Timetraveler2063 Questions and Comments


These words that follow are not my words. I post them here for the time is near: My children, it shall come as a thief in the night. Sudden Destruction. Does it not begin with a bang? My ways are not your ways. My plan cannot come forth until I give the command. It is not as you have known. Who will seek for this truth? Who will come before me to inquire? Is it not I who knows all? It has been planned this way since the foundation, yet only a few have been revealed its truth. I am a generous Father, if you seek diligently you shall find. I will make it known unto you. I will not leave you in the dark. Do the scribes and Pharisees know my ways or do they trust in the knowledge of men? They will be lost when summer is ended. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Why did they not look to their only Teacher, the True and Righteous Scribe? They choose to follow like a bunch of sheep the shepherd that leads them astray. Now they will worry. Now they have regret. Now, is it not too late? They have lost their ability to hear my voice. They fear only what repercussions man will have for them if they turn away from the teachings of old. They shall be forsaken. Only a remnant, a very few still have faith in my ways, just enough faith to catch a glimpse of my truth. One thread to hang on to. One prayer left from their heart. Will they cry out before I close my ear to them? Time shall tell all - the wicked from the righteous, the learned from the meek. I know my own and my own know me. They shall answer when I call. Heed the call O children, for you will only have one chance.
1 THES 5
for when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

You still didn't answer my questions.

No offense intended, but...What is the purpose of posting words similar to God's Word in the pretext that they were spoken by HIM? We do not know who spoke those words. I already know similar things from reading Scripture, which is the Word of God.

I'm a follower of Jesus...If you're going to post something that's supposed to be the words of God the Father, then you need to print the source, all the details of when/where/how it was delivered. God never hides this information. Jesus warned us about False Prophets in the Bible, and He said we will know them by their "fruits".


1) What year does the event with Planet X that's supposed to flood Texas (under 500 feet of water) take place?

2) What causes the Tsunami in 2012? Is it from an earthquake, a meteor, or what?

3) If the Tsunami is caused from an earthquake or meteor, where will the quake/meteor take place...What city/state?
Forgive me I didn't know it would offend anyone. The person who sent that message to me was Anna and the word came to her 8-17-12. Also nothing is hidden to his children for his word is true and powerful. No one is trying to be a false prophet I felt the spirit urging me to post this message here. Therefore I did. I have nothing to prove by posting the message her other then glorifying the Holy GOD I serve.

Q1: I'm not allowed to post the year of that event. I can tell you it shall be within the next 4 years.
Q2: both.
Q3: 2 very large earthquakes will take place. One near Australia and the other near the pacific northwest.
These words that follow are not my words. I post them here for the time is near: My children, it shall come as a thief in the night. Sudden Destruction. Does it not begin with a bang? My ways are not your ways. My plan cannot come forth until I give the command. It is not as you have known. Who will seek for this truth? Who will come before me to inquire? Is it not I who knows all? It has been planned this way since the foundation, yet only a few have been revealed its truth. I am a generous Father, if you seek diligently you shall find. I will make it known unto you. I will not leave you in the dark. Do the scribes and Pharisees know my ways or do they trust in the knowledge of men? They will be lost when summer is ended. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Why did they not look to their only Teacher, the True and Righteous Scribe? They choose to follow like a bunch of sheep the shepherd that leads them astray. Now they will worry. Now they have regret. Now, is it not too late? They have lost their ability to hear my voice. They fear only what repercussions man will have for them if they turn away from the teachings of old. They shall be forsaken. Only a remnant, a very few still have faith in my ways, just enough faith to catch a glimpse of my truth. One thread to hang on to. One prayer left from their heart. Will they cry out before I close my ear to them? Time shall tell all - the wicked from the righteous, the learned from the meek. I know my own and my own know me. They shall answer when I call. Heed the call O children, for you will only have one chance.
1 THES 5
for when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

You still didn't answer my questions.

No offense intended, but...What is the purpose of posting words similar to God's Word in the pretext that they were spoken by HIM? We do not know who spoke those words. I already know similar things from reading Scripture, which is the Word of God.

I'm a follower of Jesus...If you're going to post something that's supposed to be the words of God the Father, then you need to print the source, all the details of when/where/how it was delivered. God never hides this information. Jesus warned us about False Prophets in the Bible, and He said we will know them by their "fruits".


1) What year does the event with Planet X that's supposed to flood Texas (under 500 feet of water) take place?

2) What causes the Tsunami in 2012? Is it from an earthquake, a meteor, or what?

3) If the Tsunami is caused from an earthquake or meteor, where will the quake/meteor take place...What city/state?
Looks like these words are from God. That's what I get from it. Seems to be a warning.
They are.
Timetraveler2063, glad to see that you're still around. :)
Forget about the question i asked earlier, i understand that you wouldn't be able to answer it.

Instead, i have some other questions for you,

With what kind of time machine did you travel back in time ? And were you sent by someone ?
Also, if i were to ask you some question about lets say what team would win in a certain sports-game,
can i expect you to answer ? Or are you going to say that you won't say anything people
could use for personal gain ?

p.s. i know i said forget about the earlier question, but now that i think about it, you said you weren't sure, are you saying the guy in the video sounds like you ?
Q1: We use what you call a UFO. I can say nothing more about it.
Q2: I can not answer that. How would I know the answer to any question like that? There is no way I can know everything. For the things I know are the things that matter.
QUestions for 2036:

1. What is the best thing we can do if we come face to face with the Antichrist?

2. Are you saying God himself spoke these words to us that are in red in
Your post? When did he speak them (date and time) and what vessel did it
Come through? A human vessel or an audible voice?

3. How can we prepare ourselves for what is coming?
And how much time left would you guess we have?

4. Have you ever met Jesus face to face?

5. Does the antichrist come from the middle east?

6. Have you ever seen an angel ? If so what do they look like?

7. Have you ever fought an alien? If so what method did you use?

8. Are aliens involved in the armegeddon and will people see them openly during
This time?

9.have you ever get to visit the other worlds where Gods children are?

10.do demons openly attack people during the last days and are the ones
Held in chains released apon the world?

11. What are some ways God protects Christians in the last days when
All this us going on?

12. Is the mark of the beast the microchip transponders that some people have already
Started taking?

13. What are some things we should start saving up or is this just useless?

14.what is your method of timetravel here?

15. Will some people try to escape this period through time travel?

16. Is the antichrist a normal person before he gets injured in the head and Satan
Enters him or was Satan always in this person?

17. How will we recognize the antichrist?

18. Is the present economic crash the preparing for the mark of the beast?
It seemed too planned for me.

19. Is the us government still thinking these aliens are aliens or do some know
They are demons?

20. Are some aliens really from other worlds and not demons? If so what do these
Look like?

21. Will we openly see angels fighting demons during thus time or do they just sit
Back and watch it all?

22. Why do Christians have to go through Gods time of wrath?
Q:1 If such a thing would happen and you are full of the Holy Spirit you would have to do nothing for you are under the protection of GOD.
Q:2 I have answered that question here already.
Q:3 You prepare yourself by turning to GOD! After that all things will fall into place. The second part of your question I can not answer. I can only tell you what I have told you.
Q:4 No
Q:5 I have answered that question already.
Q:6 Yes. A Shining crystal of light.
Q: 7 No.
Q: 8 Yes.
Q:9 No.
Q:10 Yes.
Q:11 I have answered that question already.
Q:12 yes
Q:13 I don't understand?
Q:14 I have answered that question.
Q:15 Yes
Q:16 Yes he was normal.
Q:17 The children of GOD will know who he is for sure.
Q:18 Yes and the economy will crash soon very soon.
Q:19 Woe to the US government for the great deception fills there souls!!
Q:20 Not all are demons. I shall tell you this the grays are not what they seem for when you are near them they smell of sulfur. What does that tell you?
Q:21 I have no answer for that question.
23.Has anyone in your team met Jesus? If so what have they said about him.?

24.Is Christianity different in your time than ours. If so what are the differences?

25.Do you have the Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday?

26.Are heirloom seeds used a lot in your future.

27.What kind of food do you eat when you are here?

28.Are any of us known about in the future or are we all strangers to you?

29.Are you able to communicate with the people who sent you while you are here?

30. Are you able to communicate with other things by telepathy besides humans Such as animal or plants and if so what is that like since animals don't use words?

31.Are wild animals such as deer still afraid of us or can you go up and pet them?

32. If you communicate with animals or humans on your world by telepathy have you ever tried it Here on this world with our humans or animals ? If so what was the result?

I dont understand why you cannot talk about the new Jerusalem. It is not as if it is some kind of secret or some kind of classified information. If I saw it I would have no trouble at all describing it I would think of words to try to describe it. It is kind of like describing Jesus there are few words to describe seeing him but utter awe but you can still describe to the best of your ability. Such as when he looks at you his eye are utterly beautiful and he looks at you as if he is full of love for you and you feel absolutely no condemnation from him at all which makes you wonder greatly. Its as if love dances in his eyes. The robe he wears is so white there is absolutely no color on the earth to describe it except if you were looking at pure light or material where light is spun through it. If you have seen something there is a way to describe it... you just do the best you can . I wish I had seen it I know I could find a way to describe it. I find a way to describe everything else I see no matter how awesome or even if I dont understand something I am looking at I know if I describe it to the best of my ability someone else may know what I am talking about and be able to picture it as well.

I can think of no greater gift to give someone than to share your spiritual experiences with others. especially since some of us cannot use telepathy to see the wonders you have seen. But I greatly desire to see these things if no other way than through your description of what you have seen. do not deny us this. I would share it with you if I had seen it and you wanted to know.
Q:23 No
Q:24 Yes. No disagreements
Q:25 Sat
Q:26 yes
Q: 27 We bring our own. We eat nothing from here. Vegetables mainly.
Q:28 Don't understand.
Q:29 Yes
Q:30 Yes animals. We are all meant to communicate in this way. Yes animals do use words.
Q:31 Yes you can pet them. They have nothing to fear anymore.
Q:32 -----
33. You say the worldline has changed how do you know if we are in the same
Time schedule for armegeddon as the worldline you knew about?

34. How do you know it has changed? What are some things you have noticed
That are different from what you remember?
Q:33 All timelines are merging into one. It can be measured I should say it is being measured right now.
Q:34 The chipping of the Mexicans did not happen. By now the race war should have started it did not. Many things did not happen.
35. How can we know what you are telling us is the truth?
People lie in the name of Jesus all the time and even call
Themselves Christians.

36. What do you think of people who lie and use Jesuss name?
Is it ever justified to lie to people about end time knowledge?
Q:35 There is no certain way to know. We here all know that the timeline can change but as I have said here all timelines are merging into one. Man has almost made his choice as to what his future will certainly be. Can man make a better choice and change what is to come? Yes. Will he I doubt it. Therefore all things that are in the Bible will take place. Man has pushed certain things back delayed them some things have not even happen at all. In the end greed and lust for power will be the undoing of all that is before you now. Choice is the key word.
35. How can we know what you are telling us is the truth?
People lie in the name of Jesus all the time and even call
Themselves Christians.

36. What do you think of people who lie and use Jesuss name?
Is it ever justified to lie to people about end time knowledge?
Q:36 I'm not here to judge.
