Re: The United States of America
Fear is an intergral part in the Neocon agenda. For we see the Threat level go up, then we have a false sense of security that we are safe when it goes to yellow. But they still leave it at "Significant Threat for an attack", just to drive some fear into the populus.
The DHS is a joke, and it is absolutely ludicrious to think that they will EVER be something worthy to this nation. For they are the scum of this Earth. I look liked a freakin' saint compared to ex-Secretary Ridge. Yes, I do make blasphemous comments left and right. Oh well, thats what being a non-christian gets you. Because everything I say might as well be considered blasphemy. What can I say?
Oh, I can be like President Bush, and give a bible verse. Slam that Bible, because that is just another way that the Current Administration uses its propaganda. It uses religion, to make a connection. For Christianity, is the thing that would be Bush's bane, but I digress...
Our President has slammed his male instrument incessantly, saying his gut told him that Iraq possed WMDs. His gut must've been Carl Rove, or Rummy because I have news for Bushco, your gut does not lie. So there is lie number one, that he has been caught in. And your gut does have a name, its called your heart. President Bush, and heart? You've got to be kidding me. That is a joke in itself, hmmpf.
The Saudi's are not in compliance with what we have told them, but you know. Their oil is more precious to us than their abolishment of supporting of Terrorism. I'm sorry, I didn't know we were putting oil ahead of what SHOULD be put first. Disgusting politics by the United States Government, they do seriously cease to amaze me.
Eutychus, you have made the comment that you will not be joining me on the beach. This is fine, wade in the water. For the Tidal wave will wash you ashore. And I will be sitting their anchored to my posistion on the beach, not washed away. Their own Tidal wave will go beyond the beach, and they will be affected by it. Should I continue with this symbology?
I hope I'm moving along on their DHS lists, their colored ones.
Where are the Conservatives and Democrats on this issue? Are they out to dinner? Come on, I live for a good ol' fun. Come on Eutychus I know your a Conservative, give me a run for my money. Anyone?