Mate, I would be all but happy if your information regarding China were as benign as we would like to think but it is possibly worse than that. ?If I am not mistaken, ?China owns about 90 some % of our debt. ?If they ever ponied up to the bar and demanded their money, ?we would be as solvent as MEK surrounding styrofoam. ?Not a nice thought. ( Come to think of it, ?doesn't China own about 80% of Japan's debt?)[/b]
Right now, no one stands a chance of making a seaborn invasion against us, I don't think economacally crippeling us will make a difference in that. It is of note however that in both world wars, Mexico was willing to deal with the Germans, and the Japanese to act as a base of operations for an invasion of the continential united states. There supposedly have been sitings of chinese troops in mexico for a number of years. I doubt something like that would escape notice of our intelligence agencies, but I could be wrong. Also they could have something going with Cuba.Consider that Australia has a population less than 25 million and you can see why we would be concerned about ANY asian invasion, thankfully it's a fair hike to come down here, you can't just sneak across the border. <: