Bush Did Not Win the Election?


Senior Member
Bush Did Not Win the Election?

For anyone who cares (gives a rat's ass) here's a link to a summary of all kinds of stuff about the most recent election. No, it didn't matter to me whether Bush or Kerry won the election. Two peas from the same pod, as far as I'm concerned. But rigging an election to the extent that it appears to have been done does matter to me.

The 2004 US Elections: The Mother of all Vote Frauds

The final two paragraphs of the article.

Kerry has clearly shown he is not willing to take a stand on this issue. And indeed you will find a great reluctance in the entire government to address the fraud because of their fear that if the present election is revealed to have been a fraud, the public will start to question whether previous elections were equally fraudulent, knowing that evidence to support such a conclusion is in abundance for those who look.

The American people are at risk of waking up and realizing that they did not in fact vote for the governments which have been in power over them for decades, and did not in fact vote to approve any of the disasterous fiscal and military policies the government has set, and that in fact the majority of Americans have never agreed with much of what has been going on. If the election is revealed to be a fraud, Americans will rightly conclude that they are under no obligation to obey the government any longer, to follow the government's dictates or to surrender their money and children to a bunch of unelected thugs.

Yeah, I know, it's from that "conspiracy nut" website, and I'm a conspiracy nut. Yeeha.


Judge Bean

Senior Member
Bush Did Not Win the Election?

Originally posted by CaryP@Dec 9 2004, 04:35 PM
For anyone who cares (gives a rat's ass) here's a link to a summary of all kinds of stuff about the most recent election. No, it didn't matter to me whether Bush or Kerry won the election. Two peas from the same pod, as far as I'm concerned. But rigging an election to the extent that it appears to have been done does matter to me.

The 2004 US Elections: The Mother of all Vote Frauds

The final two paragraphs of the article.

Kerry has clearly shown he is not willing to take a stand on this issue. And indeed you will find a great reluctance in the entire government to address the fraud because of their fear that if the present election is revealed to have been a fraud, the public will start to question whether previous elections were equally fraudulent, knowing that evidence to support such a conclusion is in abundance for those who look.

The American people are at risk of waking up and realizing that they did not in fact vote for the governments which have been in power over them for decades, and did not in fact vote to approve any of the disasterous fiscal and military policies the government has set, and that in fact the majority of Americans have never agreed with much of what has been going on. If the election is revealed to be a fraud, Americans will rightly conclude that they are under no obligation to obey the government any longer, to follow the government's dictates or to surrender their money and children to a bunch of unelected thugs.

Yeah, I know, it's from that "conspiracy nut" website, and I'm a conspiracy nut. Yeeha.


It is strange to me that stuff keeps coming back up, like a spiced dinner, after we discuss it here, sometimes long after.

You may remember that I wrote almost this identical thing here a few months ago, and in fact had it copied from the old site. The current government is the same group ruling America for decades, and is a conglomerate of corporate, criminal, and intelligence/bureaucratic wonks. It's hard to think of mafioso pushing pencils in cubicles and wearing Air Force uniforms, but this is what we have in charge.

Also: I have said that the very reason Kerry quickly capitulated was that there would be a gigantic Constitutional crisis if he won Ohio. Both parties would be to blame for it, and I doubt the government would survive it. We barely survived the Depression; we almost lost World War II; we weathered, somehow, the damage done to the country by the assassinations, Vietnam, Watergate, the Savings & Loan "crisis," and everything else since, but we could not have withstood another election fiasco, and Bush would have used it to cling to power.

Now they are attempting to overthrow the Constitution in a hundred different ways in Congress. They believe that they have a license now to directly distort and disobey it. The rule of law means nothing to them.

Consider the two losers Kerry and Nixon (2004 and 1960), both of whom apparently lost due to ballot fraud, but both of whom declined to challenge the results. Whatever their true reasons, which were no doubt complex and not altogether admirable, the Constitution was preserved. In other words, they demonstrated crucial leadership without obvious reward, and upheld the Constitution almost according to the oath they were deprived from taking. The winners? Mixed historical results to date.

The machinations and conspiracies are close to unbelievable that compose the paranoid network of "deep politics" underlying our government and economy. They are the ones-- the moles, agents, stringpullers, and shifting characters who pass effortlessly from boardroom to Pentagon to Oval Office to Senate chamber-- who are the true "conspiracy nuts," the maestros, the absolute fringe fanatic crackpots. When you throw a light on them, they respond by calling you a crank and "conspiracy theorist."


Junior Member
Bush Did Not Win the Election?

I'm 48 years old-- not really that old, when compared to dirt or T. Rex or something, but old enough. Old enough to have seen "stuff" happen, more than once, where I said to myself "You have got to be kidding! I don't believe it! I'll be damned!"

The US waged a secret war in Laos. Laos is the "most bombed" country on earth. But if you had said this in 1967, you were "a conspiracy nut."

A judge ruled that the weight of the evidence indicated that Martin Luther King was killed by a conspiracy-- not a lone gunman but a government conspiracy. If you had said this in 1969 you were "a conspiracy nut."

Concerning Joe Kennedy, the father of JFK:

"...his fortune, estimated at $100 million, traced its beginnings to his career as a bootlegger in partnership with organized crime during the Prohibition era." What's the difference between "in partnership with" and BEING in organized crime?

There is very, very strong circumstantial evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA operative. For example, when Bobby Kennedy heard that Oswald was the culprit, he called a known CIA man and said "One of your guys did it." The recording of this phone call still exists.

John Kennedy approved a coup in South Vietnam that led to the death of President Diem. Three weeks later, Kennedy was killed. Here's a link:


Bobby Kennedy, a married man and the Attorney General at the time, had an affair with Marilyn Monroe, just as his brother, John, had done. Shortly after he ended the affair she committed suicide in a very suspicious manner.

Bobby Kennedy ran a secret anti-Castro spy ring during his brother's administration, despite the fact that the US government had solemnly promised to stop it's attempts to infiltrate Cuba and kill Castro, and the fact the Congress had passed a law prohibiting such activities.

Today, many people still consider the Kennedy family to be "America's Royalty."

The Pentagon Papers outline how, for three decades, the US government lied to the people about Vietnam and about the war there. The US military knew that a real military victory was impossible-- but attempted to fight a "war of attrition" with North Vietnam, even though such a thing would never have been approved by the American public.

The United States CIA killed the democratically elected president of Chile and installed a Chilean general to run the country. That general (Pinochet) was later indicted for his crimes, but no US officials were ever charged.

Very good evidence exists that the Branch Davidian compound in Waco was deliberately torched by Federal troops. American citizens were murdered in cold blood by their own government.

In my opinion, the last two decades have seen a "corrupt" government become a "foully corrupt" government. The outrages I've mentioned here will look puny compared to what is to come.

Judge Bean

Senior Member
Bush Did Not Win the Election?

Thank my lucky stars we have a president now who was elected for his stand on "moral issues." Doesn't that mean he won't break any of the Ten Commandments or Amendments?


Senior Member
Bush Did Not Win the Election?

Had the REAL PTB been notified earlier of all the times this chump has taken names in vain and then turned right around and did the exact opposite, you can bet your sweet bippy he'd be 'talkin to god'. Quandry would be as to what to do with the ashes after the conversation.


Active Member
Bush Did Not Win the Election?

Originally posted by sosuemetoo@Nov 10 2004, 12:34 PM
Another twist to the election process is the electoral college.? They have not yet voted.


Section 7. The electors of President and Vice President of each State shall meet and give their votes on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December next following their appointment at such place in each State as the legislature of such State shall direct.

That will be December 13th this year.

I wanted to give everyone an update on this thread. Here are the important dates shown here:


December 13, 2004

Meetings of Electors and Transmission of Certificates of Vote to NARA
The electors meet in their State to select the President and Vice President of the United States. No Constitutional provision or Federal law requires electors to vote in accordance with the popular vote in their States. NARA's web site lists the States that have laws to bind electors to candidates. The electors record their votes on six \"Certificates of Vote,\" which are paired with the six remaining Certificates of Ascertainment. The electors sign, seal and certify packages of electoral votes and immediately send one set of votes to the President of the Senate (Richard B. Cheney) and two sets to the Archivist. The Federal Register preserves one archival set and holds the reserve set subject to the call of the President of the Senate to replace missing or incomplete electoral votes.

December 22, 2004

Deadline for Receipt of Electoral Votes at NARA

The President of the Senate and the Archivist should have the electoral votes in hand by December 22, 2004 (States face no legal penalty for failure to comply). If votes are lost or delayed, the Archivist may take extraordinary measures to retrieve duplicate originals.

On or Before January 3, 2005

Transmission of Certificates of Ascertainment to Congress

As the new Congress assembles, the Archivist transmits copies of the Certificates of Ascertainment to Congress. This generally occurs in late December or early January when the Archivist and/or representatives from the Federal Register meet with the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House. This is, in part, a ceremonial occasion. Informal meetings may take place earlier.

January 6, 2005

Counting Electoral Votes in Congress

The Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes (Congress may pass a law to change the date). The President of the Senate is the presiding officer. If a Senator and a House member jointly submit an objection, each House would retire to its chamber to consider it. The President and Vice President must achieve a majority of electoral votes (270) to be elected. In the absence of a majority, the House selects the President, and the Senate selects the Vice President. If a State submits conflicting sets of electoral votes to Congress, the two Houses acting concurrently may accept or reject the votes. If they do not concur, the votes of the electors certified by the Governor of the State would be counted in Congress.

January 20, 2005 at Noon


The President elect takes the Oath of Office and becomes the U.S. President.

Then I ran over today to see the Transmission of Certificates of Vote for each state. While the deadline is December 22nd, I was a bit surprized to see that several states had not transmitted their certificates. Here's what they have:

View Certificates of Ascertainment from the 2004 Presidential Election:

District of Columbia
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina
South Dakota

Only 24 have transmitted. One glaring state missing is, Ohio.


Active Member
Bush Did Not Win the Election?

One more addition here.


No Legal Requirement
Electors in these States are not bound by State Law to cast their vote for a specific candidate:

ARIZONA - 10 Electoral Votes
ARKANSAS - 6 Electoral Votes
DELAWARE - 3 Electoral Votes
GEORGIA - 15 Electoral Votes
IDAHO - 4 Electoral Votes
ILLINOIS - 21 Electoral Votes
INDIANA - 11 Electoral Votes
IOWA - 7 Electoral Votes
KANSAS - 6 Electoral Votes
KENTUCKY - 8 Electoral Votes
LOUISIANA - 9 Electoral Votes
MINNESOTA - 10 Electoral Votes
MISSOURI - 11 Electoral Votes
NEW HAMPSHIRE - 4 Electoral Votes
NEW JERSEY - 15 Electoral Votes
NEW YORK - 31 Electoral Votes
NORTH DAKOTA - 3 Electoral Votes
PENNSYLVANIA - 21 Electoral Votes
RHODE ISLAND - 4 Electoral Votes
SOUTH DAKOTA - 3 Electoral Votes
TENNESSEE - 11 Electoral Votes
TEXAS - 34 Electoral Votes
UTAH - 5 Electoral Votes
WEST VIRGINIA - 5 Electoral Votes?

I went through the list of states that had transmitted the votes. Here is the list of States that have not transmitted the vote and are not legally required to vote according to the popular vote:

ILLINOIS - 21 Electoral Votes
INDIANA - 11 Electoral Votes
LOUISIANA - 9 Electoral Votes
MISSOURI - 11 Electoral Votes
NEW HAMPSHIRE - 4 Electoral Votes
NEW JERSEY - 15 Electoral Votes
NORTH DAKOTA - 3 Electoral Votes
PENNSYLVANIA - 21 Electoral Votes
RHODE ISLAND - 4 Electoral Votes
WEST VIRGINIA - 5 Electoral Votes

That is, technically, 104 electoral votes "hanging out in the wind," to date.


Junior Member
Bush Did Not Win the Election?

Originally posted by sosuemetoo@Nov 9 2004, 04:01 PM
I found this compilation of proof located in a post at the timetravelinstitute very interesting and wanted to share it with our group.


Thanks GlugGlug!
Bush did NOT win the election.

Some evidence:
Database of election issues (269 collated there so far):? http://www.votersunite.org/electionproblem...problemtype=ALL

\"Help America Audit\" (main site for getting investigations underway): http://www.blackboxvoting.org/

Media \"too horrified\" to report this stuff (but MSNBC did about 15 minutes of it anyway tonite):?

30 precincts in Cleveland, OH have more than 100% turnout. One has 1160.78%:


This totals over 90,000 extra votes in just one county:? http://boe.cuyahogacounty.us/BOE/results/c...entresults1.htm

13 Florida counties have more votes than voters. Hernando County has ZERO votes:? http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~adamsb6/elections/

88,000 more votes than voters in Palm Beach:? http://www.washingtondispatch.com/spectrum...ves/000715.html

Florida Touchscreen voting machines \"count backwards\" after hitting 32,767 votes in a precinct. These are used in the half dozen most populated counties in the state, which happen to also be the most liberal. It affected the #s on all 4 amendment votes in broward, some by almost 80,000 votes, and reversing one decision, yet they claim it didn't affect other races. BS.? :? http://www.palmbeachpost.com/politics/cont...WVOTE_1105.html

tens of thousands\" of absentee ballots not sent to Broward voters:? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3968019.stm

Statistical probabilities for the exit polls and final results being so far apart legitimately calculated based on previous elections accuracy. Some as unlikely as 1 in 10^22 :? http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0411/S00072.htm

10,000 more votes than voters in Nebraska:

Bush suddenly gains about 5% in exit polls from 57 votes (added to about 2000 already there) -- in other words, CNN is in on the fix and needs to get their numbers to match: here (edit by sosuemetoo:? this link is broken and I will try to find it today)

Bush lost in Ohio.
Bush lost in Florida.
Bush lost in New Mexico.
Bush probably lost in Nevada & Colorado.
Bush lost the popular vote.

Some links broke in editing. Hope they are fixed now.

Edited by glugglug (11/09/04 02:07 AM)

Bush already won the election long before it started, unlike kerry he had the media control, if that wasnt worrying enough he now has full control over satellites that can operate on many freqeuncy bands used by him to detect many recivers and access to many transmissions, control over all the freqeuncys that can hold enough bandwidth for him to brainwash or receive information that could change world as we know it.

not to mention he has access to sattelites that can zoom in so close they be able to see a spot on your noise.

this information came to me from my m8 who is working in millitary and u can study all you want you will still come to same conclusion ^_^


Active Member
Bush Did Not Win the Election?

There was a poll out today (couldn't find it on the internet yet) that 77% of the people think Bush won fair and squre. Still he does have an unfavorable rating.


Senior Member
Bush Did Not Win the Election?

Bush has an unfavorable rating?? How is that possible, why, he has done so much to this country.
