Judge Bean
Senior Member
Torture Condoned by the US Govt.
As for the theme of Moslem-hating going on in the forum, I guess that poor taste is better than no taste at all. You'd have to be insane not to agree with all of these people surfing on the crimson tide of bigotry and belligerence. So I am insane. Cary is insane. Anybody else?
Apparently there's no such thing any more as politics. Now it's just a matter of who you hate. Rule of thumb, you all agree to hate the ones who hate you. If a Moslem hates you, they all do, so you hate them all. Eventually, everybody hates everybody. Whether someone has a different point of view about deregulation or welfare is irrelevant: is he hateful?
When you think about it, you'd have to get rid of regular politics first in order to usher in a golden age of totalitarian statism.
I'm beginning to have nothing to say about this dreadful situation on the forum. It's apparently OK to hate and get a kick out of contemplating mass death.
Aministrator? Moderators? Is anybody out there?
Originally posted by CaryP@Jan 6 2005, 09:13 PM
Paul, or we the only sane or insane people on this issue? Or is it just me that's insane? I'm no bed-wetting, left wing, pinko, communist, Democrat, socialist, radical. I've been politically conservative all of my life. But this ain't conservative politics. This is the beginnings of a facist state IMO. Way past the conservative end for my tastes. Maybe I'm just the dumbass, but this whole thing has tilted toward the surreal. Somebody shoot me before reality sets in.
As for the theme of Moslem-hating going on in the forum, I guess that poor taste is better than no taste at all. You'd have to be insane not to agree with all of these people surfing on the crimson tide of bigotry and belligerence. So I am insane. Cary is insane. Anybody else?
Apparently there's no such thing any more as politics. Now it's just a matter of who you hate. Rule of thumb, you all agree to hate the ones who hate you. If a Moslem hates you, they all do, so you hate them all. Eventually, everybody hates everybody. Whether someone has a different point of view about deregulation or welfare is irrelevant: is he hateful?
When you think about it, you'd have to get rid of regular politics first in order to usher in a golden age of totalitarian statism.
I'm beginning to have nothing to say about this dreadful situation on the forum. It's apparently OK to hate and get a kick out of contemplating mass death.
Aministrator? Moderators? Is anybody out there?