a post for num to read

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Senior Member
actually no he got more than few years.. he will be able to see everything i said hapoens to the T.. again pending human species action of fighting and winning against the deep state
Stick to your delusions about being a non human species :ROFLMAO:..


This is very telling.

When you speak down to me in the third person, it gives you satisfaction
so as to remove yourself from your own meanings. I get it.

As for my quick referral to welding...

The beads that arrive from welding are all Spherical yet obscured by force.
Such as the Earth...is not a perfect Sphere.

The Big Bang is kind of like the analogy above. Get it?

If you want to believe in a Flat Earth, then that is your right to do so.
once again you assume.. assumptions.. not once did i say flat earth i said you are NOT on a ball i repeatedly say it and i am right.. i dont try to speak down to you what so ever i just state fact.. you never been beyond your border.. 2500-3000 meter of ice ring.. all over your circular "lake"

the beads you talk about are all nice.. but "your" earth is still not a ball and neither is it a "pear" nor is it a pancake.. or a bell.. or a flying plate..

no human psychology can teach you anything about the earth shape.. you should however know you were lied to in a major way.. you are a final product of the deep state which is very real.. sadly.. i wish it was false


Stick to your delusions about being a non human species :ROFLMAO:..
sick metal health therapy which you truly in need of.. you are arrogant but in your case there is no reason behind it i know who you are there is truly no reason behind it .. stealth account or not .. no reason to be arrogant not knowing what it is on the other side you talk to ..


once again you assume.. assumptions.. not once did i say flat earth i said you are NOT on a ball i repeatedly say it and i am right.. i dont try to speak down to you what so ever i just state fact.. you never been beyond your border.. 2500-3000 meter of ice ring.. all over your circular "lake"

the beads you talk about are all nice.. but "your" earth is still not a ball and neither is it a "pear" nor is it a pancake.. or a bell.. or a flying plate..

no human psychology can teach you anything about the earth shape.. you should however know you were lied to in a major way.. you are a final product of the deep state which is very real.. sadly.. i wish it was false

I rest my case.

I wish you the best in life.



^ it does not matter wishes no wishes.. you guys still do not even understand.. forget about comprehending but not even understanding you will have to fight for EVERYTHING to save your species.. you will see


Senior Member
what i say ACTUALLY happen to you DAILY.. while what you do.. sit here and laugh at people posts saying they can never time travel or do anything show how miserable old human you truly are

the covert ID punishment is the punishment.. but it is ONLY the beginning your life wont improve even a bit until conditioned i specified met by your species... no matter what you think or say.. you will see with the years i am ALWAYS right .. you have some years to see it will be the case

regarding the website.. paranormalis competition should not be only with the same type sites.. this is another error you keep on making.. you are arrogant and for no reason.. you are also mentally ill this is my utmost belief as in paranoia.. you are scared of your own shadow
So who were those "members" you talked with "years ago" that are supposed to detest me?...They dont exist do they, its just more evidence of your delusional mind making up things that never happened...Of course i laugh at some posts, thats why we have emotes to use, i laugh at you! (y):LOL:..

I laugh at the delusional comments you make about yourself, imagining you are a different species thats made millions of dollars on the internet, all you are doing is trying to impress members who dont believe a single word of what you say (n):ROFLMAO:..

As for the second comment you made about covert ID punishment, its just more of the incoherent drivel that typifies you..
Your third comment, regarding the website...You made up more incoherent drivel by saying, quote: (paranormalis competition should not be only with the same type sites...this is another error you keep on making) :LOL:

You follow that up by claiming iam arrogant (how do you arrive at that, iam waiting to know why o_O)..Then of course you have to say iam mentally ill (thats definately the pot calling the kettle!! LMAO)...You then close off your drivel by saying, quote: (this is my utmost belief as in paranoia...you are scared of your own shadow)...FYI, people with paranoia are scared of other peoples imagined shadows) :ROFLMAO:..
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