Another Inside the HDR Thread: Dissecting my HDR

look through the scare crows hdr blogs they are very detailed and ive collected many of them for the database he is very knowledgeable on the hdr and other time travel stuff his the expert and i admire his intelligence very much and his collectors item blogs to
these are the capacitors i used in some of my hdr units they rated at 250 volts dc which is fine even they they are crossover caps it dosent matter as after the diode chain in the hdr they then be dc rated and within the voltage limit of the hdr after the diode chain
the bottom capacitor is the right one 1.0uF 250VDC
the bottom capacitor is the right one 1.0uF 250VDC
metalized polipropaline crossover capacitor
Steven G was using Metalized Film Capacitor will there be any difference in the outcome in the Caduseus Coil and in the T Bar Magnet outcome cuz the End of the Magnet thats where the Program is going in to your Stomach Chakra Your Soul
theres 3 different values there but the 1.0uf is the big one and dont use metal toggle switches likes Gibbs dose they are dangerous and if a wire comes off or touches the surrounding body it then be electrocuted making the outer switch body and nut and toggel all live so use plastic insulated ones that dont have a conductive outer body like i use
and when soldering wires dont use enameled coated wires as they look to dark to see any scratched off enamel on them so you wont know if they have lost any enameld coating which will result in ac voltage going from them thus causeing any shorts use insulated house hold wires cut an extension cord down the side pull out the wires that will do you and where you solder them to the switches slide heat shrink tubing over the soldered jions so they be insulated more use the soldering irons heat to shrink the tubing in tight
i did wach your biseos i like the white plastic that is holding the Magnet bery much
i used recycled white pvc storm water pipes 90 mills diameter cut down side pry it open while holding it over a stove flame till it gets soft then flatten it out first make the rings one for each end then slip it over the steel bar then use the round rings as rollers to roll it and wind your wire onto it before you make the 2 legged plates for each end and pvc pipe handels, pvc when heated enough times makes it hard and it can crack and break easily so be carefull
