
So? Does everyone just want to lay down and surrender to becoming an impoverished slave?

Just remember, Liberty and prosperity was won with bullets and lots of bloodshed!

Will you be ready to take back what has been stolen from you?

I'm hoping Trump will have all those participating in treason to be executed for treason publicly. If he doesn't survive to do it? Well? We surviving Americans will DEFINITELY have to do it!

We are ready to defend our property. NOBODY will be able to take it from us.


Active Member
So? Does everyone just want to lay down and surrender to becoming an impoverished slave?

Just remember, Liberty and prosperity was won with bullets and lots of bloodshed!

Will you be ready to take back what has been stolen from you?

I'm hoping Trump will have all those participating in treason to be executed for treason publicly. If he doesn't survive to do it? Well? We surviving Americans will DEFINITELY have to do it!
That's the problem. Those of us with brains saw massive pork spending and Bidenflation coming from a mile off... and I thought it couldn't get any worse than Obama. As a jobless dying cripple living out of my dead father's IRA, I've already lost 20% of everything I own to inflation. By next year it will be 30%. I can't survive that. It's even worse for people who are less off than me. Eventually this will lead to a civil war.

Let's not forget the $400 MILLION Zuckerbucks spent towards the end of the last election to finish buying it off for Biden. If anyone else but a democrat did this, the snowflake liberals would be hollering and screaming 24/7 for years.

Why do Democrat supporters support and encourage cheating?
Because they know they can't win on the issues... and "the ends justify the means" no matter how corrupt. I really get tired of hearing that "the evil republicans will cheat us blind if we even look away for a second, but we would NEVER, EVER do that to you... because the only people who love and care about you are the people who spend your future into oblivion... like us" ...

So, what are we going to see come October? How many more hundreds of millions in corrupt spending will come to light after the election? How many more 10's of thousands of 100% Biden votes will "suddenly appear" as mail in ballot harvesting?

I never considered Trump to be a saint, but at least he's smart enough to do simple math with really big numbers. He really pissed me off when he signed the democrat pork budgets without even trying to get them down. He did make me laugh quite a bit when he would tweet something that would make the liberal snowflake media blow a gasket. That's the real reason he was kicked off of twatter. They can't have people questioning their government worshiping.

People are also too stupid to realize that when the government borrows yet another TRILLION dollars that they are spending future taxes right now for nothing but pork... and that HAS TO BE PAID BACK IN THE FUTURE... so that's another TRILLION dollars less that can be spent in the future on something far more important... and maybe even critical. And whatever pork it is spent on, we have to pay back interest on top of that because the government never pays down its debt. It just opens yet another credit card and calls anyone with brains who questions that a racist, biggoted, hater who beats children.

I'm really beginning to wish I had the option to buy bitcoin directly out of my IRA's.


Come on goldfish, remember Clinton getting all the super delegates and taking power over the Sanders campaign, and democrat millionaire and billionaire donors giving money to Rubio and Romney campaigns trying to desperately take votes away from Trump. It was literally on every news media platform at the time. Names of dogs and hedgehogs, and other various names of random animals found in the electoral count, not to mention people voting crossing counties and states.

Apolitical doesn't equal the moniker 'goldfish'.
My memory is just fine, tyvm. 🤓


Senior Member
There will always be a risk of cheating in elections and a few votes misscounted here and there, but if everyone start doubting the results without evidence every time, the whole system breaks down into civil war, which is exactly what Putin wants according to my conspiracy theory.

It is however always good to demand a transparent process, if one is willing to participate as an impartial observer.
