Back that statement up with unequivocal evidence, or withdraw it by amending this post.
Thank you for your co-operation.
I don't have to. If you read my post again properly you'll see that i made it clear what i was giving was opinion not fact. 'I would suggest' is a very clear description that this is not factual or presented with evidence. I used the term 'suggest' for this very reason.
Therefore you have absolutely no grounds to make demands based on your own mis-informed assumptions of what i meant. This forum is a free service to give opinion if its not in an offensive manner. Suggesting is to give an opinion. Did i offend you in my delivery of it or something?
Seeing as there has been some confusion, i will make this clear;
The HDR unit is based on old philadelphia EXP. technology. Thats ancient in military terms.
However its governed by radionics, Technically this technology (radionics) is as safe as you want to make it (that includes the whole scale - from disasterous - to rock solid). But as i said, this might not always be the case. They are always many other factors other then the unit that can go wrong. The fact that the unit needs an exterior field as within a leyline, means its also factored into other variables. This is what i was trying to get across. Its not
just unit you want to ask about if your asking about safety.
If there was no radionics involved, i wouldn't go within 100ft of an HDR unit when it was turned on.
So as you can see, i can only suggest the unit iself is safe (which in term is not a claim to fact - obviously). To say i know it is, is to say i know you and exactly how you would use it. Which i can't.
The unit however, is safe for everything else other then physical travel, As long as you don't get carried away by overusing the E.M.
for physical, there are other variables that need to be worked in. Not just the unit itself.
If you leve it switched on over night and it burns through the protective tape an sets alight to your carpet, then no - the unit probably won't be safe.
Kindest regards,