TimeBenders machine ideas.


TimeBenders machine ideas.

Hi it's me once again I just wanted to say I was thinking and I came up with the idea of building a remote control time machine or time travel device it would be based off of the sliders tv series and other shows but it would be for physical and mental travel and not interdimensional, dimensional, and multidimensional travel I don't have equations or math skills or anything to show you though because I wasn't very smart in school and such anyways let me know what you think for sure!

Rob Hackimer
Hi Rob it's Frog I just wanted to tell you I believe you will be successful in building your device as long as the police, military, and government doesn't find out about it because they will take it away from you though but I won't disrespect you at all so I am cool with people who are cool with me so I won't tell anyone about it but let me know for sure how everything works for you and your device well I have stuff to do so I will talk with you later on and if you need help sorry I can't tell you advice in person but I will help you online!


Active Member
TimeBenders machine ideas.

Here is TreverHale's posts.

Posted: Sep 10 2003, 06:24 PM
I built a time machine it is pretty simple really, almost every time I go to the future some thing is differant. the farther I go into the future the more things that are differant.
Posted: Sep 11 2003, 01:23 PM
Yeah you just hop in and flip the switch for past or future and shut her off when you get there. You dont really set the dates though, it more kinda makes time run in fast forward or rewind untell you get to when you want. the past is the same but if I went forward in time 2 months one time the lotto numbers might be 23 47 08 12 and 33, the next time I go the numbers would be differant. but if I only go an hour or 30 min forward maybe only one number will change or they will be the same numbers exactaly every time I go. I dont like going to time periods befor my personal time, I go forward alot but going to the past I could accidentaly mess some thing up, so I dont go into the past very often.
Posted: Sep 12 2003, 06:41 AM
When I go forward the future that I reach is a future where I disappeared the moment that I started the trip so I have never ran into an older version of my self, That happens because my trip back isn't predetermined. When I arrive back a few minutes after I left it and time starts to flow normally again I move along a time line where I age normally so I never show up in my time machine to say hi.
I don't go into the past because that would cause an alternate time line then I could never reach this one again, and I like my life and there is no way to know what would or would not change this enough to change my life. There are things that I would like to change yes believe me there are some things that I would like to stop my self from doing, but by stopping myself from doing one of those things I would change the rest of my life, For example if I stopped my self from hitting on a girl in high school then maybe I wouldn't have chosen the career that I have then I would not have met my wife now and the sequence of events that lead me to build my machine would have never happened so when I returned to my present time there would then be 2 of me one who remembers an older version of him self showing up and telling him to stay home one friday night and the me that made the trip. he would have never built the machine and would probably be miserable with out the woman that I married. Or worse yet if I go really far back, and accidentally bump into a guy on the street now that guy takes just a few seconds longer to get where he was going so he doesn't cross the street at the same time and some one driving a car doesn't slow down for him and because of that they don't see a small boy run out into the road and the man in the car hits the boy killing him, and when I return to today's date I don't exist because that boy never grew up into my Dad. so I am trapped in a world where I cant get a job cause my soc. number doesn't exist. The past is to messy to even bother traveling to. If you guys want to go right ahead, but me I like my life and would rather not mess it up.

Posted: Sep 16 2003, 08:14 PM
Ok Sorry I took me a while to get back to the board any way...

I am not really shure where I go while I am moveing forward in time, I know that no one ever stands around a looks at me that makes me think that they cant see me. And them not seeing me is probably a good thing other wise ever trip forward I would stop and there would be tons of people around and stuff and that is always bad.

I think that people dont see me when I am comming back to my time because I am only in the same time as every one else for a fraction of a second, like if two tranes are passing each other going differant directions you cant see in the windows of the other train very well, its alot like that only much faster, and my \"trains\" windows are very small while every one elses is very large. mybe that dosent make any sence but I am sleepy I will try and explain better after some sleep

Posted: Sep 17 2003, 06:54 PM
It feels likea like being in a car when it go's over a small bump in the road only the bump lasts alot longer. it looks alot like fast forward or rewind on a VCR only there is kind of a blur around every thing. The sounds are the most interesting though the machine dosent make any noise, but while moveing forward or backward you hear this windy houling sort of sound. If you have ever been knocked out how when you wake up you hear all of these noises around you but far away all kind of muffled and running together.

Posted: Sep 18 2003, 07:51 PM
Oh you know dilithium crystals plutonium.... Just kidding
Alot of wire and some timers, I recently though of an imporved design that would use fiber optics to time when the coils turn on and off rather than measuring out a bunch of copper wire. The basic theory behind the whole thing is to move at light speeds with out really moveing. so the fabric of reality \"see's\" the machine moveing even though its not.

Posted: Sep 19 2003, 06:57 PM
Basically my device generates a electromagnetic field that it then moves at light speeds. At just below light speed you experiance time dialation in which your suroundings will move faster around you, and at double light speed time will run backawards around you twice as fast as it is moveing forward, at three times light speed time will run backwards ruffly 3 times as fast as it moves forward. The machine is a disk shape and every thing in the center of the disk and a small surounding area out side of the disk will be affected by the time dialation. All of this is the simple stuff. getting the field to move at the speeds that are needed is kind of a huge pain in the ass, there is allot of math and it is all dependent on how large you want the device.
It basically comes down to getting the electomagnets to turn on and off in order
Like I said I used the wire going to the magnets for timeing. Now I got lucky and \"came across\" a cecium timer and used the signal out of that ran it down the cables to the coils.
each cable needs to be spasificaly measured to get the coil to turn on at the exactinterval after the coil befor it turned on. And that is why the device is in the shape of a disk so when the last coil shuts off the first coil turns on again, not like you could tell the flick on and off dosens of times a nanosecond.
I think I have a way of using multiple cheeper less accurate timers to make the signal that I would need to get my device working again IF the cecium ever crapped out.

That is the best that I can do to describe how it works. I have never really had any amazing adventures with my machine. I usually make a few trips to around the same time to find out the probabliaty of some thing happening. I also use it to avoid rush hour traffic on my way to work. It is a pretty usless thing really every time I try to win the lotto the numbers are differant, every trip at least 1 or 2 numbers change. And as far as getting better odds on sports and every thing the odds that you get any where else are pretty accurate.

Posted: Sep 20 2003, 05:47 PM
Multiple time lines

nothing is predetermined. but some things have better odds of happening than others though.
Oh I havent had any publicity cause I dont want any, can you emagin how many crasy people would come after me if I showed up on the news useing a time machine. Thousands of nuttballs willing to hold a gun to my head to make me take them to the past to save some ones life or to the future to win money, what they wouldent understand is if they saved so and so's life then they would have no reason to travel to the past and we would end up in a universe where they never came to bother me then and only then would I possibly be able to explain that by changing the past we are now in an alternate reality where both of us will have to live the rest of our lives with out our family because we would each have a double who lived there lives in our reality that is probably pretty confusing. How many of you would run to my home if I was on the news with a working time machine more than willing to hold a gun to my head for a chance to change some thing.

Like I have said I dont wanna change my past. I have had some hard times and a while ago I would have wanted to change them but if I had changed any one of them my life would not be as good as it is now.
You know what I mean?
Posted: Sep 21 2003, 06:49 PM
How I got the idea is kinda a long story but I will try and shorten it up a bit.
I have been interested in time travel for as long as I can remeber, all of the devices I could find plans for in the internet seemed, well baised on some not so solid foundations. and the few that I build dident work, I got into the theories behind it all and tried to design some thing based on those ideas like tuning things with you mind and so on, but then I realised that if the devices that I could find dident work then any thing baised on the same ideas probably work work eather.
So I took a few steps back and though about what has been proven to affect time. Speed, but I dont really have the budget to build a space ship. So It took a few months but eventually I came up with the idea for my device, I remeber exactally what I was doing I had just finnished hanging a clock over my toilet whne I slipped and hit my head, LOL I am kidding about the hanging the toilet thing but the rest of it is how it happened pretty much.
Posted: Dec 10 2003, 09:18 AM
(Phoenix @ Nov 2 2003, 07:09 PM)
As I understood it, it was a disk with a series of relays around it. The disk had to be big enough for who ever or what ever was to travel in time to stand on. The relays would send out an electrical current that would approach or exceed the speed of light there by invoking the principles of relativity that a rocket traveling at those speeds would experience.
Actually the Relays, are electro magnets no big diff really. and it moves a magnetic feild at light speeds.
Sorry I havent posted in so long, some one very close to me passed away. Soon after that I started to notice people following me, so I have been laying low. I will try and find a schmatic of my device to post. unfortunatly I cannot post a pic of the device. I dismantled it, and have stored it some where safe. Untell alot of stuff blows over I wont be traveling any more.


Active Member
TimeBenders machine ideas.

Here are TimeBender's posts.

Posted: Mar 2 2004, 03:26 AM
I just joined the list as I stumbled upon it and was intrigued. Time travel has always been more than a passing interest with me and I actually did build a \"Time Machine\" when I was in my early twenties. It was, more accurately, a \"Time Dilation\"device.

I was really into Tesla coils and other high voltage toys. One night, I decided to try building a levitation machine utilizing some high voltage equipment I had built previously. I also used a separate high current low voltage transformer that put out about 60 amps. This was before the internet was publically available and little information existed on the subject.

I decided that theoretically, if I combined the \"business\" properties that each form of electricity/electromagnetism had to offer, I could tinker around long enough to make a huge high frequency electromagnet which I could \"tune\" by both frequency and intensity independently. My premise was that gravity works on low frequency and in a single plane. I had hoped to figure out a way to \"envelop\" a small object in a high freq, high current field such that it would be \"shielded\" from the natural gravitational field and thus float or levitate within the boundaries of the field.

I was not nor am I a mathmatical wizard nor engineer and so my experiments are always by trial and error. What I ended up with was a huge coil within a coil, one for the high current and the other for the high voltage/frequency. It got hot pretty fast but I could run it for 30 minutes at a time before I had to let it cool down.

Initially I placed a few metal objects within the field and could adjust everything to nullify the electromagnetic effect where they would no longer stick to the inside of the coil, but they never levitated. I could get a few small items to slide around, but I attributed this to \"ionic wind\" effects. I decided to test how much I leakage I was getting within the field via ionic wind and eventually placed a lit candle inside the coil and then turned on the equipment. As suspected, the flame flickered out of control and the candle burned fast! I was disappointed and abandoned the equipment on the desk for a bit more than a week trying to figure out how to modify it.

When I went back to testing the unit, I lit another candle and powered up. This time I had everything at minimum input to the coil so I could log the level when the ionic wind effect began. To my amazement, the candle flame seemed to \"freeze\" as soon as I turned the unit on! I watched it for a few minutes before I powered down and the candle began flickering normally again! Power on, the flame froze, power off, the flame resumed flickering. It was then that I remembered the Philadelphia Experiment and nearly pee'd all over myself.

I used two new candles, one inside the coil and one on a shelf about three feet away. I lit them both and powered up again. The candle within the field stopped flickering and the one outside the field on the shelf continued burning normally. I played around burning candles for a few days. The candle inside the coil could be slowed down or speeded up. I could burn a whole candle in a few seconds while the one outside the field took about 30 minutes to burn down! I could also make the candle in the field stop melting, the flame just kind of stood there in the position it was in on power up.

I tried a few watches, but they quit working as soon as the unit was powered up. I even tried an heirloom wind up pocket watch that never worked again. After playing with it for a few months, I figured the effect must be common and convinced myself that it was little more than a parlor trick that I didn't know the principle of. Surely a tinkerer with crude hand made equipment couldn't manipulate time before some guy with a list of doctorates and endless resources, right?

I have concluded over the years, after studying the issue of time travel, that my crude maching was in fact capable of bending time. I still remember \"how\" I built it, but even the spark gap was hand made and I cannot remember it's size or number of contacts. One day, I'll be able to duplicate the effect. I haven't had time or resources for such things in years but if anyone else does, I'll be happy to share the basic construction of the equipment and the theory behind it.

Sorry for such a long intro,
Posted: Mar 2 2004, 05:26 PM
I offer my experiments in the public domain and thus they and their cumulative results are intended to remain in the public (FREE information exchange) forum. If you duplicate my experiments, I expect that you will forward ALL results, positive or negative to this list as it seems we are all of a singular interest no matter the damning we might endure outside the forum.

For Phoenix specifically;
From a cost standpoint, I've not a clue! All materials for the unit were salvaged from leftover electromagnet wire, Tesla coils,homebuilt x-ray units, etc. I guess my most pertinent answer here is \"Don't be shy!!!\" The tesla coils that were an actual part of the unit were homebuilt, 4 feet tall and shot a mean blueish bolt over 4 feet. The xfmr was intended to power shortwave equipment and could be relied upon to produce 50 amps @ 12v from a 110v source. I actually still have the original transformer in my posession.

I used hand made plexi-glass freq generators. (These were a round piece of plexi with....................7 individual contacts designed for high voltage (Tesla) experiments. The motors driving the \"plexi-spark gaps\" were standard refridgerator motors, the kind found near the compressor to keep it cool.

The capacitors, (I'm really going to have to draw a basic diagram for all this if intertest remains) were hand made of aluminum foil and waxed paper (grocery store fodder) and contained in PVC housings. There were three caps.

I hope that no one is expecting parts values as I have none. As mentioned before, I cannot do math nor am I an engineer. Truth is, I do not know any parts values as each piece was designed to be controlled externally by a virtual imbecile as myself who MUST look at the resistor color chart EVERY time I use it. Of course all separate circuits, the Tesla high freq generator as well as the off the shelf downconvertor (50a 12v xfmr) could be independantly controlled by variable resistors as well as the frequency being controlled by motor (spark gap) speed.

The only \"oddball\" part that I can remember is the vaccuum tube (x-ray tube) which was a standard amplifier tube...6xj6 or something similar. This specific item was used only in the beginning of my experiments. (A satisfactory X-ray device was commonly made by covering the end of a high power tube with foil and using only the input pin of the tube for a high voltage input. Within the first few days I eliminated the tube successfully in spirit of the principal.

Each piece of the unit minus wire was virtually hand crafted and didn't cost a dime. In the end what I had built was a step up transformer (powered by the12v 50a off the shelf unit\" surrounded by a torroidal coil with an air gap which was energized with high voltage in the neighborhood of 40-60kv. The coil weighed in at almost exactly 153 lbs and had a hollow center....like a donut.

My original idea was to contain the HV field with the high current field as I had read how electromagnetism is used to contain even atoms in an accellerator. This containment of the HV field, I theorized, would force the high voltage field into a more round or global configuration. I presumed that if I could supply enough HV to the field bending around a small object, I could in essence, shield it from the natural gravitational flows to which it is normally exposed and, presto, whatever was in the center of the field would float.

After realizing what the crude machine actually did, I tried vegetables which I could coax to liquify (decompose) within the limits of the machine, about 30 min. You could actually see them decompose before your eyes like the old high school time lapse movies about nature. It was phenomenal!!!!

I have probably written to execess again, so I'll leave it at that unless there are any more questions. I'll also see if I can make a diagram of some sort so you will at least have a \"layout\" of the components.

Posted: Mar 2 2004, 05:36 PM
PS The entire unit took less than 48 hours of construction time as the only part I had to build was the xfmr. I suppose you could build the unit today for less than $500 but still within 48 hours. If you are conservative or have a good \"hard parts bin\" you could build one from the ground up for less than $150 US. The wire for winding the main gravity field elimination xmfr will cost the most.

Hope that helps,

Posted: Mar 6 2004, 03:02 PM
No photos. As I stated, I wasn't aware of the devices significance until years later. I never intended to create the effect that I witnessed and thus, since the unit was supposed to levitate an object and did not, on one level I saw the experiment as a failure on another level I just assumed I had created an effect that must already be known and based upon known scientific principal.

I am a math idiot and am not an engineer. I believe that this has allowed me more freedom in my tinkering as I'm not pre-disposed to NOT try something because someone else said it won't work. I wish now that in my youthful ignorance, I would have had the sense to save the unit, but you know what they say about hindsight.

That failed experiment, I feel, gave me a better insight into the Philadelphia Experiment which I now also believe was a failure which was an unintentional glimpse into the same phenomena I stumbled upon.

I am still working up the block diagram from memory. It was basically a high current EM field rotating around a high freq/ high voltage field.

Sorry about the lack of photos but please realize that I had no idea what I had accomplished.

Posted: Mar 7 2004, 04:13 PM
You have brought up several...philisophical issues that I hadn't intended to encourage. I'm just a guy with an interest in TT like everyone else and I wouldn't dare attempt to put forth some greater knowlege as most of the \"travellers\" do. In fact I wish I did have a better understanding of the principles behind the experiment in this thread.

Understanding humanity to a degree, I have to wonder if \"travellers\" would be sent to bestow upon us some esoteric knowlege. I don't believe they would. The TT would be from a more military faction I would surmise and would have no interest in bestowing us with anything other than their home sickness and possibly a rememberance of what is to come based on their own memory.

The fact is, if we can travel through time in the future, it is based upon the technology of the past. I think that Alexander Bell never envisioned Cell Phones when he sent the first intelligable signal across the wires, but that is where the technology began. So too can I only dream of walking into my future, but my experiments, however crude they often are or have been, are the beginning of understanding a principle which has been elusive to our greatest minds.

I to encourage anyone with a junk box full of parts to play to their hearts content. For historically, the tinkerer has always laid the groundwork for new technologies. If we have technologically advanced circuits in the future which allow us to travel through time, the technology was obviously based upon crude experimentation of people like me, who come to this list because we believe.

As for the TT's who have some grand message...I don't believe it! Why would someone comfortable with our own future wish to change their own past?

PS: How do I upload my block diagram?

Posted: Mar 23 2004, 10:29 PM
Sorry for not uploading the diagram. Working homicide is never predictable and I had to leave for awhile. Let me figure out how to upload to the list. It should be available in the next day or so. I have alot of catch up reports first.


Posted: Apr 10 2004, 04:53 AM
I used the unit during day and darkhours and it worked consistently with no noticable diurnal fluctuations.

As far as power consumption, I would guess that it sucked quite a bit of juice considering the size of the xfmrs I used though I have no hard data regarding the same as I hadn't metered up for consumption, only effect. The lamp in my office also dimmed to a small but noticable degree whenever I powered up but I was used to that given the large Tesla coils I often toyed with.

Regarding \"bringing you back or getting stuck\", I really have no idea. As I originally stated, the unit was never intended for (nor suspected of) transport of a biological structure the size of a human body. I did put my iguana in it to speed him up and slow him down as well as a variety of vegetables and all seemed to come out as I'd hoped. The vege's tended to get moldy and even juicy depending upon how long or how many times they were subject to the unit's field, but the lizard and a couple of ant's and rolly pollies faired well. (I've a phobia about most bugs and so didn't test a wide variety) The iguana did get noticably larger with prolonged exposure but nothing real dramatic. I would just notice he seemed a bit bigger when I put him back in his cage though he did NOT go from 4 inches to 12 or something to that effect, just a small difference noticable from handling him each day. I just thought it was cool to speed them up and slow them down as I wished not realizing the significance.

My guess is that you could build a human sized unit with enough patience and wire.

Posted: Apr 22 2004, 11:41 PM
Hello All!

Sorry for my recent absence, but any rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. (PT Barnum)

Actually I had a major equipment failure and have been called to the \"front\" and so have been pre-occupied with clearances and such.

Frog, If I understand your question number one, my equipment was not big enough to encompass a whole person and knowing what I know now, I don't believe I'd try sticking only a fist into the unit either...I am rather attached to my fist. All my experiments were from a naive standpoint and I performed many experiments with actual operating equipment. The only one I ever built in fact.

Regarding question two;
Dimensions in any sense are incredibly complicated by the very nature of the question. If there are more than one dimension (we have proven there are) then there must be many. On a similar note, if there are many dimensions, there MUST be many which we cannot percieve just as we cannot \"see\" infra red or ultra violet photons and yet they undeniably still exist.

If we presume that there are many dimensions and also allow for dimensions which we cannot yet \"see\" or measure, then we must cede that we have a lack of understanding and thus many \"new\" discoveries are quite possibly a residual effect of effects of which we are currently ignorant or simply cannot measure.

Case in point...Dark Matter.
Dark matter has actual physical effects upon known celestial bodies and yet we cannot currently \"see\" it or even define what it might be. If we allow for dimensions which could co-exist with our own, and yet still cannot currently measure or see, then we have at least a potential explanation of \"where\" dark matter originates.

We tend to see on a very limited number of \"planes\". Scientists often explain the distortion of our known physical, spacial plane by showing us a planet (usually earth) over \"space\" (a gridlike representation on a black rubber sheet). We can visually \"see\" the distortion of lightwaves by a gravitational body as the rubber sheet is pulled from underneath the \"space\" wherein the planetary body resides thus \"warping\" the light wave. If we resign ourself to ignorance of our own universe, and look at what happens on the underside of the same rubber sheet (space in another dimension unaware of \"earth\") we would \"see\" a gravitational effect which must certainly be caused by matter with it's own density and yet, if we cannot physically \"see\" the planet causing the distortion, we must find a way to explain the anomaly, ie dark matter. I believe that there exists an infinite number of dimensions

I guess the simplest arguement is \"What is happening on the other side of a black hole?\". If we can only \"see\" one end from our own vantage point, the other end must exist somewhere. Another dimension seems the most plausible explaination.

Glad you found this post so late as I only recently returned! I feel your theory is right on the money. There were two opposing fields at right angles! Had I been aware of this when I initiated my tinkering I might be a very dangerous or wealthy person by now.

I also believe that the effects could be duplicated via smaller energy sources but I will offer that the most noticable differences in my unit were affected most dramatically by increased current (amperage). This is not to say that other adjustments did not produce results, only that I did not have the test equipment or foresight to perform more accurate experimentation. Current manipulation was the method which I relied upon for speeding up or slowing down various natural effects. I would only suggest more patience for those using smaller currents.

Incidentally, I ran into someone a few years ago who indicated similar effects using what he called a \"basket coil\".



Senior Member
TimeBenders machine ideas.

*jaw hits the ground*

That's.... Amazing. I think if this is ever built, we should try putting a lit candle in there, slow it down, and see how long you can keep it "frozen".

I want to build one so incredibly bad now. Once we move to our new apartment, I'm going to start tinkering around on my own this this sort of thing. My girlfriend will think I'm crazy.


TimeBenders machine ideas.

Hi All I just wanted to tell you all I might be able to go to radio shack this saturday or sunday and get the remote control that is the first thing I am going to do then while I am there still I might buy some parts too I hope it works if it does that would be awesome if not then I will build something else or not build anything also I know it doesn't sound cool to you all but I plan on using it though I will try and update if I can but if this remote thing doesn't work then I will continue to use my watch instead sorry guys no schematics or pics of what I am going to try to achieve or accomplish well let me know if this is stupid or smart to build and think of!


Active Member
TimeBenders machine ideas.

Tesla Coils
Tesla Coils

Tesla coils are air-core, resonant transformers. Working at high frequencies, they can generate tremendous voltages with spectacular lightning-like discharges. The most popular use for them has been in the film industry, where they are used whenever lightning or electrical arcs are required. Perhaps the best use of Tesla coil effects can be seen in \"The Entity\". In this film, the actress actually has lightning bolts radiating from her body, and this scene was not faked. (Bill Wysock provided the effects.) Another film was \"Terminator II\", specifically the scene where the 'bad' Terminator arrives from the future in the first part of the film. (The scene with all the trucks.). Mark Barton did the Tesla effects.

Pictured above are three Tesla coils that I have built over the years. On the left is a 500-watt vacuum tube powered coil, and it can produce a very hot, 5-6\" flaming brush discharge. It operates at 430 KHz. In the middle is a traditional spark-gap coil design. It is powered by a 9,000 volt neon sign transformer, and produces a very nice 14\" discharge. The secondary coil is only 14\" tall! On the right is a plasma lamp sculpture powered by a solid-state Tesla coil utilizing a flyback transformer. (That's me in the picture.)

Tesla coils are relatively simple, and resonably easy to construct. Despite the fact that they were invented over 100 years ago, they are still popular and fascinating devices. The problem is the lack of good, solid information.

How They Work

As mentioned, Tesla coils are resonant transformers. This implies that there is a specific frequency at which they operate - the resonant frequency. There is no \"special\" universal Tesla coil frequency - rather, you either target a frequency in the design, or tune a coil into whatever frequency it happens to be happy with.

What determines this resonant frequency is the secondary coil - a complex LCR network. The inductive (L) component is the physical coil itself, and is based upon the number of turns, the diameter and length of the coil. The capacitive ? component is comprised of several isotropic values; the surface of the secondary wire and the terminal electrode. (Isotropic capacitance in essence is 'virtual' capacitance - there is a capacitive effect even though it appears like there isn't any physical plates to create the capacitor.) The resistive ? component consists of the wire itself, and identifies the physical resistance of the secondary coil at the resonant frequency.

To get the secondary to resonate, pulses of energy have to be fed at just the right rate and frequency. A good analogy is that of a bell. To get the bell to ring, you need to tap it with a hammer. If you tap too hard, you can crack the bell. If you tap and hold the hammer on the bell too long, you don't get a clean, pure tone out of the bell.

Energy pulses come from the primary circuit. This circuit is made up of (1) the high-voltage transformer, (2) the primary capacitor, (3) the spark gap and (4) the primary coil. Together, these parts form a crude type of oscillator. What happens is thus: the transformer charges the capacitor up until there is a high enough voltage across the spark gap to jump the air gap. When this spark occurs, the energy stored in the capacitor is 'dumped' into the primary inductor. The primary inductor then builds a magnetic field as the capacitor's energy flows through it. The magnetic field will eventually collapse, and will in turn dump what energy is left back into the capacitor. This see-saw activity continues until there isn't enough voltage left to jump the spark gap.

The oscillation frequency is determined by the value of the primary capacitor and the primary inductor. Together, they form what is called a parallel-resonant circuit. In typical Telsa coil designs, the frequency is adjusted by altering the primary coil's inductance.

If the energy bursts are of the same frequency as the secondary, the energy transferred by the primary's magnetic field will start to build up in the secondary coil. Much like a laser, this energy grows and amplifies itself until there is an incredible voltage built up at the top of the coil, which dissapates into the air in the form of electrical sparks.


TimeBenders machine ideas.

Hi All I just wanted to say you guys think I am crazy or nuts about building a remote control time machine or time travel device well I am going to do it anyways and if it works at all I will tell you about my experiences and even show pics of what it will look like and such this will not be a kids toy it will be a serious one the good side is I am going to use it for time travel the bad side is if it doesn't work at all then I have failed in making this device this device will have no small one which is a prototype but instead the actual real one! now I know what your going to say it won't work and why isn't their a small one which will be a prototype well here is the real answer why make a prototype when you can have an actual one! this is no advertisment or commercial product like you see on tv or at movies well sorry to have bothered you all again but I am not building it for money or anything like that I will use it for myself and I will not need any help at all this project is for private and not for the public!


TimeBenders machine ideas.

Well, good luck Frog, please let us know and be careful.
Phoenix, it seems the topic title should change to "Trever Hales" instead of "time benders" as I got them switched in my head. However, now we've got what seem to be two possibly working time alteration device ideas in this thread. And that's as good a place as any to start putting something together. I'm much in the same vein as Time Bender as far as not being an engineer or math genius, but I am good with my hands, and do like playing with electricity. I probably would have put my hand in the thing.


Active Member
TimeBenders machine ideas.

Originally posted by Hackimer@ Rob,Jul 21 2004, 03:53 PM
Well, good luck Frog, please let us know and be careful.
Phoenix, it seems the topic title should change to \"Trever Hales\" instead of \"time benders\" as I got them switched in my head. However, now we've got what seem to be two possibly working time alteration device ideas in this thread. And that's as good a place as any to start putting something together. I'm much in the same vein as Time Bender as far as not being an engineer or math genius, but I am good with my hands, and do like playing with electricity. I probably would have put my hand in the thing.
Glad to be of help.
