The afterlife, with a foreword by bats!

Re: The Afterlife, with a foreword by Bats!

Umm one thing during Vietnam but then again alot of weird things happened down there to the vets. But his story is that at work his computer went into standby mode and he passed out then he dreamed he saw his mom in a field or something hanging up clothes to dry... I don't know what it means or if it was something from his memories, but he defiantly knew his mom died before he was told.
Re: The Afterlife, with a foreword by Bats!

I must admit that I know nothing about symbolics of dreams/vision. The idea of a collective Gaia, collective mind sounds good. It's probably once more linked with god, (or whatever you call it), as some say they received "messages from god" when they have visions.

Re: The Afterlife, with a foreword by Bats!

A while back Chip showed me some transcripts from a group that communicates with some kind of collective conscience... I don't remember specifics but the gist of it was that there's several levels of consciousness. When you die, you ascend to the next level until you're part of the whole. I forget what the point of this post was, but this thread reminded me of it.
Re: The Afterlife, with a foreword by Bats!

Numenorean7 said:
Personally, I can't believe we're only made out of flesh. I mean, are we existing for at least one reason ?

We do, we are the sex organs of our own DNA.

So, in a sense, our DNA live on after we die. IOW, it is through us, the sex organs, that DNA manages to have an afterlife.

Not really fair, is it?

You might say the same if you were a DNA molecule. I mean, it's [us that are the sex organs. Not fair to the poor little DNA molecules, really.

Re: The Afterlife, with a foreword by Bats!

Harte said:
We do, we are the sex organs of our own DNA.

So, in a sense, our DNA live on after we die. IOW, it is through us, the sex organs, that DNA manages to have an afterlife.

Not really fair, is it?

You might say the same if you were a DNA molecule. I mean, it's [us that are the sex organs. Not fair to the poor little DNA molecules, really.

So, if our only goal in life is to die, AND to replicate DNA, that's just not fair for everyone.
I mean, I don't have any idea if there's something after life, but what's the point of living then.
I understand that there can be no point at all !!!
In the case that God exists, ok, there must be a purpose.
Whatever your religion, there must be something !

Yeah, We're made out of flesh, but what about our brain what happens to its content when we die ?
Do we have a soul ? What about it ?[SIZE=-1]

Re: The Afterlife, with a foreword by Bats!

Okay, but what if God's purpose is to ensure that DNA continues and we are merely the means he has chosen for this most Holy objective?

In that case, it is the DNA molecule that has the higher moral ground, right?

Re: The Afterlife, with a foreword by Bats!

So, that would do for the DNA's afterlife.
I understand that dead people still "live" through what they leaved behind, like their DNA, their children, etc. But when they die, what do they keep with them ?
That's the human afterlife, what happens to the "magic of life" inside us when we die ? (You may call that "electric flux" if you want). That's what makes us aware of the fact that we exist doesn't it ?

Re: The Afterlife, with a foreword by Bats!

Numenorean7 said:
So, that would do for the DNA's afterlife.
I understand that dead people still "live" through what they leaved behind, like their DNA, their children, etc. But when they die, what do they keep with them ?
Maybe it's the DNA that is "people" and we ourselves are inconsequential in the argument.

Numenorean7 said:
That's the human afterlife, what happens to the "magic of life" inside us when we die ? (You may call that "electric flux" if you want). That's what makes us aware of the fact that we exist doesn't it ?

Not that I'm aware (pun intended.)

Re: The Afterlife, with a foreword by Bats!

Numenorean7 said:
So, that would do for the DNA's afterlife.
I understand that dead people still "live" through what they leaved behind, like their DNA, their children, etc. But when they die, what do they keep with them ?
That's the human afterlife, what happens to the "magic of life" inside us when we die ? (You may call that "electric flux" if you want). That's what makes us aware of the fact that we exist doesn't it ?


Dead people only have their bodies..outer shell..
I think we are on this planet to procreate. We just get to do all sorts of other stuff too..
The "magic of life" goes on into space and there it is...I think that is what our soul is..It is energy, and how you treat it and what you do with it while you are alive makes a difference in what it does after your body dies....
And I dont think that people can actually talk to or hear the spirits out there..Not like the way Sylvia Browne does. I think shes sort of full of it..I do think that she is psychic, Its just that she just has embellished herself and is now a rich caricature of herself..Real psychics get to know their own bodies and what they are capable of and that takes some can feel the energy that is around them..thats all. Not "your Aunt says hi" or whatever....Anyway..Our energy just goes on....:)
Re: The Afterlife, with a foreword by Bats!

what happens ?????
well when its all said and done, we just don't know, now do we ?????
we all stand alone with the mass if infomation we have collected up to ourselves and hope we have some insite as to what is next. we have no uncle fred who came back and said hey its like this.we have a book that offers the truth if you can hear it.(I.M.H.O.) but each of us must walk the path to our own future alone. we have those who will offer there ideas. but thats all they realy are opions/ideas/guesses . sadly we spend most of our lives chasing the elussive dream of knowlage, only to find out we know nothing at all.
it is written
to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD
thats my story and I am sticking to it:D
