Does President Trump have a Time Machine?


I don’t think Trump has a time machine, because if he has, he wouldn’t have had any thoughts about presidency and politics at all. Maybe he is using someone who has access to time travel, I don’t know.
The idea is that if someone has a time machine and goes into politics, that is evil personified.
How many normal people, with healthy brain and who have a time machine, do you think would go into politics ?!?!
Maybe America did not survive the pandemic, economic collapse and the riots under President Hillary. Then he had no choice.


New Member
President Trump repeatedly makes statements about the future that turn out to be true. For example, there was an explosion in Europe and he immediately posted on Twitter that it was a terrorist attack. he was attacked for posting that without any information at all. But he was right, it was a terrorist attack. And this week he posted about another agreement with Mexico but Mexico said they knew nothing of another agreement. Was he stating what WILL happen in the future? The hints are everywhere. He makes statements about China for example, saying they would do better to make a deal on trade with him now before he gets re-elected or it will be much worse for them. What do you think?
If he doesn't then maybe his propaganda arm "Q" does. I've seen Q posts which state "Time Travel is Fun" ????


Senior Member
Perhaps...President Time has a Trump machine?

(Never play cards with a cat's tail! :LOL:)

I think its more likely Trumps uncle would have been involved in time-travel because of his electronics expertise,...His personal finances would have been sufficient to bribe FBI agents into giving him access to Teslas notes on Time-Travel after Teslas death on Jaunuary 7th 1943....The Philadelphia Experiment was only seven months away on August 12th 1943, although I now believe the date of the experiment was more likely October 12th 1943...FYI I have never played with a pussys tail, they don't like it ;) :D..
