Confirmed Hoax Hello I'm from the year 2046

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Active Member
Is it right that ladies always have to say things twice, because us guys are thick?? lol :confused::D
You're a guy!?



Junior Member
Interesting, you're posting on TTI as well.

Why are you interacting with many groups of people on the Internet?


It appears that this individual who claims to be from a future time line has a purpose behind this rouse, that being, to assist himself in resolving a personal challenge of his.

This challenge appears to be related to his self-image or self-worth and even stronger....the challenge of separateness from others and reality itself. For this man, in his early 40s, is attempting to learn and grow in his personal challenges of life.

After tuning into his essence and moving around his home environment, it appears that he is a loner, like a technician who works alone with high tech computers, he has an above normal I.Q but is rather unevolved in the area of ego. I can see multiple videos lying about his room, with names like “Magic & Wizards” and other fantasy videos, even a type of virtual reality device.

Now, this is where he got some of his ides to create the persona of the “Time traveler” concept, this mixed with the 'true' story of John Titor, as this would create the sense of...”FASCINATION”, which is what he feels is needed in order to make others like him.

He is seen as....attempting to open himself to others and THIS is a major challenge for him, as he fears being unaccepted and criticized, which he does to himself, on a daily basis.

He does not appear to be a bad guy or an evil person with harmful intent, but rather...he does appear to be an “STS” individual ( Service To Self ) where his purpose here, on this website, is to “Steal energy” from others,( energy being defined as Attention) and that, he feels or believes that it would not happen if he were to be totally honest and open with the membership here as he is fearful of being judged and criticized.

This appears to be a very tough challenge for him. And, although I do support his efforts to grow and develop his ego, his inner challenges, I DO NOT condone the deception and lies that he feels is needed in order to 'protect' himself.

Some of the more 'perceptive' members here have already sensed and perceived that this individual is not who he claims to be.

What is important here to understand for the membership is.....that the primary purpose of this individual is to feed his own personal goals, at the expense of others, and this I cannot condone, as I have become quite fond of many of the members here and feel a little protective over those I care about.

This membership is a lively and friendly bunch, with a deep sense of pure innocence and fun and I personally do not wish to see anything harmful happen to them, therefore, I am sending this message to all members here and suggest that the key thing that this hoaxer is achieving is...”The stealing of energy/attention” by creating a persona that intrigues, fascinates and causes much questioning and interaction and most of all...”PERSONAL ATTENTION”.

Now, there are a few members here who have already surmised that this individual is here for attention and are expressing the need to 'detach' from this hoaxer and his need for energy, and they are accurate.

What needs to be understood here, by all who read this message , is that this individual does not appear to be of harmful intent, i.e. attempting to take money or other items of value or worth, but, he is taking!

He is not 'sharing' only taking. And honestly, how many members out there wish to interact with an individual who is ONLY concerned for himself and ONLY taking energy not giving or sharing.

I have looked at the most possible time lines that he will take after this message is made public and it appears that among the most probable 3 pathways / time lines, it is clear that he will either ….be totally honest and open with everyone and share the fact that he is not from another time line and is merely attempting to 'connect' with others and move away from his life long challenge of “isolation, separation & fear of being rejected by others”.

The second time line or probability is seen that....he will continue the rouse and falsity for fear of being...condemned and criticized. And this, he cannot accept, as he himself is his worst enemy.

And finally, the last time line is seen as.....He simply vanishes into the woodwork and detaches from this website and moves on to other websites where he will implement other projects, of which, he appears to have several.

What I see as the most probable time line is....that he will continue the rouse for he believes that if he was to be completely honest and open as to the true nature of himself, that he would be “Burnt at the stake by the villagers”.

And, in the end, he will simply disappear from this site, as it is seen that.....he will feel he is not receiving the 'attention and energy' that he desires due to the membership waking up and REFUSING to continue feeding this 'energy thief' and therefore, he will remove himself from this membership and move on to more gullible individuals and groups, as he has not found the answers or resolve here, at Paranormalis.

What is now suggested, to the membership, is to ignore this individual and move on with your lives, unless, you wish to be a victim of this individual who IS 'taking energies' NOT giving energies.

Anyone who actually works with certain D.O.D. Or D.I.A. Depts. or divisions will know that any extra-dimensional being or craft that enters into our Earth plane is now monitored by said agencies and if this individual who claims to be an actual time traveler was true....then, he would not be here on a paranormal website, as there are specific protocols that are followed and this hoaxer would presently be in a holding cell, deep underground, and most likely, would never see the light of day again.

As one can see, the hoaxer did not think this deceptive plan through and plan for ALL its possible and probable questions that could be asked by non-believers.

I know of a guaranteed way to prove this individual is a fake, but, I can see, in his mind, that if I express this method now, he will only use it to create an even more valid looking time traveler in his future operations or projects. Therefore, I will not offer him this opportunity to continue with his molding of this fake persona.

It is suggested to all members here simply avoid and ignore this individual who is playing with your mind and stealing your attention, and in this way, he will simply move on and leave, as his goal would no longer be achieved, that being...”THE TAKING OF OTHERS ENERGIES TO FEED HIS OWN PERSONAL CHALLENGES”.

And to you, my time traveling hoaxer, I wish you well in your learning lessons and suggest that do not have to resolve your personal issues and challenges by 'stealing energies or deceiving' others. You can be honest and others will see you for what you truly are and accept you without judgment or de-valuing, which is what you fear most.

And, for your personal growth, I offer you the key issues of your challenge....

His purpose is.....eliminating separation from human interaction.

Key issue...low self worth & self-rejection caused by dis-trust in one's abilities.

I am certain that if you were to open yourself and be completely honest with the members here, that the majority of them would accept you and possibly be your friend, but, that is for you to decide.

To all aware and believe nothing you read or hear but.....explore, examine and investigate WHAT IS truth...for you, as everyone's truth is 'subjective', therefore, trust your inner self when it comes to dubious expressions or self-promotions of others.

In Light & Harmony Taoist


Active Member
Interesting, you're posting on TTI as well.

Why are you interacting with many groups of people on the Internet?


It appears that this individual who claims to be from a future time line has a purpose behind this rouse, that being, to assist himself in resolving a personal challenge of his.

This challenge appears to be related to his self-image or self-worth and even stronger....the challenge of separateness from others and reality itself. For this man, in his early 40s, is attempting to learn and grow in his personal challenges of life.

After tuning into his essence and moving around his home environment, it appears that he is a loner, like a technician who works alone with high tech computers, he has an above normal I.Q but is rather unevolved in the area of ego. I can see multiple videos lying about his room, with names like “Magic & Wizards” and other fantasy videos, even a type of virtual reality device.

Now, this is where he got some of his ides to create the persona of the “Time traveler” concept, this mixed with the 'true' story of John Titor, as this would create the sense of...”FASCINATION”, which is what he feels is needed in order to make others like him.

He is seen as....attempting to open himself to others and THIS is a major challenge for him, as he fears being unaccepted and criticized, which he does to himself, on a daily basis.

He does not appear to be a bad guy or an evil person with harmful intent, but rather...he does appear to be an “STS” individual ( Service To Self ) where his purpose here, on this website, is to “Steal energy” from others,( energy being defined as Attention) and that, he feels or believes that it would not happen if he were to be totally honest and open with the membership here as he is fearful of being judged and criticized.

This appears to be a very tough challenge for him. And, although I do support his efforts to grow and develop his ego, his inner challenges, I DO NOT condone the deception and lies that he feels is needed in order to 'protect' himself.

Some of the more 'perceptive' members here have already sensed and perceived that this individual is not who he claims to be.

What is important here to understand for the membership is.....that the primary purpose of this individual is to feed his own personal goals, at the expense of others, and this I cannot condone, as I have become quite fond of many of the members here and feel a little protective over those I care about.

This membership is a lively and friendly bunch, with a deep sense of pure innocence and fun and I personally do not wish to see anything harmful happen to them, therefore, I am sending this message to all members here and suggest that the key thing that this hoaxer is achieving is...”The stealing of energy/attention” by creating a persona that intrigues, fascinates and causes much questioning and interaction and most of all...”PERSONAL ATTENTION”.

Now, there are a few members here who have already surmised that this individual is here for attention and are expressing the need to 'detach' from this hoaxer and his need for energy, and they are accurate.

What needs to be understood here, by all who read this message , is that this individual does not appear to be of harmful intent, i.e. attempting to take money or other items of value or worth, but, he is taking!

He is not 'sharing' only taking. And honestly, how many members out there wish to interact with an individual who is ONLY concerned for himself and ONLY taking energy not giving or sharing.

I have looked at the most possible time lines that he will take after this message is made public and it appears that among the most probable 3 pathways / time lines, it is clear that he will either ….be totally honest and open with everyone and share the fact that he is not from another time line and is merely attempting to 'connect' with others and move away from his life long challenge of “isolation, separation & fear of being rejected by others”.

The second time line or probability is seen that....he will continue the rouse and falsity for fear of being...condemned and criticized. And this, he cannot accept, as he himself is his worst enemy.

And finally, the last time line is seen as.....He simply vanishes into the woodwork and detaches from this website and moves on to other websites where he will implement other projects, of which, he appears to have several.

What I see as the most probable time line is....that he will continue the rouse for he believes that if he was to be completely honest and open as to the true nature of himself, that he would be “Burnt at the stake by the villagers”.

And, in the end, he will simply disappear from this site, as it is seen that.....he will feel he is not receiving the 'attention and energy' that he desires due to the membership waking up and REFUSING to continue feeding this 'energy thief' and therefore, he will remove himself from this membership and move on to more gullible individuals and groups, as he has not found the answers or resolve here, at Paranormalis.

What is now suggested, to the membership, is to ignore this individual and move on with your lives, unless, you wish to be a victim of this individual who IS 'taking energies' NOT giving energies.

Anyone who actually works with certain D.O.D. Or D.I.A. Depts. or divisions will know that any extra-dimensional being or craft that enters into our Earth plane is now monitored by said agencies and if this individual who claims to be an actual time traveler was true....then, he would not be here on a paranormal website, as there are specific protocols that are followed and this hoaxer would presently be in a holding cell, deep underground, and most likely, would never see the light of day again.

As one can see, the hoaxer did not think this deceptive plan through and plan for ALL its possible and probable questions that could be asked by non-believers.

I know of a guaranteed way to prove this individual is a fake, but, I can see, in his mind, that if I express this method now, he will only use it to create an even more valid looking time traveler in his future operations or projects. Therefore, I will not offer him this opportunity to continue with his molding of this fake persona.

It is suggested to all members here simply avoid and ignore this individual who is playing with your mind and stealing your attention, and in this way, he will simply move on and leave, as his goal would no longer be achieved, that being...”THE TAKING OF OTHERS ENERGIES TO FEED HIS OWN PERSONAL CHALLENGES”.

And to you, my time traveling hoaxer, I wish you well in your learning lessons and suggest that do not have to resolve your personal issues and challenges by 'stealing energies or deceiving' others. You can be honest and others will see you for what you truly are and accept you without judgment or de-valuing, which is what you fear most.

And, for your personal growth, I offer you the key issues of your challenge....

His purpose is.....eliminating separation from human interaction.

Key issue...low self worth & self-rejection caused by dis-trust in one's abilities.

I am certain that if you were to open yourself and be completely honest with the members here, that the majority of them would accept you and possibly be your friend, but, that is for you to decide.

To all aware and believe nothing you read or hear but.....explore, examine and investigate WHAT IS truth...for you, as everyone's truth is 'subjective', therefore, trust your inner self when it comes to dubious expressions or self-promotions of others.

In Light & Harmony Taoist
Who are you? :cautious:


Temporal Engineer

I agree with almost everything you say. But disagree that this guy has a higher I.Q. than average. Just appears to be a below average wannabe time traveler without a well developed story to tell.

John Titor set the bar for what it takes to tell a time travel whopper. He successfully duped a lot of people. Even though his story falls apart on closer scientific scrutiny.


Active Member


Junior Member

I agree with almost everything you say. But disagree that this guy has a higher I.Q. than average. Just appears to be a below average wannabe time traveler without a well developed story to tell.

John Titor set the bar for what it takes to tell a time travel whopper. He successfully duped a lot of people. Even though his story falls apart on closer scientific scrutiny.

AH.H..H.h.h.h..the wise and sagacious Einstein appears...LOL..

Yes, my wise friend, he does not appear to have a low I.Q. but what I was seeing and interpreting was that....he is a very productive individual in his technical work, intellectually accomplished, and that he does this work in a very capable way. But, what I was suggesting was that...he has not developed his ego and this is what most of us here are perceiving...a lower developed ego focus mixed with a strong imagination and fantasy life where he has literally moved into this imaginative world and cannot clearly see where one focus ( fantasy focus) and another focus ( waking conscious focus) tapers off and the other one begins.

Stay strong and aware my friend.

Thank you for your input.

Best wishes, Taoist

Lussorio F


@Taoist dime-store carny cold reading tricks could fool the credulous.

@Taoist you got the gall to accuse me of being a fraud, whilst employing the fraudulent techniques of carny “Cold-Reading” in the belief it going to convince me or other that you have special powers of insight . PT Barnum once said about cold-reading, that it is a bunch of linguistic tricks design to fleece suckers out of the cash by convincing them you now things about there past present or future.

The problem is you not very good at it and your reading of me is way of mark. The drivel about government agencies are MORE ludicrous than anything I've come out with so far.

"Like it or not," I’m a time traveller from a possible future. I know this offends, truth always does!
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