The 100 push ups challenge


Temporal Engineer
Well, I got through week 4 unsuccessfully. It was a total fail. So I have to do week 4 over. What am I doing wrong? I thought these workouts were supposed to gradually get you to build up muscle mass. But there is something I have noticed as time progressed. In order for me to successfully do more pushups, I would do them faster. So I was bouncing up and down. That is not how I started out in the beginning. In today's workouts I deliberately decided to do each pushup more slowly. And I would briefly rest while doing them if it got too hard. At the end of my workout, my triceps were very tight and almost numb. That was a first. I haven't felt that way after a workout. So I went over to YouTube to see if this was maybe a hidden secret. Apparently so. Do you think you can do just 10 pushups? Try doing just 10 pushups daily the way this guy does them.



Temporal Engineer
I'll bet I'm probably the only one still doing this. But I figure you guys just need a little incentive. So anyway I was just browsing on the internet and I ran across this picture that I think could be of tremendous benefit as a visual aid to help you achieve your goal.



Temporal Engineer
Can you say Oh my God. She's now my higher power... :cool:

I think this picture could keep your mind off of what you are doing. So if you are suffering the painful agony of doing pushups, I do think this diversionary tactic could distract you from thinking about the pain and agony. And before you know it, you're done with another workout. I do know the picture will be confusing at first. Just reason it out. Do you want to think about the pain, or would you rather think about the picture. I'm telling you this works.


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
I'll bet I'm probably the only one still doing this. But I figure you guys just need a little incentive. So anyway I was just browsing on the internet and I ran across this picture that I think could be of tremendous benefit as a visual aid to help you achieve your goal.

No way.... Those babies would give her a disadvantage, for sure....



Temporal Engineer
I'll bet I'm probably the only one still doing this. But I figure you guys just need a little incentive. So anyway I was just browsing on the internet and I ran across this picture that I think could be of tremendous benefit as a visual aid to help you achieve your goal.

No way.... Those babies would give her a disadvantage, for sure....


I'm quite sure that it would take a different type of picture if you're a female. Perhaps this picture would distract you while doing your pushups...

