War with Russia


Senior Member
Well I didn't plan on posting any more news, but this is too interesting to pass up. John Titor said there was a Draft on his Timeline. You can bet, there will be one here too, very soon!

QUESTION: Was a lot of the US 18-24 age group killed in the war because of a draft?



U.S. Selective Service System Tweets "In the event of a (Military) Draft . . ."

Interesting posting Windy, although the tweet itself seems ambiguous to me :unsure:

alpha centauri

Active Member
This is a summary of Putin as a KGB agent.
They claim that Putin had connections with a Neo-Nazi with the name of Rainer Sonntag:

Oh dear, what a WONDERFUL president putin is, declaring an imminent World War 3 with "tactical NUCLEAR bombs to be used"!!...Maybe putin should have a load of 7.62 bullets put into his deadly deluded head!!

Do you know, why they showed this map (at 25 seconds ) ? This is a map with East Prussia and the map is probably a map of Europe before WW2.
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Interesting posting Windy, although the tweet itself seems ambiguous to me :unsure:

Nope....That wasn't moi, TF. ;)

See below. :)

Well I didn't plan on posting any more news, but this is too interesting to pass up. John Titor said there was a Draft on his Timeline. You can bet, there will be one here too, very soon!

QUESTION: Was a lot of the US 18-24 age group killed in the war because of a draft?



U.S. Selective Service System Tweets "In the event of a (Military) Draft . . ."



Senior Member
What has he accomplished?
After the USSR disbanded, President Yeltsin came to power. He was a drunk who let Russian and US Oligarchs take control and plunder the Resources in Russia. While Oligarchs were raping Russia of Resources, Russians were starving and freezing to death. When Yeltsin stepped down and made Putin President, Putin kicked out and/or imprisoned the Oligarchs who were plundering Russia. Putin paid off International Bankers and kicked them out of Russia, including George Soros. Putin did everything that brought back the economy.

There were more Russians dying than were being born, so Putin provided financial income for pregnant mothers up to six months after babies are born to deter women from having abortions. He brought back industry. Thousands of churches have been built under Putin. Now 47% of Russians are Christian.

Russians don't have fluoride in their water. Putiin doesn't let Bill Gates poison their food. Putin outlawed GMOs and strove to be the largest producer of Organic produce. After 9/11, Russia donated the Tear drop Memorial to the US in New Jersey. When the Covid Plandemic arrived, Putin had a test and a true safe vaccine created for his people, not poison like the fake poison vaccines killing Americans.

In 2014, when the US-orchestrated Coup deposed the democratically elected President in Ukraine and he fled for his life, Putin sent a rescue team that saved him. After the Coup in Kiev, when Ukraine Azov Nazis tried to invade Crimea, Putin sent in Russian Troops to protect Crimeans and kept guard over them while they voted on a Referendum to rejoin Mother Russia. The US refuses to recognize that Crimeans voted to rejoin Russia, and continually accuses Putin of invading and annexing Crimea, which is a lie. (There was no invasion in Crimea. Russia had a military base there, which legally allowed for 10,000 Russian troops to be there at any time.) After the Coup in Ukraine, the people of East Ukraine, Donbass (Donetsk, Luhansk, etc. mostly Russians) who are anti-fascists, refused to accept the illegitimate Nazi gov't that had been installed by the corrupt USA. (Ukraine is fully controlled and used by US Oligarchs for money-laundering and other nefarious activities. Joe Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, Romney, all have adult children who are involved in illegal affairs in Ukraine.)

Since 2015, the regions of Donbass have been bombed by Azov Nazi Ukraine Army. Since then 14,000 people have been killed in Donbass region and the bombing continues. Putin has provided humanitarian aid to the region for the last 7 years. Over the past 7 years, Putin made numerous Peace-keeping attempts with the Minsk Agreement, but Ukraine gov't would not follow through (at the behest of the US). Finally in Feb. 2022, Putin declared Donetsk and Luhansk as Independent Regions. Now the Russian Armies are helping protect them.

Putin has invaded Ukraine to purge it of Nazis installed by the US and to demilitarize it. (And to make it a neutral country that will not join NATO.) Russian Armies are going slowly so as not to harm civilians. Azov Nazi Ukraine Troops are ruthless descendants of Nazis from Hitler's era. (20 Million Russians died fighting Nazis in WWII, and 6 Million Russians died from starvation and disease during WWII. 80% of WWII was fought by Russians. That's why Russians hate Nazis.) Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Azov Nazis have been holding civilians hostage, using them as human shields, torturing any Russian Troops they capture. MSM and US gov't spew continuous lies to feed Russiaphobia to the public. All the War Crimes that Ukraine has accused Russian Troops of doing is what they have actually done, False Flags. Ukraine has been lying about everything for the past 8 years, accusing Russians and Russia of crimes that they commit themselves.

At the behest of President Assad of Syria, Putin's Russian Armies fought ISIS in Syria that Obama/CIA created, trained and financed, mercenaries to overthrow Assad. Obama tried and failed to topple Assad, because he would not allow a pipeline through Syria. Assad defies the NWO and protected Christians. There was never a Civil War in Syria. The war was a proxy war between Assad and the NWO. Trump stopped the US funding/training of mercenaries that became ISIS, and helped to end US warmongering in Syria.

Putin is demonized and loathed by the West, because he's Christian, a Traditionalist who preserves Family Values. He does not support the LGBTQ agenda, and most importantly, he defies the New World Order Agenda. Three days ago, Biden announced the US is leading the way for the New World Order! (US is Mystery Babylon the Great as foretold in Revelation of the Bible.) The USSA and MSM have always pushed hateful Russiaphobia. Now the hate towards Russia is out of control. The goal is to destroy Putin/Russia and American Patriots in WW3! That's why US-Babylon is doing everything to provoke the Bear, and it's gonna happen very soon.

Russia is no longer the USSR. Russia and America have traded places. Russians are free. (Edward Snowden was granted amnesty there.) Americans are suppressed, oppressed, and perverted the by demonic NWO regime that hijacked our nation and stole the Presidency in Nov. 2020. Russia is the New America. We are living in USSA, Nazi Amerika! (Criminals in power in Wash D.C. are deliberately destroying the USSA from within. Obama is Joe Dementia's puppet master. Obama is the Antichrist. I made a video about it based on Bible scriptures. It's on my Youtube Channel.)

Putin has done a lot more good than what I have written about. I'm not here to debate the matter. If you want to hate Putin, that's your right. The Brainwashed Sheeple have been told that he's bad (a dictator, bully, war criminal, etc...all lies), so they "Baa,, baa...believe it!" Since Feb 2022, the Internet, especially places like Youtube, have literally been scrubbed of everything good posted about Putin/Russia and the truth about what's happening in Ukraine, ie, truthful reports and documentaries have been removed. Youtube has deleted countless channels and videos that show the truth as I have told it here. (You can still find it on some Alt Social Media sites.)

Over the years, Putin has had thousands of underground nuclear shelters built for Russians. US gov't has ZERO for Americans. Only the rich and elite have them in the USA. In a nuclear war, Americans will be screwed, unless they have made their own preparations. The time is at hand.

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