What is your rant?


Senior Member
My rant is that there are too man OFF-TOPIC posts on very frequented threads! Some posts go on and on an on and on about unrelated things that have nothing to do with the topic of the thread.

Threads are posted on particular subjects to discuss them! But they keep getting interrupted and off track by posts that are totally unrelated. Posters who repeatedly do this are being incosiderate to those who are seriously interested in having a discussion.

If you want to start a Debate on a Topic thread, START A NEW THREAD, but don't interrupt and go off topic. If you want to change the subject on a thread, START A NEW THREAD, but don't interrupt and go off topic!

There is no point in having TOPIC THREADS if topics are not kept on track. Otherwise, it's a waste of time. :rolleyes:

For those who didn't know it...Off-Topic posts KILL a thread, because those involved in serious discussion of that topic lose interest!


Senior Member
My rant is that there are too man OFF-TOPIC posts on very frequented threads! Some posts go on and on an on and on about unrelated things that have nothing to do with the topic of the thread.

Threads are posted on particular subjects to discuss them! But they keep getting interrupted and off track by posts that are totally unrelated. Posters who repeatedly do this are being incosiderate to those who are seriously interested in having a discussion.

If you want to start a Debate on a Topic thread, START A NEW THREAD, but don't interrupt and go off topic. If you want to change the subject on a thread, START A NEW THREAD, but don't interrupt and go off topic!

There is no point in having TOPIC THREADS if topics are not kept on track. Otherwise, it's a waste of time. :rolleyes:

For those who didn't know it...Off-Topic posts KILL a thread, because those involved in serious discussion of that topic lose interest!
I like cookies who else likes cookies?


Temporal Engineer
My rant is that there are too man OFF-TOPIC posts on very frequented threads! Some posts go on and on an on and on about unrelated things that have nothing to do with the topic of the thread.

Threads are posted on particular subjects to discuss them! But they keep getting interrupted and off track by posts that are totally unrelated. Posters who repeatedly do this are being incosiderate to those who are seriously interested in having a discussion.

If you want to start a Debate on a Topic thread, START A NEW THREAD, but don't interrupt and go off topic. If you want to change the subject on a thread, START A NEW THREAD, but don't interrupt and go off topic!

There is no point in having TOPIC THREADS if topics are not kept on track. Otherwise, it's a waste of time. :rolleyes:

For those who didn't know it...Off-Topic posts KILL a thread, because those involved in serious discussion of that topic lose interest!
I like cookies who else likes cookies?
I like cookies too. And pie. And ice cream. In fact I like lots of goodies. But there I go again. Off topic. So what's my rant. IDIOTS and MORONS. They're everywhere. There should be a law. Mandatory death sentence for anyone behaving as such. The world would be a better place. Make it a concern for public safety. Lots of laws get on the books that way.


Senior Member
If you're trying to make fun of my post, it's not working.

I used to monitor and report Off-Topic threads (and any other problems) to Num7 and help him keep this place in order. The word "help" is underrated. I used to report nearly everything that needed fixing or attention. But I don't do that anymore. I stopped after the last fiasco. I have reported a few things recently, but that's an exception.

Without close monitoring, threads go way off topic and eventually they die. If threads keep going off-topic like they have been, I will certainly lose interest. I already am. Others will too.

I'm posting to preserve the quality of our Forum. But laugh if you will. What does it matter, right?

After all, what do I know? :rolleyes:


Don't take this too seriously here. We appreciate your contribution to the forum more than you think.

I don't think this thread was meant to be 100% serious either. :)


Senior Member
I like cookies too. And pie. And ice cream. In fact I like lots of goodies. But there I go again. Off topic. So what's my rant. IDIOTS and MORONS. They're everywhere. There should be a law. Mandatory death sentence for anyone behaving as such. The world would be a better place. Make it a concern for public safety. Lots of laws get on the books that way.
But I hate cookies on my computer, stepping in a cow pie, and melted ice cream...I admit I have a sick sense of humor, if I have one at all! lol...(First time I used that code) I agree idiots and morons are everywhere I go...sometimes I feel like I am ready for the Zero Point to happen...and quickly. I do find threads get off topic from time to time, we all are a part of it, and may not even know. Sometimes a new member might throw something out there and existing member responds and we are off the tracks. Anyway we all have something in common...or we wouldn't be on this site! Someone could start a thread..."GARBAGE IN AND GARBAGE OUT" where we enter at our own risk and anything goes...just a thought. I know not a good one, so rant about it if you want. Remember...we are living in an interesting and historic time so let's work togeather to get the info in.


Senior Member
P.S. Num7 works hard at keeping the Forum in good order, and it's up to us members to help him do that. I'm just trying to get members to participate in being conscientious of what they post and where, so the Forum stays that way.

Or perhaps it is not good to rant about this subject...and then everyone can step on cow poop, instead of cleaning it up.


Senior Member
Don't take this too seriously here. We appreciate your contribution to the forum more than you think.

I don't think this thread was meant to be 100% serious either. :)

Thanks Num7, I appreciate your acknowledgement...and for the record, I wasn't fishing for credit. I just see a problem on the Forum that needs to be addressed. This thread does ask "What is your rant?" This is my rant. I am 100% serious. Whether anyone pays attention is entirely up to them. Let the chips fall where they may.

Not to say I don't like joking...I love having fun on the Forum too.


Senior Member
My rant is that there are too man OFF-TOPIC posts on very frequented threads! Some posts go on and on an on and on about unrelated things that have nothing to do with the topic of the thread.

Threads are posted on particular subjects to discuss them! But they keep getting interrupted and off track by posts that are totally unrelated. Posters who repeatedly do this are being incosiderate to those who are seriously interested in having a discussion.

If you want to start a Debate on a Topic thread, START A NEW THREAD, but don't interrupt and go off topic. If you want to change the subject on a thread, START A NEW THREAD, but don't interrupt and go off topic!

There is no point in having TOPIC THREADS if topics are not kept on track. Otherwise, it's a waste of time. :rolleyes:

For those who didn't know it...Off-Topic posts KILL a thread, because those involved in serious discussion of that topic lose interest!
I like cookies who else likes cookies?
I like cookies too. And pie. And ice cream. In fact I like lots of goodies. But there I go again. Off topic. So what's my rant. IDIOTS and MORONS. They're everywhere. There should be a law. Mandatory death sentence for anyone behaving as such. The world would be a better place. Make it a concern for public safety. Lots of laws get on the books that way.
Well i am going to assume the idiots and morons comment was not aimed at me.

As for my Comment the problem is people are to damn serious all the time, a little Comedy and off-topicness can help break a hostile situation, if you cannot have a friendly argument without getting hostile and upset then you need to stay off the damn internet and proceed to live under a rock where the mean words wont offend you. I come here for the Off kilter conversations on subjects i can't get else where, but if it turns into a Tight ass your wrong i am right fest i will take my business and views else where.

If you do not want counter arguments or Debates don't post cause someone is going to question you and your thoughts and bring up other subjects and views that could possibly not go with your's. We are here to learn and you cannot learn if the second someone brings up a counter-point or argument you get angry and refuse to listen or at-least entertain their thoughts and maybe even learn something from there point of view. With a drawn out debate it will get off topic it IS going to happen, the point is to bring it back on subject not cry about it.

"BTW Einsten the rant was not aimed at you or anyone in particular"
