound childish, but because I am 16 immature, ignorant, arrogant onward and so forth. If I am two years away from being "legal" as many would put it. Atleast I make a stab at trying to understand what is going on in the whole wide world, inwhich my generation will make up. Also, you say that I am arrogant, look at yourself, leave this for the "wise, older people", so me and Rug should steer clear of anything that has to do with Politics and such? Well, I'll be damned, that means I have to leave this whole forum, because JTs story is based on Politics, Alexanders story is based on JTs. And others have also stated such garbage that relates to politics, and time travel is also related to politics if you view it.

My parents don't even talk about politics, my beliefs are based upon my readings. Do not ever subject me to "mimicing" my parents. Hell their beliefs on terrorism and the government are way different than mine. They say this about terrorism if you really want me to mimic them "If I die, I die, i cannot control what those bastards do to me".

People already think that I am ignorant that is not going to change anything. I don't care what people think of me. Why Should I honestly? I mean, if you think that I am ignorant so be it, I don't give two poops of a damn.

And Yes I have read the Patriot Act. I have read it for one reason, to see if it could possibly be the reason for this upcoming Civil War. And I also read it to see what the huge fuss was about, within political issues.

I don't care if Paul is a lawyer or if he is a garbage man, people making those comments will get the same response from me. Also, insulting a lawyer is any different than insulting a 16 year old? Oh, i forgot, a lawyer is a real job, where as working for the government is not, definetly forgot about that aspect.

You do not make up my future, I do. The next election that is coming I will be 20 years of age. By then I hope I have a little bit more wisdom, because as most fortell, i have jack squat up top.

Terrorism affects us all, it does not just pertain to you old folk. We were all affected by the 4 airplanes that went down on 9/11. How can you sit there and think that this does not affect my life as much as it does to you as well? I am one of the few that actually give a damn about politics, and terrorism. Most just brush it off as the same ol' typical bullshit from the government.

And finally, if you deem that I need a warning for my nature of my posts so be it, but I should be getting used to warnings then, because I will be receving many warnings, because that is my attitude. Also, sorry for the swearing, however it was necessarry, and I tried to modify it to not include the swearing but I gave up.


Terror in the Skies, Again?

maybe because I'm a woman, where you see arrogance I see innocence. I like Pyro too. :)
mine is a preemptive attack: don't fight! >:D<


Terror in the Skies, Again?

Sorry Pyro, I just can't hear what you are saying. I want to, because what you are saying is so much easier to believe than what I believe. I can't come at all of this from a terrorism angle. This is because I do not think there is or ever was a terrorist threat to us like the government and media makes us believe there is. 9/11 was planned and executed by white guys in suits that have a lot of power in the world. Maybe the dudes on the 9/11 planes thought that they were doing it for Islam and Allah, and maybe their superiors do as well. However most organizations are run as a pyrmaid scheme and those at the bottom (muslim hijackers) really have to clue who is pulling the strings at the very top.

As you peal back layer after layer in these organizations and get to the very bottom of who is pulling the strings you find that nothing is what it seems.

The saudi's who hijacked those planes on Sept. 11th were bad guys who thought they were doing it all for allah. Their superiors in al quada and the superiors of those superiors probably thought the same. But go to the very top and the people planning and funding these attacks to influence world events and politics are none other than some very powerful people in the western world. A lot of governments were involved in 9/11 and none of them were muslim/middle eastern. The only ones involved that prayed to allah were the scumbags at the very bottom of the food chain taking orders from god knows who.

The patriot was designed to go after US citizens who are non-compliant from a government perspective. No matter how tight the patriot act is, it will not protect us from the risk of attack. This is because if those bad boys in suits at the top decide that another terrorist attack is necessary for politcal reasons then sure as ###### we will have one.

I am by no means implicating the bush administration or any other administration in any of this, nor am I blaming any political party. The real guys who run the show arent the ones who sit in the white house. All this liberal jerk versus conservative nut case crap is just a diversion people. It doesn't matter if Bush or Clinton or Kerry or Barbara Streisand is sitting in the white house. The same people are still running the show and the same stuff is going to happen.


Terror in the Skies, Again?

All this liberal jerk versus conservative nut case crap is just a diversion people. It doesn't matter if Bush or Clinton or Kerry or Barbara Streisand is sitting in the white house. The same people are still running the show and the same stuff is going to happen.

We should write these words in capitals over our TV sets and think about it everyday.
Nothing else to add.

Judge Bean

Senior Member
Terror in the Skies, Again?

Originally posted by Cornelia@Jul 21 2004, 03:29 PM
All this liberal jerk versus conservative nut case crap is just a diversion people. It doesn't matter if Bush or Clinton or Kerry or Barbara Streisand is sitting in the white house. The same people are still running the show and the same stuff is going to happen.

We should write these words in capitals over our TV sets and think about it everyday.
Nothing else to add.

This is exactly right.

Also: I do not feel any insult, though one may have been intended. And I don't care how old anyone is who posts here; it is curious that so many of us are teenagers, and have practically no problem carrying on a discourse with those two or three times their age. But it is hardly an obstacle.

When you get older, you often hesitate before speaking-- which can be a good or a bad thing, depending. Americans need to listen to each other more, no matter their ages or occupations. The Anti-Americans want us to bicker rather than discuss our differences; likewise, those who take the side of civilization against brute rule and anarchy need to be shut up before the dark side can take over.

There are apparently those who want us to be divided and to fight at all levels. You're supposed to be preoccupied with renaming your French Fries and protecting the institution of marriage (Ha! As if you could hamper that after a million years of social evolution! Now that's arrogance-- to believe you could save marriage by passing a law, to believe that marriage would not survive without you)... rather than look and see what they are doing to your fundamental liberties.

Once everybody's fighting, they can just stroll in and do whatever they want.


Terror in the Skies, Again?

Originally posted by Paul J. Lyon@Jul 21 2004, 11:59 AM
Once everybody's fighting, they can just stroll in and do whatever they want.

Very well said, Paul. Certainly a point for us all to ponder. :)
