Debate Time travelers posting online: Are they all fake?


Temporal Engineer
We are members that share recent schematics. Lot of administrators have publish schematics too. The first rule to be respectfull in this forum if you claim that you are a time traveller is to give your time travel schematic machine. If not, it is the finale evidence that you are a liar, and do not respect others members, that share knowledge, and that you not understand schematics. Do not said that we are too stupid to understand schematics or that you want to keep schematics for yourself it is a false escuse that finally prouve that you are a liar. If you want to be a time traveller, publish your schematics.

Since this thread was created I came up with a time traveler test that all takers have failed except one.

The test: "What is the answer to the question I haven't asked you yet?"


Senior Member
We are members that share recent schematics. Lot of administrators have publish schematics too. The first rule to be respectfull in this forum if you claim that you are a time traveller is to give your time travel schematic machine. If not, it is the finale evidence that you are a liar, and do not respect others members, that share knowledge, and that you not understand schematics. Do not said that we are too stupid to understand schematics or that you want to keep schematics for yourself it is a false escuse that finally prouve that you are a liar. If you want to be a time traveller, publish your schematics.
If you've been roped in on another's use of time travel technology, to where you've traveled inadvertently, you can't always publish the schemos for that edifice. In my case I was very far back in time, on my knees in fact in that particular instance. I could feel how thick the air was then and was picking up animal sounds around me.

The thing was, I was not using my vision, but I think an EM part of my vision that was allowing me to see across dimensions. How it looked to me if I can convey this properly, is jungle-like foliage, but the color was gray of the objects around me I was seeing, but the green within that altered visual matrix was still coming through. Kind of embedded if you will.

My physical body was anchored in this relative time, but my inside awareness composition was about 65 million years back. For those few seconds, I was more awe taken, rather than scared. I also knew that I was near where Billy Meier and Semjase had walked through, somehow.

I could sense them in the distance, but knew I was in the midst of a prehistoric jungle.

I guess my total time was about thirty seconds, then I rose up to my feet and went back to bed. Why I could do this was Semjase was my fraternal by twins leftover body cells and this was during the time to where her complete body pattern was being downloaded into me.

Sticking to what your complaining about, this is the standard sonic beamship, I think they did it in. Cause this ship has a resonance that cuts nicely into time and space. Might have been another time ship, but that's just my guess.



Senior Member
Since this thread was created I came up with a time traveler test that all takers have failed except one.

The test: "What is the answer to the question I haven't asked you yet?"
I just wanted to note in watching the video I presented, that I have tears in my eyes. When you jump in time especially with the Pleiadeans this upsets all your preset notions of what things should be. There's also the familial aspect of Semjase having been my sister. Most have no concept as to what this does to a person inside.

This is while I have my ire about the landings, I also have my dumbfoundedness of what happened. Overwhelmed and can't express it all.


Senior Member
I love time travel claims, even if they're blowing smoke. While not "time travel", I think it provides an outlet for thoughts, fears, hopes and dreams which can't really be articulated very well (or very interestingly) outside of that context.

What interests me is the concept and pathways someone's mind had to walk to get there. I'm weird. Other people are weird. It's an enjoyable way to see if my green is the same as your green and I think I have enough discernment to go along with something without having to adopt a belief system, but not everyone be like I do.

That said, there are some assholes out there. People who create these stories not as an outlet or "thought experiment", but to rile you up or freak you out. I can do without those, and it's relatively easy to get a feel for what kind of claim it is if you read enough of them.

One day, though, someone might show up that makes all the practice we did with the fakers worth it.


Senior Member
Since this thread was created I came up with a time traveler test that all takers have failed except one.

The test: "What is the answer to the question I haven't asked you yet?"
I actually knew the answer to a question before I heard it for the first time in fifth grade elementary school. Had a future vision where a classmate came to me with a riddle when I arrived to school in the morning, taking my shoes off. Guessed wrong and heard the right answer in the vision. Then I woke up, got really annoyed about having to brush my teeth and walk to school for the second time, remembered his riddle from the vision, and instantly replied with the right answer without thinking. I never saw any logic in the answer, because it was a very long made up nonsense word of what something would be called, referring to pop cultural references unfamiliar to me, intended for absolutely nobody to guess it right. He was quite baffled because I just came there in the morning, with no chance of contacting others who heard his new riddle. Mobile phones were too heavy for children to carry at the time, so none my my classmates were able to spread the answer.


Senior Member
I actually knew the answer to a question before I heard it for the first time in fifth grade elementary school. Had a future vision where a classmate came to me with a riddle when I arrived to school in the morning, taking my shoes off. Guessed wrong and heard the right answer in the vision. Then I woke up, got really annoyed about having to brush my teeth and walk to school for the second time, remembered his riddle from the vision, and instantly replied with the right answer without thinking. I never saw any logic in the answer, because it was a very long made up nonsense word of what something would be called, referring to pop cultural references unfamiliar to me, intended for absolutely nobody to guess it right. He was quite baffled because I just came there in the morning, with no chance of contacting others who heard his new riddle. Mobile phones were too heavy for children to carry at the time, so none my my classmates were able to spread the answer.
At the risk of taking this off topic, I've had things like this happen too.

9th grade, had a dream my teachers were complaining about how hard it is to get into the office to get their paychecks on payday. One of them says "it's like WWF" (wrestling before it was WWE). Weird vivid dream that I remember telling my parents about that morning. Went to school that day, and went to my print design class (using printing presses and working with printing plates and stuff).

I'm sitting there at a computer trying to find my Zip drive, and those same teachers walk through the back of the workshop talking about how hard it is to get their paychecks. At the exact right moment, I turned around and said "it's like WWF" in unison with the other teacher. They all just looked at me weird and walked off, but it freaked me out for a while.

I have more than a few stories like that. Not sure what it means, it's never anything important.
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Senior Member
At the risk of taking this off topic, I've had things like this happen too.

9th grade, had a dream my teachers were complaining about how hard it is to get into the office to get their paychecks on payday. One of them says "it's like WWF" (wrestling before it was WWE). Weird vivid dream that I remember telling my parents about that morning. Went to school that day, and went to my print design class (using printing presses and working with printing plates and stuff).

I'm sitting there at a computer trying to find my Zip drive, and those same teachers walk through the back of the workshop talking about how hard it is to get their paychecks. At the exact right moment, I turned around and said "it's like WWF" in unison with the other teacher. They all just looked at me weird and walked off, but it freaked me out for a while.

I have more than a few stories like that. Not sure what it means, it's never anything important.

Time travelers should bring the next generation of zip drives with highly optimized crystal storage to prove that they are from the future. Because people are tired of having piles of nameless USB memory sticks lying around.


I actually knew the answer to a question before I heard it for the first time in fifth grade elementary school. Had a future vision where a classmate came to me with a riddle when I arrived to school in the morning, taking my shoes off. Guessed wrong and heard the right answer in the vision. Then I woke up, got really annoyed about having to brush my teeth and walk to school for the second time, remembered his riddle from the vision, and instantly replied with the right answer without thinking. I never saw any logic in the answer, because it was a very long made up nonsense word of what something would be called, referring to pop cultural references unfamiliar to me, intended for absolutely nobody to guess it right. He was quite baffled because I just came there in the morning, with no chance of contacting others who heard his new riddle. Mobile phones were too heavy for children to carry at the time, so none my my classmates were able to spread the answer.
At the risk of taking this off topic, I've had things like this happen too.

9th grade, had a dream my teachers were complaining about how hard it is to get into the office to get their paychecks on payday. One of them says "it's like WWF" (wrestling before it was WWE). Weird vivid dream that I remember telling my parents about that morning. Went to school that day, and went to my print design class (using printing presses and working with printing plates and stuff).

I'm sitting there at a computer trying to find my Zip drive, and those same teachers walk through the back of the workshop talking about how hard it is to get their paychecks. At the exact right moment, I turned around and said "it's like WWF" in unison with the other teacher. They all just looked at me weird and walked off, but it freaked me out for a while.

I have more than a few stories like that. Not sure what it means, it's never anything important.

I don't know @Cosmo , maybe it has everything to do with some sort of time travel...? (Precognition)

Love reading stories like these because I have had incidents like this in my life too.
Makes me feel that I'm not alone with this.
