2008 Stonehenge dig exposed

Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

hey wouldn't it be cool if some 12 yr old kid cracked the code, and it turned out to be a map. how to get home from the outpost on the new world.we are the desendents of a reaserch team, sent here 6000 years ago and the rescue ship is fast approaching. only its planet size and the wackos think its nibiru comin to cause a pole shift ha ha ha
maybe I should be a sicfi writer.
Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

Some say it's a gateway leading somewhere else.
If it's so, I wonder to what kind of place it leads. As you said KC, maybe we're just an outpost. This portal might lead to the "main world", the next step.
Nibiru could be the key. Only if it exists.
Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

cool a stargate right here and we had no idea, that would be so wild.
ah hell sign me up I'll go see whats out there. I never fit in here on earth anyways.:D
I just can't get what Chip said out of my head, bout it being a dump site for the ET's toxic waste. that would explain the presance of radioactive elements being here on earth. I have never been to convinced that urainum is a natural mineral, that and mecurey they are just to deadly to us to be naturaly occureing. its just always seemed odd to me. as far as I know they have not found any traces of either on the moon, mars,or in any metorites ever. why not???? they find almost every other one out there thats here huh?????
Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

The ETs must say: "Look at them, they are digging in our garbages lol"

There must be some unknown materials that are on other worlds, but not here, that we can't even imagine the existance.
Re: BBC: 2008 Stonehenge Dig Exposed

I am quite sure there is a lot more we don't know about, than the few we do know of. and that makes us a very dangerous bunch of idiots.
