Timetraveler2063 Questions and Comments

Forgive me I didn't know it would offend anyone. The person who sent that message to me was Anna and the word came to her 8-17-12. Also nothing is hidden to his children for his word is true and powerful. No one is trying to be a false prophet I felt the spirit urging me to post this message here. Therefore I did. I have nothing to prove by posting the message her other then glorifying the Holy GOD I serve.

Q1: I'm not allowed to post the year of that event. I can tell you it shall be within the next 4 years.
Q2: both.
Q3: 2 very large earthquakes will take place. One near Australia and the other near the pacific northwest.

Thanks for the reply. You misunderstood when I said "No offense intended..." That means I am not trying to offend you.

So you are saying...The RED LETTER Comment was from a girl named Anna (on this Timeline?) on August 17, 2012? I just want to clarify that, so no one here thinks you have brought us a message from God in the future. :rolleyes: Is Anna from the future, or is she from our Time?

Now reposting your official predictions. Please let me know if these are accurate.


1) Within 4 years of 2012, something will happen with Planet X that will cause major flooding in the U.S. and put Texas under 500 feet of water.

2) There will be a Tsunami in Texas in 2012 that is caused by a meteor and an earthquake.

3) In 2012 there will be a "very large earthquake", " one near Australia and the other near the pacific northwest."

4) "Soon the month of September will be here!! 9-16-to 17 2012. 1335."

Thank you! You have made very BOLD Predictions, which I appreciate.

Is Number 4 a Prediction? I'm listing it as such, so please let me know if it is not.

TT2063, Please tell us...What does "1335" mean? Is it a time, such as military time when something will happen? Example: 1335 = 13:35 = 1:35 p.m.? Just a guess. Please let us know.

Timetraveler2063, Thank you for giving us specific predictions. Now we have information that will confirm or deny whether or not you are a real Time Traveler. I appreciate your patience and cooporation in answering our questions.

A couple of Pam's questions that you didn't understand...


28.Are any of us known about in the future or are we all strangers to you? PAM WANTS TO KNOW IF ANYONE HERE, NOW, IN OUR TIME IS KNOWN HISTORICALLY OR OTHERWISE TO THE PEOPLE IN YOUR TIME.

Anna is here in this time.
Hi All it's Frog186 I got one important question for the timetraveler here it is What are some of the good things that the future holds for us in the further future instead of the bad things?
You shall have more abilities then you have now. You will be faster stronger able to read peoples thoughts your frequency will be much higher. The homes will be able to produce its own energy food and water. Oh how great thy future is! People will be more caring of others instead of always trying to find fault like the people of here are. Computers like the one I type on now are long gone. No one types like this in our time.
Timetraveler2063, you said...Q:34 The chipping of the Mexicans did not happen. By now the race war should have started it did not. Many things did not happen.


1) Are you saying that on your Timeline, Mexicans were forced to take an implanted microchip? If so, by which government, the United States?

2) Were any other peoples or nations forced to take an implanted microchip?

3) Is George W. Bush known historically as a bad President or war criminal, etc. in 2063?

4) Is Barack Obama known historically as a bad or good President in 2063?

5) Does the U.S. have a President in 2063?

6) In addition to being ready spiritally (following Jesus & God), what can we do to prepare for what is coming? Example: Should we stock up on food, water, emergency supplies, that type of thing?

7) Should we keep firearms/guns for hunting for food, or for protection?

8) Will unpopulated areas in the U.S. be safer, or does it even matter where we are?

9) What are you doing with your daily time while you're here in 2012?

10) When will you be leaving our Timeline and where will you be going? Back to 2063?...or will you be staying to ride out the Tribulation Period again?

11) Was the UFO that brought you here created by extraterrestrials or humans?

12) Do you work for the U.S. Government? Who do you work for?
Q:1 Yes but that has changed. The Healthcare bill that Obama has started will be more how it shall start. Yes it was the USA that implemented it with the Mexicans.
Q2: Yes
Q3: Bush is known for being a part of the "Big Plan"
Q:4 Very Bad. He is the one who causes desolation.
Q:5 Not a President as you know it. A leader.
Q:6 I have answered that.
Q:7 All the above.
Q:8 Unpopulated will be much safer. Try to get in a small community with people you trust.
Q:9 In our spare time we give all Glory to GOD. Most of the time we are working on other parts of our mission.
Q:10 Our mission parameters have changed from my understanding we may be here for most of the Tribulation. We shall return to our time.
Q:11 Human. As many that you see now are made by human hands.
Q:12 Your government died in the 60's. We work for a research company that I will not name.
45. What is the race war and what races are they between?

46. What causes the race war?

47. Who do they start with first in America for the chipping?
Prisoners? Military? Children?

48. Can you go into the dangers of why people should
Refuse the mark of the beast?

49. How do they distribute the mark? Is a place set up?
Do you get it at the doctors office?

50. How do they notify you that you need to take the chip?
Is it done by location or alphabetical order?
Q:46 Hate
Q: 47 Your Military
Q:48 Yes read Revelation in the Bible
Q:49 You can get it in many places but yes doctors office is one. Food assistance is another.
45. What is the race war and what races are they between?

46. What causes the race war?

47. Who do they start with first in America for the chipping?
Prisoners? Military? Children?

48. Can you go into the dangers of why people should
Refuse the mark of the beast?

49. How do they distribute the mark? Is a place set up?
Do you get it at the doctors office?

50. How do they notify you that you need to take the chip?
Is it done by location or alphabetical order?
Q:50 It depends if you want to be a part of society.
