Timetraveler2063 Questions and Comments

45. What is the race war and what races are they between?

46. What causes the race war?

47. Who do they start with first in America for the chipping?
Prisoners? Military? Children?

48. Can you go into the dangers of why people should
Refuse the mark of the beast?

49. How do they distribute the mark? Is a place set up?
Do you get it at the doctors office?

50. How do they notify you that you need to take the chip?
Is it done by location or alphabetical order?
Hi All it's Frog186 I got one important question for the timetraveler here it is What are some of the good things that the future holds for us in the further future instead of the bad things?

Frog.......... hey guy how the hell are ya ??????
damn glad to see ya back !!!!!!!!!!!!!
good question too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kcwildman and others it's me once again I just wanted to say I am doing okay for now and to tell you the truth I believe I shifted to a 2012 parallel universe everything looks the same you know in physics but people are different in it it isn't like future time travel and past time travel it is really hard to explain and I can't give you and others in this forum a lecture on what happened and so much more I will not answer any questions because you can't know too much about it in general and in private cars are the same also games are the same too houses and buildings are different colors not future style and past style anyone can say I am a liar but all of it is true skeptics can rebuke me all they want but if humans do survive then they are the power of what is going on!
Sam, I know sept 16 and sept 17. sept 16 begins the Jewish newyear at sundown until sept 17. His sabbath is on saturday
so they probably celebrate this jewish holiday as well. Am I right 2063? I kind of like the thought of returning the sabbath
to Saturday and I would very much like to participate in the Jewish holidays as a christian. I dont really know anyone who is Jewish though and its kind of hard to do by yourself I often wondered why as christians we had not adopted more jewish
traditions. I did buy a shofar though I kind of like having it in the china cabinet. :)

hmmm I need a number and forget what question I am on....I think 51.

51. TT2063 are you planning anything special for the jewish newyear this year?
QUESTION # 1000 I'd like to know if there is a day when everyone on earth falls down?

#1001 Are there minerals being mined by non earth humans in the hills of south eastern Arizon that earthly humans at this time find no purpose for?
#1002 Are you aware of contact of time travellers and the Tohono O'odham Nation?
Besides the Doom Scenarios, when does if it does the quality of life begin in the future better than whomever thinks that there is quality of life now except only the way that some people may tend to think while others may not agree as to what is quality of life?

(Besides the your quality is not my quality disagreements.)
