The meaning of 177

Have you done any research yourself on his past code claims, to see if they are legit or he is talking out of his ass?

I have done research on John Titor for several years and I never saw anything of what TR claimed in the Chatroom. Secondly, TR wouldn't give me a straight answer about anything if his life depended on it. When we first met, he picked my brain, but he would never return the same courtesy. In all the time that I knew him on the Forum, he never answered any of my questions. He always answered my questions with more questions. It was totally ridiculous.

So in answer to the second part of your question..."or he is talking out of his *ss?" IMO, yes!

He lied repeatedly in the Chatroom about his identity, and he holds no credibility with me.
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I created this thread to explore the possibility of 177 having further meaning. No more. No less. I would have done so no matter who suggested it.

I am trying desperately not to get in the middle of two people not getting a long (to put it simply). I really don't want to choose sides. Please understand.


I personally feel negative opinions about other members should be done in private. I'm sorry. I'm going to make people very mad right now, but I have respect for Temporal Recon's research and level of thinking. Do I think his answers are definitive? Of course not. Why do you think I and others are here? We are all exploring ALL the possibilities. Do I like how he was badgering Sam? No. Do I truly understand the situation? Probably not. But if I focus on Titor, I like what he has to say.

This is not pointed at Sam or anyone in particular, FYI. I have respect for her, too. She helped me through a recent difficult situation. She has been patient and understanding with me. She also has a lot of knowledge about Titor. THAT'S THE BEAUTY. Take in MANY perspectives and you can fill in many more holes that way. Seriously. How can one become educated by reading one side of the story?

In TR's defense: He likes to make people think and figure things out for himself, hence the questions
In Sam's defense: I don't know the history of their relationship. Only Sam knows that. I probably don't know the whole story.
I know what she told me and I don't know what to think about it, yet.

Let's not COMPETE. Let's all SHARE AND COMBINE KNOWLEDGE and debate with respect.


Another possibility is that a pattern could have been used for other Johns or time travelers to recognize online. Perhaps past internet archives are scanned with a computer in the future. Who knows? Has anyone verified the pattern, yet? Honestly, I haven't. Doh.

I have been reading along here for a while now, watching everyone speculate as to what this or that means. The whole time, I have sat in a position of knowing exactly what key aspects of the 'Titor' story are about. I know this because I have been able to crack the code, and only because I have the key to said code, ...and only because it was intended that I have the key.

Although very few, there are others like myself that are able to look deeper into it and see something the rest do not. While everyone is focusing on the cover story, I am seeing another that very much differs.

I have watched as hoaxers and imposters are simply rejected because their information doesn't line up with what claimed 'experts' 'know' as truth. I have also watched people with legitimate information also be rejected for the same reason. TR is a good example.

Which brings me to Sam...

Sam is a claimed 'expert' because she has done a lot of research into 'Titor'. The problem with her 'expertise' is that it is based upon the cover story, which was obviously intended as a decoy story and medium for inserting cryptic messages as well as a means to obfuscate. Sam has made up her mind about a lot of things, and is thus quick to reject anything that she does not interpret as truth. While I can certainly understand the skepticism and frustration with hoaxers and such, she has nonetheless served as a roadblock by not keeping a more open mind.

The other night in chat, she was quick to judge me as a hoaxer, accused me of being TR, and basically rejected anything I had to say. To be clear, I understand her position and hold no animosity. In fact, I kinda like Sam. Perhaps that's why I pick on her sometimes.

Part of my intent in chat the other night was to feel you all out to see if you guys are ready for it. Most here simply are not. People would rather get wrapped up in drama than to actually listen and think. If people cannot handle a simple conversation, then they surely aren't ready.

Whether you all realize it or not, I gave you tons of valuable information. I did so in form of riddle, and because no one wanted to actually think about it, because people were too busy rejecting, it went right over your heads. I basically told you what 177 means, and you are all still trying to figure it out. Lol.

So, I will just sit back and be entertained by the continued speculation.
John's primary mission is computer related. So he is a computer expert, no? There is a military intelligence unit who's mission is to attack U.S. networks and find vulnerabilities before the enemy does. It is called the 177th Information Warfare Aggressor Squadron.

The badge itself is unmistakably patterned after the
DEUTSCHE ANTARKTISCHE EXPEDITION 1938 - 1939 Nazi military badge.
This expedition is related to UFO and time travel conspiracy legends.

The image in the middle is obviously Pamela's Kerr Singularity.

But most of all, the 177th is the name of a military unit in the state of Florida that does cartography. That information was on the Internet but I believe it was erased from this time-line by Titor. If any of you remember reading about it -- let us know here in the discussion.

Probably all this information is tied together somehow.
John's primary mission is computer related. So he is a computer expert, no? There is a military intelligence unit who's mission is to attack U.S. networks and find vulnerabilities before the enemy does. It is called the 177th Information Warfare Aggressor Squadron.

Interesting and confirmed. It's real.
177th Information Warfare Aggressor Squadron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The badge itself is unmistakably patterned after the DEUTSCHE ANTARKTISCHE EXPEDITION 1938 - 1939 Nazi military badge.
This expedition is related to UFO and time travel conspiracy legends.

I noticed that on Youtube. I'll post it for everyone to see:


But most of all, the 177th is the name of a military unit in the state of Florida that does cartography. That information was on the Internet but I believe it was erased from this time-line by Titor. If any of you remember reading about it -- let us know here in the discussion.

Was this mentioned by Titor?

Scary thought if the Nazis had access to time travel technology. They were experimenting with all kinds of things back then. But, your information implies that the Americans were involved. A cyber and time war? Future America vs. Nazi Germany? Speculation: Do we really KNOW John was on "our" side? Are you implying that Americans were working WITH the Nazis?

Perhaps in 2036 they were scrambling to fix the Unix problem for security reasons? If the space program still uses/will use Unix, I'm sure the military does/will too. Hmmm. The plot thickens.

This might bring in Rex's "Jesus" hint ----- Jewish.....Nazi.......

Ren, you did your homework. Thank you for sharing.

I found this:
177th Military Police Brigade
177th Military Police Brigade (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But your information warfare theory fits in better.
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"Was this mentioned by Titor?"

I don't believe so.

"Speculation: Do we really KNOW John was on "our" side? Are you implying that Americans were working WITH the Nazis?"

Yes. I believe that John Titor is a U.S. patriot. But Operation Paper-clip is not a conspiracy myth. It really happened. The Russians got the land and the U.S. got the scientists. These guys were working on way out there stuff.

"Perhaps in 2036 they were scrambling to fix the Unix problem for security reasons? If the space program still uses/will use Unix, I'm sure the military does/will too. Hmmm. The plot thickens."

Who can say?

"I found this:
177th Military Police Brigade
177th Military Police Brigade (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I believe that John loves to combine 3 different answers into 1 and jumble them up.
I don't believe in coincidences. Synchronization is very strong when people discuss time travel.

For example, I watched the movie "Jack Reacher" tonight. It is about a guy who was a U.S. Army Military Police officer during the Iraq War -- travels around and mysteriously comes into people's lives to solve problems.
Operation Paperclip: reading about that now. History is not one of my strong points.
Your theory is interesting indeed. Perhaps they are still working together. Hmmm.
