Well, well, well...

Well, well, well...

First of all, if I wanted to read this thread anonymously, then I would. Yes, I have come back and checked this thread several times over the course of the last 36 hours, because, as I have stated, I am waiting for someone to show up here.

I do, however, have things I am supposed to be doing here. Research takes a great deal of time, particularly comparing what I know as historical fact with what is actually happening in the present. In fact, I will have to leave this board for several days soon in order to make a trip to Ohio, and yes, my trip is to observe certain details involved in the election problems currently taking place in that state.

Responding also takes me a certain amount of time, because writing in standard, twenty-first century English is difficult. I do speak English, but the language has evolved somewhat, due to the influx of other languages and, of course, technological advances which always have an effect on language. It is not quite as bad as the differences between Shakespeare's English and your own, though spellings have been simplified somewhat, and that is what really slows me down. Speaking is much easier.

To answer three questions quickly: there is no draft, at least not in the way I think you are envisioning it, which is to gather troops for an external war; Iran will be handled in a manner very different from Iraq; Canada will be safe for those on the left side of the political divide. The map that you have possibly seen on the internet which has "The United States of Canada" and "Jesusland" on it will be true, in a certain sense, for a time during the twenty-first century.

My own problems stem from the fact that there is a growing faction in the twenty-third century of people who are vehemently against time travel. There has been talk of many different actions that they might take against us, one of which involves actually coming back and tampering with our observational missions. Obviously, this would cause them to use the technology themselves, thereby becoming part of what they profess to be against, but fanaticism remains fanaticism, even in the twenty-third century.

I will be honest; I am not certain what such interference would do, and as an historian rather than a scientist, I tend to ask ethical questions a little more often than my scientific colleagues. This is another thing which hasn't changed much. While I have more scientific training than was generally provided to a college graduate in the twenty-first century, my field of specialization is still late twentieth- and early twenty-first century history, and given that we have moved to a methodology which requires that the Ph.D. level be expert in several microhistories within the larger field, that is more than enough for a single mind to be expertese in.

I do not know if this answers all of the questions in this thread. There is an important matter I must observe in action today, so I will not return to this forum for many hours, possibly not until tomorrow. After that I will be in Ohio for at least four days, possibly five. Here I am lucky, in that I have chosen to live near a person with an unsecured wireless connection. In Ohio, I have had to be far less selective in my choice of residences.

As for a photograph of my equipment, I have none with me. That is a little more difficult to explain, and you will have to wait until I have more time to do so. I expect that some of you will now begin attacking me because I am not explaining this immediately.

I know nothing of hacking attempts on any of your computers.
Well, well, well...

Hi Perry.

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'm still confused as to who you're waiting for, or what's supposed to happen here.... If you're waiting for a certain someone to reply to this thread, there's a subscription option on this thread that will email you every time a reply is made. The email will contain the name of the person who replied.... And I think the content of the post.

I would like to know how it is that you're piggybacking off of this neighbor of yours. Doesn't he notice the added activity? Aren't nearly all wireless connections encrypted? From what I understand, it would take someone on the low end of the computer literacy spectrum to not know how to protect their connection. How far away from this connection are you? What kind of equipment are you using?

You also said:
Responding also takes me a certain amount of time, because writing in standard, twenty-first century English is difficult. I do speak English, but the language has evolved somewhat, due to the influx of other languages and, of course, technological advances which always have an effect on language. It is not quite as bad as the differences between Shakespeare's English and your own, though spellings have been simplified somewhat, and that is what really slows me down. Speaking is much easier.
I'd love for you to speak to us in your native dialect. I think it'd be fascinating to see how the language will have evlolved in the coming centuries. Please, do not be shy. If we can't understand it, we'll let you know.

I would also like to know why you're viewing so many member profiles. If you're waiting for someone, they would announce themselves, right? No reason to go searching for them.

As far as not having pictures of your time machine, that's alright. We would very much like to see some eventually, but I ain't going to press the issue. It's not difficult to spend 15 bucks on a camera and have them put the photos on a CD for you, is it? None of the other "time travelers" who've been here (and eventually been proven as hoaxes) have showed us any photographs either. Oh yeah, don't use Walmart to develop your photgraphs. They have a nasty habit of taking far too long ;)

Our intent here is not to drive you off by demanding you give us information upon command. You must understand though, that we get many many people here claiming the same things you're claiming. So far you've not given us any reason to believe that you are who you say you are. People are impatient, and don't like to feel like they're being treated like a mule with a carrot being dangled in front of them.
Well, well, well...

Dear sir,

Might I ask if the person whom you are waiting for by any chance is named Wolf?

If so IM me :D

It is nice to see a kinder gentler exchange in the latter portions of this thread.
Well, well, well...


Did you notice how I changed the narrative? Perry took me up on my advice. He is going to Ohio, pen and paper in hand.


Thank you very much for your response. I know you are probably very busy and did not have time to answer my questions/comments directly. I guess I must wait for that. I think my questions/comments above are legitimate. And answering them directly is a small price to pay in the using of this board for your work, no?

you said,

Research takes a great deal of time, particularly comparing what I know as historical fact with what is actually happening in the present.

And this concerns me as well. You see, I happen to be surrounded with friends and family holding terminal degrees. I once worked in a company with about 20 PhD chemists and a few pharmacologists. For about four years I taught elbow to elbow with PhDs in English Literature. My dearest friend is an Astronomer, PhD. My Cousin is conducting research in Physiology at a North East University. So you could say I am familiar with research and the attached culture. I have never heard any of these fellows explain that research takes a great deal of time. This is understood, no? And I would think that comparing event vs. event is a bit easier than, say, comparing Milton to Jonson?

Now I think everyone knows that in the 21st century all accredited University PhD programs in the humanities require testing at competence in 2 languages other than your own. And that is written, not spoken. Because you are writing down your research, not speaking it, right? So an obvious question is: what languages did you test out in? (Paul, am I leading the witness? Or am I co-authoring? Interesting dilemma I find myself in.) I would imagine German would be a good choice. And what about the other one? Did you study our word choice at all in training for this mission? Are scholars like yourself ever forced to read Chomsky or Hawking "in the original"?

On the topic of language, you said,

I do speak English, but the language has evolved somewhat, due to the influx of other languages and, of course, technological advances which always have an effect on language. It is not quite as bad as the differences between Shakespeare's English and your own, though spellings have been simplified somewhat, and that is what really slows me down. Speaking is much easier.

Titor, you will notice, stuck to topics he understood. Your understanding of my language is a bit thin. First, English is always evolving. It is one of the purest languages of Empire. It absorbs other languages as needed. But it holds true to its syntax and basic tenets. Modern English (about 1580 to the present, and, yes Shakespeare is considered Modern English) has always been taking on influences from other languages. But the changing "influx" you speak of has yet to happen. This is more Bladerunner than practiced Linguistics.

Let me paint a picture for you. I will pick three major technological advances and we will check their influence on Modern English as you and I know it. The railroad (1830s), Flight (early 1900s), and the internet (late 1900s). Now I think you will agree that these were all pretty important developments. So lets see how off we are if we go back 200 years, as you have. Here is the first line of Washington's letter to Wade regarding Arnold's betrayal:

"General Arnold is gone to the enemy!"

[subject] [verb] [object]

Not much change there. And we still use "Though" and "Enough" as did Francis Bacon. I am sure some would recommend spelling them as "Thow and Enuf" but it has not happened by this time. I would love to see one of your reports written in your own version of English. Would that be possible?

Can you please explain how such common and ancient syntax has changed in your time? What technologies end up having the biggest influence on English?

And Sir, please answer my questions asked earlier in the thread. And as a tip, you might want to address us by name when answering questions. We are very fond of our individual natures and our individual questions. But you knew that about us, didn't you?

One more thing:

Doing an analysis of the phrasiology of your most recent post, I have found a pattern:

"writing in standard, twenty-first century English is difficult"
"that is what really slows me down"
"My own problems stem"
"I am not certain what such interference would do"
"I do not know if this answers all of the questions"
"That is a little more difficult to explain"
"I know nothing of"

You are not having a good week are you? My heart goes out to you Perry. I hope you have a good observation session in Ohio.

Well, well, well...

Seems we got a pack of Wolves at the TTF! ;)

I was referring to an actual name Wolf(f) rather than an internet persona or handle.

Sorry for not being more clear in my question.

Heggy- Did the Coyote ever IM you your future details?
Well, well, well...

August: Intellect wielded with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel and fairly done too. I applaude your post, though I fear that much of it may be over Perry's head.

What next... oh yes, the enigmatic Wolf proclaims his existence and enters from stage right, the houselights dim and this lone figure is picked out by a single spotlight. A hush settles over the theatre, save for the creak and groan of seats as the audience hunches forward... silence decends. Starlord munches silently on his popcorn and nudges Paul who is busy taking notes.
Well, well, well...

Perry, please start your own thread in this forum. This particular thread, started by a hoaxster, is going to be closed and relocated. Thank you.
