What happen to timechatter


Senior Member
Re: What happen to timechatter

Hi Deadz:

You probably mean HDRKID.com as it is always being attacked by debunkers. Also, HDRusers was account suspended on yesterday. Web hosting companies hate it when they are constantly being hit. That shows you debunkers true colors. In total ten, yes ten separate time travel sites were hacked. This is serious...


Senior Member
Re: What happen to timechatter

DeadZ doesn't visit this site anymore; he had at least enough common sense to take his idiocy elsewhere when he found out this wasn't a forum full of weak-minded New Agers. Hint hint, nudge nudge.


Senior Member
Re: What happen to timechatter

Hi Deadz:

You probably mean HDRKID.com as it is always being attacked by debunkers.
Not even close to reality. z meant timechatter and you know it.
Do you even bother to engage your brain before you spout nonsensical SPAM? Did you even BOTHER to go check out what was being talked about before you spread your synapless spoorladen advertising? You know as well as anyone that no such thing happened and you use this pathetic ruse to spam about the site.

Also, HDRusers was account suspended on yesterday. Web hosting companies hate it when they are constantly being hit.
Per usual, in your haste to advertise via lies and deceit, you neglect to think things through. Web hosting companies are in the business of hosting. PERIOD. No one even bothers to "hit" those sites as they are useless. They only work for those that refuse or are unable to use their own brains for something other than keeping their ears apart and stopping whistling noises during a breeze. However, you and your messengers use that concept every chance you get to drum up hits to yours and gibbs sites.

That shows you debunkers true colors.
Did you have this much trouble in science class? Did you have these kinds of issues with your neighbors? Do you refer to all people who think for themselves and use logic as "debunkers"?
Debunker: A debunker is an individual who discredits and exposes claims as being false, exaggerated or pretentious.[1] The term is closely associated with skeptical investigation of topics such as U.F.O.s, claimed paranormal phenomena, conspiracy theories, alternative medicine, religion, or pseudoscientific research.

That's EXPOSES hdr claims for what they truly are, 100% Bullshit
In total ten, yes ten separate time travel sites were hacked. This is serious...
Put your money where your typical exaggerated lies are. LIST those TEN sites. We'll be more than happy to use the WAYBACK Machine to go find those sites and do the research.
GO ON. Let's see if you have the guts to lie even more now that you have been called on it.

You know as well as the rest of us already know that you cannot change the past. Those sites do not exist any more than ALL those people and businesses you claim to have *cough*cough* moved away from where you live because it never happened except in your made up world.


A shill is a person who is paid to help another person or organization to sell goods or services. The shill pretends to have no association with the seller/group and gives onlookers the impression that he or she is an enthusiastic customer. The person or group that hires the shill is using crowd psychology, to encourage other onlookers or audience members (who are unaware of the set-up) to purchase said goods or services. Shills are often employed by confidence artists. The term plant is also used. The term is also used to describe a person who is paid to help a political party or other advocacy organization to gain adherents; as with the situation of selling goods or services, the shill gives the impression of being unrelated to the group in question, and gives the impression that he or she finds merit in the ideological claims of the political party.
Shilling is illegal in many circumstances and in many jurisdictions[1] because of the frequently fraudulent and damaging character of their actions. However, if a shill does not place uninformed parties at a risk of loss, but merely generates "buzz", the shill's actions may be legal. For example, a person planted in an audience to laugh and applaud when desired (see claque), or to participate in on-stage activities as a "random member of the audience", is a type of legal shill.
"Shill" can also be used pejoratively to describe a critic who appears either all-too-eager to heap glowing praise upon mediocre offerings, or who acts as an apologist for glaring flaws. In this sense, they would be an implicit "shill" for the industry at large, possibly because their income is tied to its prosperity. The origin of the term shill is uncertain; it may be an abbreviation of the Yiddish shillaber. The word originally denoted a carnival worker who pretended to be a member of the audience in an attempt to elicit interest in an attraction. Some sources trace the usage only back to 1914.[2][3]

Each time you post on your losing attempts to make the hdr seem real and shill for gibbs, it becomes even more obvious that you are a shill for gibbs.


Active Member
Re: What happen to timechatter

DeadZ doesn't visit this site anymore; he had at least enough common sense to take his idiocy elsewhere when he found out this wasn't a forum full of weak-minded New Agers. Hint hint, nudge nudge.

Hey Brenty poo! Long time no talk :)

(I've seen DeadZ posts on timechatter, there was one that was barely readible where I think he was complaining about others who were complaining about his grammar and spelling, haha. I suspect English is not his first language or he is quite young)


Re: What happen to timechatter

Z speaks French in real life as his first language. So do I.

His project was quite entertaining though. I'd like to see more people posting their experiments and time machine projects. Ok, I agree that building a time machine based on the HDR might not sound like this century's best idea, but yet, he was working on something. Perhaps he understands the HDR better than we all do.

Anyway, aren't most time travel sites pretty slow nowadays ? Time Travel Institute, Time Chatter. Paranormalis. Time Chatter contains more info about the HDR and radionic devices than TTI though.


Active Member
Re: What happen to timechatter

And the funny part is, the busiest part of this forum is the time travel part of it.

I thought he might be ESL, I just thought it was funny that he was swearing in broken English about someone not being able to understand him, haha.


Senior Member
Re: What happen to timechatter

To Brentnauer:
I saw a post he made a few days ago. Well, as usual you are wrong. Don't let that stop you.

To Starlord:
The daily attacks from debunkers are there for a reason. To get low rates on hosting most people do a three year sign up. Problem is that after the first month the company will kick me out due to nasty hackers hitting their servers. They then keep my money. As a result I am forced to go monthly instead of multi year.

Web hosting companies are in business to make money. After a hack jobs smash all their databases it takes them hours to recover. Sometimes this will happen several times a day and staying up uses all their resources. It is not just time travel servers. Hackers also like to hit alternate energy.

Web hosting companies at first will try to implement new fire wall and high tech security services. However, after a while they realize that these attacks will be on going. They get fed up.

Hey, trust me on this one. I go through web hosting companies, like a cheerleader goes through boy friends, or is that guy pals now. Each decade has phrases that are very unique. :)


Senior Member
Re: What happen to timechatter

To Brentnauer:
I saw a post he made a few days ago. Well, as usual you are wrong. Don't let that stop you.

Oh? Where? His last post here was made in March: http://paranormalis.com/showthread.php/3540-HDRKid-II?p=68139#post68139

DeadZ doesn't visit this site anymore; he had at least enough common sense to take his idiocy elsewhere when he found out this wasn't a forum full of weak-minded New Agers. Hint hint, nudge nudge.

Case in point: You don't read what anybody says, you just spew your crap without reserve.
