The "Miami Ten Foot Tall Interdimensional Aliens"


Senior Member

the amount of cop cars:

I think the guy being interviewed seems credible, but when I watch the videos like
ALL the videos are HORRIBLE. The "aliens" just look like humans blurred out,
people have pointed out they can't even make their cell phones footage look
THAT terrible, and as far as I see there's zero evidence aliens were there,
but the incident IS very odd as there are lots of people who claim they saw
the ten foot tall shadow aliens.

The ONLY impressive footage is these kids that throw something on the ground that
turns into a big bright swirling portal, but I think that might have been faked somehow
(CGI video manipulation of a firework being thrown?).
I have NO clue I'm clueless on this one but I don't see any aliens.
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Wondered when you lot were gonna notice this...
All i'm gonna say is, no one in miami reporting kids fighting with sticks is ever going to warrant near a hundred cop cars. If the cops there are anything like here it would take hours to see one damn car.
And of course it's complete coincidence that 160,000 homes suffered a power loss almost immediately after, and closing down the airspace...yeah, cause thats fucking normal...
Doesn't matter what happened, you should be able to spot a cover up by now.
You wanna see what happened, remote view or astral project into the place...and btw, you won't likely be able to because the space now has psychic wards around it of some sort...
Wondered when you lot were gonna notice this...
All i'm gonna say is, no one in miami reporting kids fighting with sticks is ever going to warrant near a hundred cop cars. If the cops there are anything like here it would take hours to see one damn car.
And of course it's complete coincidence that 160,000 homes suffered a power loss almost immediately after, and closing down the airspace...yeah, cause thats fucking normal...
Doesn't matter what happened, you should be able to spot a cover up by now.
You wanna see what happened, remote view or astral project into the place...and btw, you won't likely be able to because the space now has psychic wards around it of some sort...

Florida police actually are like this. My daughter's school had a continuous bomb threat for a week. Cops from other counties came and surrounded the school and were running around the school with guns. It was a huge incident and they covered it up and downplayed the entire thing. Kids said they heard gun shots but the school denied it in the news. They had the students sitting out in the hot sun for 3 hours. All of them came home sunburned. So, it doesn't surprise me that every officer in the state showed up to the above riot, alien or not. Just my opinion.
