2008 Stonehenge dig exposed

Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

Tesla was a sad, obsessive-compulsive, paranoid, insane old man when he died.

He was completely out there - waaaay over the edge.

Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

Harte said:
Tesla was a sad, obsessive-compulsive, paranoid, insane old man when he died.

He was completely out there - waaaay over the edge.


I must confess.....
In my world Tesla is a rock band and their "love" song is one of my faves!
I know, I know...but I am an optimist. Glass half full.
Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

there is a very thin line between insane, and to smart to understand
either way the boy was onto somethin. bout the earth and its electromagnetic field. we can pull elect. power out of the air. they do have to/must put grounding rods and cables on all radio towers.
Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

kc wildman said:
there is a very thin line between insane, and to smart to understand
either way the boy was onto somethin. bout the earth and its electromagnetic field. we can pull elect. power out of the air. they do have to/must put grounding rods and cables on all radio towers.

I know what you are saying..It rings true as some of the most brilliant minds either were mentally ill or were thought to be so. Thats why I like this quote so much, check it out: "Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music".
The US supreme court said that Tesla did invent the radio...so...He did alot of experiments and was onto something yeah.....
Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

kc wildman said:
there is a very thin line between insane, and to smart to understand
either way the boy was onto somethin. bout the earth and its electromagnetic field. we can pull elect. power out of the air. they do have to/must put grounding rods and cables on all radio towers.

This is true.

Hard to do, but it can be done.

Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

Harte said:
This is true.

Hard to do, but it can be done.

not realy just put up a 500 meter tower and you get static elect from the coaxal cable. hell thats why every telephone pole you see is grounded, the static elect. conducts over the phone wires too. its there and lots of it, not sure bout the voltage or amps. that probly is linked with wire length and size I don't know all that much about it, but its not hard to harvest the elect. surley the power companys wouldn't try to get us to buy what is free for the picking now would they huh????
just saw a report bout some vandels at stonehenge any body know if it was real, or just G.L.P. tomfoolery???? do we have any brits round here???
Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

kc wildman said:
not realy just put up a 500 meter tower and you get static elect from the coaxal cable. hell thats why every telephone pole you see is grounded, the static elect. conducts over the phone wires too. its there and lots of it, not sure bout the voltage or amps. that probly is linked with wire length and size I don't know all that much about it, but its not hard to harvest the elect. surley the power companys wouldn't try to get us to buy what is free for the picking now would they huh????

Any power you get that way would be basically useless.

Everything you own runs off 60 hertz AC current.

DC might charge your cellphone, that's about it.

That's why I said it's hard to do.

Well, that and the fact that we're talking about milliamps and milivolts here.

Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

well that do change things a bit, for some reason I was thinking it was bout 600 volts. seems like I remember my dad telling me bout power co. workers getting fried cause of a bad ground at the pole they were climbing. just seems odd to me that the earth can generate the millions of volts for lighting, and yet we can find a few volts to run a window fan on. odd indeed. the elect. is there and lots of it.guess its up to the garage inventors to figure it out.just like alternative fuels, we will never get them as long as the oil cartel is running the show. I mean there use to be a lite rail in every big city, and they were powered by useing the excess from the local power companys. until the oil boys bought them up ,shut them down,and put people in a bus that runs on oil. any excess power now is put to the nat. grid and sold off to another town.
Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

The direction that our current process of healing has been discovered is a 1 in a million chance (it hardly works at all). Other civilizations simply found another 1 of those million ways to heal. Not to say that I'm positive that Stoenhenge was built to "heal" anything...
