concentration camps in america


Senior Member
Have there ever been concentration camps in america. The answer is yes.

Please listen to me. Actions speak loader than words my fine ones.

Night Templar

Junior Member
Of course there were, nothing new about that. Best as I can recall, it was some type of action take by the Feds, to address the issue of spies on the west coast, mainly, whether their were spies for the Japanese, I don't doubt but a lot of American citizens were packed up, bag and baggage, and "relocated". "Something about a "threat to national security at war time", supposedly. I have found the whole matter rather "un-American" and I am sure there were "rights" that were violated in the typical "knee jerk" over reaction to the fear of an invasion on the west coast by the armies/navies of Japan. Let's not forget that some also American citizens of German heritage got the same kind of treatment, though not as "punitive" but based often times just on their last name as the determining factor for "relocation". Sad but true that often times the rights sworn to and promised by our "founding fathers", just were simply forgotten based on the phrase "national security" being enforced. As for "concentration camps", I doubt many , if any, fit the term used to describe to what was cited as created by the German government to deal with not just the Jews but anyone that didn't fit into the concept of what were seen as not fittinf into thhe concepts of what "true Germans" were, based on such things as physical apperance, medical/psychiatric history, criminal activities, convicted or not, general ancestors, again, proven or not, and the list goes including the use of names as one criteria for forced imprisonment. What was created by the S.S., mainly, I find would be used correctly as "concentration camps" but not what was created in the US. The term and the reasons for their creation were world apart.


This days concentration camps are called deportation camps .. Many country's still have them. I did have sadly the occasion to be on one of them in Italy is called Ponte Galeria and is next to airport fumicino in Rome. I was retained there for 2 month then romanian president send a plain to collect all of us lol. Anyway people been trying at the time and still trying to close that place. People died there .. We was forced to drink all type of drugs.. Was like a zombie land. Non of us was able to react like a normal person we was half asleep. I am talking about 2006 and since that time bad things still happens there. I can't tell haw many time police hit my head on the bars lol or how many times they bit up girls until they couldn't move from the floor.


There was people there from all countries .. Mans and women's over 18 some was staying there 2..3 months some years ..


this is a printed list of some known sites of said camps.. I do have eye witness experience ( I have looked directly at and driven around the area) of one of said camp sites.. I was not convinced of it being a secret camp by any sense of the word..

There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general's signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached. Ask yourself if you really want to be on THE list



Junior Member
Years ago while still a child in middle school I clairvoyently dreamed of concentration camps in America. I was there with my mother and grandmother. My grandmother hauled off in one direction and myself dragged from my mother. Just awful. I just knew we were going to die. Back then it seemed crazy,but now....who knows?


We seem to see clues and signs of such camps being prepared and worked on. But seriously, do you really believe they're going to put american citizens in there?
