This Worldlines' John Titor

Jikan Yugami

Greetings, My name is John Titor, or at least that is my preferred name. I will not disclose my birth name for privacy reasons. I am not a time traveler like my former self, who mysteriously appeared in the year 2000, I am instead a self proclaimed scientist who spends a majority of his spare time studying time and working on a way to make worldline shifting (time travelling) a reality. I am determined to become the John Titor of this worldline even if his predictions do not come to pass in this worldline, because as he said many things will differ between where he came from and where we are.

I have, to date, spent approximately 2-3 years studying theories of time and time travel, whether or not it is even physically tangible or if it really is just a concept for us to record things, and how it really works. I studied this long before I learned of John Titor as well, who I only started looking into about a year ago. I will say that, much to my surprise, his words and my findings are very congruent. in fact they almost line up perfectly. I don't expect too many people to believe that I am telling the truth as we are on the Internet and anyone can pass anything off as fact. I will disclaim again though so there is no confusion, I AM NOT THE ORIGINAL JOHN TITOR. I am instead choosing to become this worldlines' John Titor.

If you would like to discuss thing s with me in the near future, feel free to. I am working on creating a discord to join the server there. For now feel free to reach out to me anytime you wish. I will answer to the best of my ability as there is still and always something to learn.

-El Psy Kongroo


Temporal Engineer
If you go to discord, no one will ever hear from you or see you again. It seems to be a place where the unwanted go to die.

I would be interested in seeing any fact based research you've done so far to identify what time is.

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At least your not one of the many trying to use the John Titor name for fame and attention, like soooo many have done and continue to do.

It is good to see that You are just using the name in respect to the original. Glad to see that.

I wish You luck with your research. And i'm glad to see Your not using the John Titor name like so many others have done...

so soo many have done...


Jikan Yugami

If you go to discord, no one will ever hear from you or see you again. It seems to be a place where the unwanted go to die.

I would be interested in seeing any fact based research you've done so far to identify what time is.
I appreciate your notice about the discord, and as for any fact based research i have done so far, i cannot say with certainty that what i theorize to be fact, all i am making is really just shots in the dark at what seems to be the most logical explanation on how time travel might be plausible. So sadly to say, I don't have any proof of it being real yet. I hope to work on it one day with a team of dedicated to create time travel. One idea I have is that time travel will be very difficult if not impossible to prove because of how it works. That idea is because we would have to take a person with us to an alternate world-line then bring them back to the one we are currently on. sounds easy enough right? Here is where it gets tricky, we would have to create a kind of GPS type system on the machine itself to find our way back, otherwise it would just be random travel. Kinda like playing darts while absolutely hammered, based on luck and hope. But I don't know about anyone else but I am definitely done living on faith alone.
I'm terribly sorry I took so long to reply to your post as I had to catch up on and binge a lot of anime over the weekend. I will typically be on between 1-4 pm EST on Mon-Fri. Thank you for listening to my rambling and being kind.


theoretically, or rather the idea's that are in my mind lol, returning to a point of origin, would be easier, with a clock. The clock pulses, act as a beacon. Once a time is set, for the year desired to go to, another time, on a different display, is set, this is a countdown timer, which counts down the amount of time the traveller sets, by which they believe they will return. Once an information wormhole is opened to another parallel earth/time, the microchip , of the timer, keeps the "universal" binary code , (origin of position, via postion of device), then once activated, the traveller jumps into the wormhole (using whatever ), and the device counts down. they travel to the time/parallel earth, the other display reveals the time that was set to arrive to, gravity check on another area of the device. All systems go. A snapshot is taken, in case a return to that point is needed later, then once the timer finishes count down, whether its a year, a day, whatever, the traveller must be ready and turn the dial to open the vortex. it must be at the precise time of zero, or the co-ordinates won't remain to be caught onto by the device's memory return function. Then, one returns to the original world line. Unless the device was not activated at zero, then they will be just travelling randomly, and returning to the actual original world line, will be an infinite % long of doing so. anyhow there's my mind, (always effected by the show sliders), yet anyhow, there's just a fraction of what my mind has... ah... in mind... on how to do so, and indeed, what i am hoping to create someday as well. though i'm working alone on it, because, the more one brings in a circle, the more chance the invention won't be created the way one wants.

anyhow i wish you luck with your research .

and since you are not the real john titor, and have not given another nick name for the yourself in the forum, i will just say, good luck .




Junior Member
If you go to discord, no one will ever hear from you or see you again. It seems to be a place where the unwanted go to die.

I would be interested in seeing any fact based research you've done so far to identify what time is.
Nonsense, many site members have already joined the Discord. Though it's true they work with the government and sell information I doubt the american government will do anything with this information.
