Does President Trump have a Time Machine?

Did NASA 'Admit' Climate Change Is Caused by Changes in Earth’s Orbit, Not Humans?

"On its Earth Observatory web site, NASA published in the year 2000, the information they possessed about the Milankovitch Climate Theory, which was PROVED to be fact by core samples from the earth’s seas. Climate Changes – warming and destructive weather – happen naturally from changes in earth’s solar orbit, and the extent of earth’s axis tilt. NOT from man-induced factors! "

Dont know if my post has much to do with Donald's Time Machine:p
Much like the theory that Chan Thomas brought forward in his 1965 book which the CIA took of the shelves.

"It was the year 1958, to be precise, when NASA first observed that changes in the solar orbit of the earth, along with alterations to the earth’s axial tilt, are both responsible for what climate scientists today have dubbed as “warming” (or “cooling,” depending on their agenda). In no way, shape, or form are humans warming or cooling the planet by driving SUVs or eating beef, in other words."
Did NASA 'Admit' Climate Change Is Caused by Changes in Earth’s Orbit, Not Humans?

"On its Earth Observatory web site, NASA published in the year 2000, the information they possessed about the Milankovitch Climate Theory, which was PROVED to be fact by core samples from the earth’s seas. Climate Changes – warming and destructive weather – happen naturally from changes in earth’s solar orbit, and the extent of earth’s axis tilt. NOT from man-induced factors! "

Dont know if my post has much to do with Donald's Time Machine:p

I used a Google browser from the link you left for us, and thank you for posting it.....There is a huge red sign at the bottom of it saying FAKE!!!..
That is the classic pernicious example of suppression of evidence!!!..Iam VERY angry now!! :mad: :mad: :mad:..
You used to be able to go to the Nasa website to find the temperature charts. They just gather satellite data without taking sides. I've heard that people are no longer able to find the data charts any longer. It's like we under an enemy nation occupation. All history is being erased and replaced with fiction. Try looking up Faraday's left-hand rule. It is the basis for the industrial revolution. Without it we would still be in the stone ages. You wont be able to construct an AC motor without this knowledge. Troubleshooting an electrical problem would be impossible. There are many things I've noticed that are being taught differently than I learned them. Most of what you know is just garbage knowledge anyway. So what difference does it make if the narrative changes? For instance, I took chemistry and mechanics in high school. CO2 is actually used in air conditioners. It is a gas that transfers heat very easily by going through compression and evaporation cycles. Thus CO2 is a conductor of heat. But then all atmospheric gasses are conductors of heat. They do so very rapidly too. Not like sand with seems to hold onto heat much longer.

Also, we can hardly build computers anymore. Blame it on technology adva
Al Gore invented global warming. Since 1998 the data charts show global warming stopped. Which makes the whole idea that CO2 was causing the global warming a complete hoax. CO2 is a vital necessary component of the life cycle for all living things on our planet. Remove just the CO2 and all living things would perish. There is very little CO2 in our atmosphere. Only around 400 parts per million. CO2 does not store heat. There is no science that even explains how CO2 could even contribute to warming the atmosphere. Our atmosphere behaves as a conductor, conducting all radiation through itself with little interaction. Just stand on a sandy beach on a hot summer day. The sand is too hot to stand on. But the air doesn't burn. Just a little common sense fact.

The climate change scare is political propaganda. Our climate has been changing every year through cycles called the four seasons. Spring, summer, fall, and winter. No season ever winds up being the same as the year before. I'm surprised you didn't know this. If any scientist believes that CO2 is causing climate change, then he isn't a very good scientist. Scientists are supposedly supposed to be educated with factual data. But political scientists seems to favor a fat paycheck over science. And of course the statement that 99% of scientists back up climate change is just pure bullshit.

Best reply I've seen. Bravo. Wish this would fit on twitter.
I'm a science advocate. The climate changes naturally every 100,000 years due to earth's orbit and there is nothing anybody can do about it. Neither Trump, nor any other human, is causing global warming.
sciencetists have prove since the industrial age began global warming is changing more then natural corrilating will co2 increases per square foo in atmosphere. sciencetists prove co2 refracts light back towards earth.
sources againsted?
