What Obligation Does a Person Have to Parallel World Lines?


New Member
temporal recon

Do we have an obligation to allow JFK's assassination?

I do tend to lend myself over to conspiracy theory just a tad bit too much sometimes. But JFK's assassination along with 911 really could use a thorough investigation if and when the advent of time travel technology becomes a reality. All the evidence and all the players in both events need to be thrown out on the table for scrutiny by all. Only then could a qualified answer be provided to answer your question.

In order to obtain untainted evidence, I would suggest three investigative teams, each independently run. Perhaps a group run by the government, one run by the people, and a totally unbiased group possibly comprised of individuals from abroad that have no ties or vested interest in the outcome of the investigation.
I think it really don't matter if JFK was an assassination or not or if 9/11 was an inside job who knows what those 2 events have triggered that could affect our existence in the future.Even the most insignificant change can make a world of difference just like butterfly effect.


Senior Member
Actually the FBI and other agencies are guilty of allowing the tragedy to happen. They knew the terrorists were learning to fly planes but weren't interested in landing them. They knew they were all flying on different planes on the same day.


Temporal Engineer

I'm the most interested in eyewitness accounts of one of the jets that crashed into the towers. It had no windows and the Phillips logo on the nose section of the jet. Identified as a cargo jet from Phillips. Which at the time was a civilian-military run organization. So where is the passenger jet and passengers that were supposed to have crashed into the towers? And also why are all the families of these supposed crashed flights buying into this. Not one lawsuit was filed by any of those families. Not one of the accused terrorists were ever found in any of the wreckage. And some of them were subsequently reported alive in Iran. So the facts don't agree with what we've been told. This is almost like a UFO coverup. Just remember, the government and the banks were the targets in this attack. So what is the real truth. I'll just bet they don't know!
I think worldlines affect each other, if there are people that are linked closely to their alternates in these worldlines, then they are subconsciously aware of actions here and elsewhere. Ever since I was young I have noticed my alternates actions on other universes/worldlines whatever you want to call them and how they affected me here. In a weird kinda way they 'push' you more toward certain decisions and away from others.

There was a Stephen King book called the Talisman (I hope some of you have read it) that described it pretty well. In the book, an alternate world called the "Territories" affected events here. One part I read had a rebellion in the kings court in the Territories happening at the same time as when Hitler invaded Poland, so the main characters deduced that their war caused ours here. Worldlines affecting each other is similar to what happens in the novel but it happens on smaller levels.


Senior Member
Einstein, there is a conspiracy, it just isn't that elaborate. The conspiracy was that 911 was allowed to happen by those paid by our taxes to protect us. That is all the damning conspiracy we need.


Temporal Engineer
I agree there was a conspiracy. But who were the conspiritors? Was the attack designed to draw the corrupt out into the open. If so, then apparently with great success. I'm just wondering if those conspiritors will be coming back to finish the job. You see it's my conspiracy theory that these conspiritors came from our future just to show the american people who are enemies really are.
I dont think there is a conspiracy. It goes against all known logical values and knowns. Our government is not great at keeping secrets and shit leaks like a broken faucet. Millions of eyewitnesses disprove what you said Einstein. TV cameras and the like disprove what you said.

911 happened because a terrorist organization hated the US and what it stood for and plotted. Also because the FBI and CIA could not communicate and share reports effectively. Its not the first time we seen incompetence and certainly not the last. There is no conspiracy.... its a bunch of hogwash.


Senior Member
I dont think there is a conspiracy. It goes against all known logical values and knowns. Our government is not great at keeping secrets and shit leaks like a broken faucet. Millions of eyewitnesses disprove what you said Einstein. TV cameras and the like disprove what you said.

911 happened because a terrorist organization hated the US and what it stood for and plotted. Also because the FBI and CIA could not communicate and share reports effectively. Its not the first time we seen incompetence and certainly not the last. There is no conspiracy.... its a bunch of hogwash.

Your ignorance is showing.

Aluminium planes can not rip through solid steel. Not at any magic speed. They never have before. They did not on 911 and they never will.

You wanna believe a lie thats fine with me but me and the other college educated individuals that understand a thing or two about physics and architecture that are not part of the matrix are gonna stick with truth.

911 was an inside job.
I dont think there is a conspiracy. It goes against all known logical values and knowns. Our government is not great at keeping secrets and shit leaks like a broken faucet. Millions of eyewitnesses disprove what you said Einstein. TV cameras and the like disprove what you said.

911 happened because a terrorist organization hated the US and what it stood for and plotted. Also because the FBI and CIA could not communicate and share reports effectively. Its not the first time we seen incompetence and certainly not the last. There is no conspiracy.... its a bunch of hogwash.

Your ignorance is showing.

Aluminium planes can not rip through solid steel. Not at any magic speed. They never have before. They did not on 911 and they never will.

You wanna believe a lie thats fine with me but me and the other college educated individuals that understand a thing or two about physics and architecture that are not part of the matrix are gonna stick with truth.

911 was an inside job.

You should take a materials engineering and physics again (your lack of knowledge clearly shows) . The mass and velocity of the plane destabilized the steel frame and combined with the massive heat of the fuel burning weakened it to the point the rest of the weight of the building made it collapse. Its not only physics, but very simple physics that even schoolchildren can understand. Concession accepted.


well Traveler I have never been to no college physics class but I have burned some JP4/ jet fuel/ kerosene in my day, and I can tell ya from firsthand eyeball seeing it don't melt steal and in an open flame....meaning not underpressure of atomization it won't even reach the needed temps to cherry red heat steal.... atleast not the 1/2 inch thick steal girders used in multi story buildings ..... the whole heat thing is so much hokem spued out by the gov. shills to dumbfound the mass public.......

I will say this thow speed of projectile do make a diffrence, once again I have firsthand eyeball seeing that a 55 grian 223 round consisting of a copper jacket over a lead core will sweetly penatrate the 1/4 inch I beam steal girders of an old bridge down by the river here where I live... and I lost five bucks in that demonstration .....
