The War on Christianity in America


Senior Member
Here's a place to post about the War on Christianity in America!

PLEASE NOTE: This thread is a place to post examples of the 'War on Christianity' in America. This thread is not a place to wage war on Christianity.

If you want to Debate or speak against Christianity, please post here: Debate - There is no God | Paranormalis
And or here: Who is the real God ? | Paranormalis

Religion Is Not Welcome: How a Prayer Wrecked a Graduation

The debate over school prayer has reared it's head in Arkansas this week.

Two sixth grade graduations were cancelled in Riverside Unified School District after a parent protested against a prayer that was to be recited during the ceremony.

“Those campuses for the last several years had discussed whether we should continue with sixth grade graduation or not,” Tommy Knight, the superintendent of the Riverside School District told Fox News. “The controversy arose out of this one. When it came to my attention, the board and I decided to go ahead and discontinue sixth grade graduations.”

The school received a letter from Freedom From Religion Foundation, a Wisconsin’s nonprofit with a mission to educate the public “on matters relating to nontheism, and to promote the constitutional principle of separation between church and state.”

A group of Arkansas freethinkers called the cancellation “selfish.”

“The Arkansas Society of Freethinkers is disappointed that Riverside school cancelled its graduation simply because the school couldn’t sponsor a prayer,” Anne Orsi, a member of the Arkansas Society of Freethinkers, told TakePart. “We think that the students are the big losers in this astonishing display of religious selfishness on the part of the school’s administration. There is absolutely no reason the graduation ceremony cannot continue without forcing the attendees to submit to a public prayer. There is no reason to punish these children.”

School prayer and religion in public schools remains a hot button issue that has resulting in numerous court cases. Many schools throughout the country are trying to delicately deal with religion during upcoming graduation activities.

In 1992, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that public schools cannot sponsor prayer at graduation ceremonies, citing a violation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment. But students can express themselves during graduation and that might include prayer.

In Georgia, a school was recently forced to stop saying prayers or playing songs with religious references at graduation ceremonies after the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) sent a warning letter.

“Public schools should not be seeking out songs that exclude students and create a divisive environment,” FFRF attorney Andrew Seidelan wrote in the letter.

In Kentucky, the Lincoln County High School principal is trying to find middle ground on the prayer front. Traditionally, the school’s graduating class has had student-led prayer during the ceremony. But, to do so, graduating students had to okay the prayer with a unanimous vote. This year, six students said they did not want the prayer. It has since been cancelled.

Earlier this month, a former Navy chaplain offered a $1,000 reward to any student who says a prayer during a graduation ceremony at a school in St. Johns County, Florida.

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee told TakePart that there is a current fear of prayer in this country.

“How very sad that our culture is collapsing under the weight of religious intolerance that it is fearful of a prayer,” he said. “Prayers are said in Congress, at presidential inaugurations, and by chaplains in our military. To forbid a prayer at a school activity because one person objects is just sad. Can one person protest our accommodating Muslim food and prayers at Gitmo and get that stopped?”

In Lake City, Arkansas, parents are meeting Thursday night to decide on a church that will host a private graduation ceremony for Christian students who attend the public school.

This thrills Arkansas school prayer supporters.

“I am personally definitely a proponent of prayer, even prayer in school. I believe guiding our children to seek a relationship with God is the ultimate in community service,” Laurie Lee, a conservative activist in Arkansas, told TakePart. “What inspires me most, is how these parents are handling the situation. It's wonderful that they are taking what could have been a very disappointing event and it is evolving into a celebration based on faith and inclusion for all in the community.”


Senior Member
See we're caught in a No win Situation here, We got one side who find it offensive to pray etc etc and the other side who find it offensive NOT to pray, no matter what anyone does it will offender one or the other, i know this was never really such a touchy subject till Immigrants really started to take over and i really don't think i need to go any further in depth with the main group that is causing the issue.

Me i don't care, pray to who ever you want, do what ever you want. It becomes a issue when it starts to affect me, when the views are pushed on me and when our life has to change to suit those who it "Offends" Such as Prayer in school "something i did all growing up, along with the pledge of allegiance"

I have said it once and i will stand by it, we are at a impassable stage in our society, we cannot and will not evolve past where we are at, and when civilizations hit this wall.....Well we all know what happens next.

This one is one i figured you would like Same
A&E's show Duck Dynasty shows Praying and Using the phrase, "In Jesus Name" at the end of their prayers. Papa Robertson fought against an attempt by the show’s producers to edit the word “Jesus” out of the family prayers. When the show’s bosses tried to censor certain language in an effort to alter the image of the Robertson clan, he insisted that the editing cease. The good news is A&E just signed the faithful family for another Season!
0 they also insisted on them stop praying period and using Guns, papa robertson said it is part of there daily lives and they wont change, needless to say A&E didnt argue with their cash cow


Junior Member
How many counties are there in the USA where alcohol sales are restricted or prohibited on Sunday? What is the significance of Sunday? is the Christian sabbath.

How many of those counties do not restrict or prohibit the sale of food for Yom Kippur or Ramadan in which fasting is practiced?

How many people in the USA are non-Christians who could care less about the Christian sabbath?

How many people in the USA are not Jewish or Muslim who could care less about Yom Kippur or Ramadan?

How many atheists live in the USA? How many Pagans live in the USA? How many different religions do Americans practice?

How many events involve Christian prayers and/or practices, guide-lines, etc?

The USA is a virtual Christian theocracy and people are sick of it. What has happened is that because the majority of Americans are Christians, Christianity has worked it's way into the culture so deeply that it effects everyone through laws and such where those who are not Christian are more or less forced to to practice and/or be subjected to Christianity.

What some call a 'War on Religion/Christianity', is really backlash manifested from tolerance level being breached.

I have been doing a bit of research in this area. I find that when you try to explain this to Christians, it is often met with arrogance and self righteousness as if Christians have a monopoly on philosophical truth. What many Christians do not understand is that not everyone agrees, nor does everyone have to agree.

While I see that most religious beliefs systems' followers all are equally as arrogant as to what the truth is, ...not as many are so self righteous that they feel they can impose their beliefs onto least not in the USA.

Christians are often the problem as many do not respect the rights of others to believe in something else, to not be subjected to THEIR beliefs. It is this self righteousness that lays the groundwork for the justification of violating others.

There is no war on religion, but rather defense of freedom of religions.

Say a hundred different prayers before a high school football game, ...or none at all. Don't drink on Sunday if that's what you wish to do, but don't make others not drink on Sunday. Don't say YOUR Lord's name in vain if you like, but don't regulate late night television as to not be able to say "God Damn". Obey YOUR God's commandments, but don't post them and ONLY them in EVERYONE'S court house, school, etc.

How would Christians feel if food sales were prohibited for Ramadan or Yom Kippur? How would Christians feel if other commandments were posted in their school or courthouse? What happens if/when Christians become the minority and get a taste of their own medicine?

The whole idea of separation of church and state is to allow freedom to choose what to believe, to practice, and without imposing it through law onto others. Freedom of religion is universally beneficial, thus works great.

Personally, I think religions of all kinds should be celebrated and/or explored, rather than fought over and/or applied through law. We can have a moral and philosophical basis for our society without including/imposing a particular religion.

Respect rights. Live and Let Live. Golden Rule...universally beneficial, ...very very simple.


well this is right in line with what this thread is all about... if you don't like what some one is saying just be violant and the court will protect you....

Judge goes off deep end to shut up Christians

In his ruling, the judge Duggan said, “The court finds that the actual demonstration of violence here provided the requisite justification for [the Wayne County sheriffs'] intervention, even if the officials acted as they did because of the effect the speech had on the crowd

The ruling from Judge Patrick J. Duggan in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan granted Wayne County’s motion for summary judgment of a lawsuit brought by a team of Christians who were badgered, bullied and targeted with garbage thrown by Muslims who disliked their message at last year’s Arab Fest in Dearborn, Mich...


Junior Member
Well said Aeternam

I sound as if I am picking on Christians. Just to be clear, I know and love a lot of good Christian family, friends, community, etc. I don't have anything against Christianity or Christians.

But I have to call it as I see it. There is a predominant Christian influence in the USA, and subsequent imbalance with regard to the way we manage our society.

I don't see why we insert things like ceremonial nationalist or religious propaganda into sporting events and such anyway. Not that I am offended, but it just seems kinda odd to me. I can watch a sporting event while fully aware that god is omnipotent and which country I am in. The reminder is unnecessary.

Law is a big part of the issue as law cannot keep up with the real world and is predicated upon coercion. When you insert law into the equation, it inevitably causes duality and polarization, thus conflict. If you insert a particular religion into law, you are using coercion to forcefully influence those values. Law applies to everyone. But not everyone has the exact same religious values.

Gay is a little unnatural. But who do gay people harm by being gay? Why cannot they define marriage the way they want according to their beliefs and values while everyone else also defines marriage according to their beliefs and values?
A: Because law was inserted into a religious practice called marriage. Now gay people can't get legally married in a lot of places because some gods say gay people are wrong. And a lot of people are now having to accept a legal definition that differs from their religious definition of what marriage is.

Vote = Government = Law = enFORCEment = Coercion = Violation = Duality = Conflict


where the wild things are
You know what my problem with religion is? Those who'd rather try to convert just about everyone else who doesn't believe in their religion, to their religion. The same with religion in the education system. What about the ones who have their own religion and beliefs or the ones who have chosen not to believe? You can't simply just force one single unified religion onto them.

I have a friend from Texas. When he was in school, many years ago, he was forced to pray, and participate in religious activities. He hated it. Why? Because he didn't believe in a God. He was and still is Atheist. What do you do about that? People have the right to be Atheist, there is no law against that. As much as religious people claim there is, there is not.

So would you want your own children to be forced to believe in something, or would you rather let them make their own beliefs? I'd do exactly what mine did, let me choose. My parents are Christian, I'm not. I do have a belief in a higher power, however its my own belief.
