2008 Stonehenge dig exposed

Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

yes I have seen some reports to hint at it being a place of healing, I have also seen reprots hinting at it being some type of transmitter to phone home. it was said that when intact it would work much like a dish for a satalite T.V system, I have also seen reports that it was an alter for human sacrafices, and some say it is just a fancy calander and point to notches,holes and how they line up with stars, the sun and planets at certan times of the day,month,year. just like the pyramids
who knows for sure???? it is clear we don't:eek:
Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

To me Stonehenge looks like a landing platform of some type.

For all we know it's a mass gravesite for folks with some sort of plague!
Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

Chip said:
To me Stonehenge looks like a landing platform of some type.

For all we know it's a mass gravesite for folks with some sort of plague!
dude I just saw a report that said they have done some digging ,found ashes.they think it is a grave yard and has been for thousands of years
did you see that report too??????
Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

kc wildman said:
dude I just saw a report that said they have done some digging ,found ashes.they think it is a grave yard and has been for thousands of years
did you see that report too??????

No, I missed that report...

Speculation on Stonehenge has been quite vast.

If we buried massive amounts of radioactive material somewhere we would mark it with something wouldn't we? Maybe that is exactly what Stoenhenge is. The question is; where's the primer?
Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

yeh thats it, I guess I need to have my 13 yr old teach me some basic computor functions. I am getting tired of not posting links to reports.
but what you said bout a dump site comes closer to what I have wondered about. seems some bright researchers found unexplianed energy bleeding from the place, so that would explain there Ideas of, of the earths power being in a grid like pattern of lines and sites like stonehenge that were built on them and later destroyed in wars.
unless ofcourse there thoughts is correct
Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

I've read something about that report in the newspaper this morning.

I've one heard of this energy grid you're talking about KC. I can't remember where those sites were. I think they talked about the pyramids being one of these sites.
Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

Numenorean7 said:
I've read something about that report in the newspaper this morning.

I've one heard of this energy grid you're talking about KC. I can't remember where those sites were. I think they talked about the pyramids being one of these sites.
correct they mentioned the pyramids of Egypt and South America too they even had dotted lines to show the pattern made by the structers seems like it was a star or somethin like that. seems like they said it included Atlantis at the center. and was thought to be made by the Alantieans. but then the exact local of Atlantis is unknown and still not proven to even exsist.
Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

They say there are some paterns that are similar between all these places and structures. Some say the same paterns can be found in Cydonia, on Mars. I posted a picture of Cydonia in the Pheonix Lander thread. On the picture you see pyramids, hexagons, etc.

I would like to know what all these paterns mean. Stars, grid points, etc.

