Who are the time travellers on Paranormalis?

alpha centauri

Active Member
Believe in TimeFlipper, for one day he will return from his great time travel adventure and spread his warnings about the future.
He is probably in a timeline where Jesus has already created the golden age.

And in this timeline he judges, how many feet of Truckers his favourite politician Justin Trudeau has to wash as a retribution for his blackface, for invoking special emergency power and for pushing the vaccine mandate.
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Senior Member
Keep in mind that forums such as paranormalis that deal in experimental and exotic technologies such as time-travel, free-energy, and alternative medicine are likely being covertly monitored by the CIA, NSA and the U.S. Patent Office. Anyone smart enough to actually invent a real method of time-travel that works 100% of the time, would be extremely stupid to admit it in a forum like this one, much less to even post working schematics to the forum. Doing so would make him or her an immediate target for investigation, arrest, and/or assassination, or what in covert circles, is now referred to as termination with extreme prejudice. These actions are of course, justified in the name of "national security," which is merely a false label for what is really "corporate security." The best that those in the know, who want to make these technologies available to the public at large can do, is to post a few clues and hints, here and there, and perhaps incomplete schematics, so as to help others, but not give themselves away in the process.
Thanks for the terrifying answer, it was informative.


New Member
Keep in mind that forums such as paranormalis that deal in experimental and exotic technologies such as time-travel, free-energy, and alternative medicine are likely being covertly monitored by the CIA, NSA and the U.S. Patent Office. Anyone smart enough to actually invent a real method of time-travel that works 100% of the time, would be extremely stupid to admit it in a forum like this one, much less to even post working schematics to the forum. Doing so would make him or her an immediate target for investigation, arrest, and/or assassination, or what in covert circles, is now referred to as termination with extreme prejudice. These actions are of course, justified in the name of "national security," which is merely a false label for what is really "corporate security." The best that those in the know, who want to make these technologies available to the public at large can do, is to post a few clues and hints, here and there, and perhaps incomplete schematics, so as to help others, but not give themselves away in the process.
another one bites the dust
you're missing a clue
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alpha centauri

Active Member
So, these two incidents really stood out. I did write to Putin, though. I sent him an email and complimented him on his 15% income tax and free health care, so I very well could have been checked out by the CIA. They also have me suppressed on all social media.
Does he even speak English?

I saw interviews in which he spoke good German and others where he spoke terrible German.
I think he is sick or so.

I also dont think he is in alignment with your policies. He is still very Communistic, beside that he went insane during the Ukraine war.

I saw an interview with Merkel (who lived under Communism) and she said he said in a chat to her that he misses the Sovjet Union and all those other Communist states in Europe and asked her if she thinks the same . She said no :D. That was probably not very pleasant for his ego :D .

alpha centauri

Active Member
Keep in mind that forums such as paranormalis that deal in experimental and exotic technologies such as time-travel, free-energy, and alternative medicine are likely being covertly monitored by the CIA, NSA and the U.S. Patent Office

I think they surveil those forums. But I think they do it more because they search for information on extraterrestrials and other stuff, not because of technology.

I made the idea in a forum which I thought was controled by the state, that the rescue boats from Lybia to Italy should abolish their banking secrecy, so you see if they are human trafficers or normal people that want to rescue people.

Some days later the Austrian chancellor (that was a German forum) suggested that to the Italians and they signed a law. After that these organizations refused to sign the abolishment or their banking secrecy, which would not matter if you have nothing to hide. So I think they know now, that some people try to cause chaos.

Another person suggested that you should make flights per plane to get the people from Lybia to Europe and a few days later a politician suggested that. Which is a pretty stupid idea because you would increase the pull effect and invite people to come to a war country.

I dont think that they have these ideas on their own. I think they make a lot of their policies because of those forums.


Senior Member
Does he even speak English?

I saw interviews in which he spoke good German and others where he spoke terrible German.
I think he is sick or so.

I also dont think he is in alignment with your policies. He is still very Communistic, beside that he went insane during the Ukraine war.

I saw an interview with Merkel (who lived under Communism) and she said he said in a chat to her that he misses the Sovjet Union and all those other Communist states in Europe and asked her if she thinks the same . She said no :D. That was probably not very pleasant for his ego :D .
Putin just like playing real life wargames and improving his own welfare using corruption, thus an imperialist cleptocrat like how Russia was before Communism existed.
