Does the positive side of tribalism/racism outshine the negative side?


Senior Member
Better than 70% of us start our moral thinking with the Golden Rule.

We are basically all the same. We all follow the same basic instincts.


If that were true about more than 70% of us with the Golden Rule-----there would be no discrimination at all.
Following instincts doesn't entirely make one the same either.
I think in some regards we are all the same and in others we are not.
Also how do you explain people (of both sexes) that prefer to marry someone of a different race? (I'm not one of those people personally)
The thing is though---are they just doing it for show? Or is it because not everyone has tribalistic tendencies?


Senior Member
If I had to only save one person in a dire situation? The choice would be random in my honest assessment---although I have
never been in this situation.

Gnostic Christian

Active Member
There's always exceptions to tribalistic tendencies. Why is it a lot of white women seem to prefer black men?

(Don't answer that. I see where that's going)

In group loyalty does not seem as important to women as to men. Not surprising that as men will tend to be more insecure than women.

I am not sure why their in group loyalty is less, but it is not likely sexual. It is more likely to be social.


Gnostic Christian

Active Member
We are all the same in one regard only----we're living breathing beings that deserve compassion for that sole reason.
We're both not the same and all the same
at the same time. It's a paradox. A paradox cannot exist without conflicting
things supporting each other.

By this logic-----perhaps tribalism isn't always the best answer.

It is to our instincts that control us and our tribalism.

Tribalism, for a species where individuals cannot live without one, is necessary to our survival. That is why our selfish gene pushes our tribal natures to the forefront. at all times.

Tribalism is the answer but we have to become one tribe instead of many.

Spaceship Earth can only have one Captain to be it's best.


Gnostic Christian

Active Member
If that were true about more than 70% of us with the Golden Rule-----there would be no discrimination at all.
Following instincts doesn't entirely make one the same either.
I think in some regards we are all the same and in others we are not.
Also how do you explain people (of both sexes) that prefer to marry someone of a different race? (I'm not one of those people personally)
The thing is though---are they just doing it for show? Or is it because not everyone has tribalistic tendencies?

Our first tribe is our family. Those who migrate to another are just joining another tribe, not rejecting tribalism.

Tribalism is where our need for fellowship comes into play. Fellowship is good. That is why I see more good in tribalism/racism than evil. We should do more mitigating of the evil side.

If done for show, you would have to see them impressing people and that is not how most people usually see it.


Gnostic Christian

Active Member
If I had to only save one person in a dire situation? The choice would be random in my honest assessment---although I have
never been in this situation.

Neither have I, but do not see your reply as representative of reality.

Most will save their own so as not to be seen as traitor to the group as well as be seen as a good member of their group.


Witch Hunt

Senior Member
There's always exceptions to tribalistic tendencies. Why is it a lot of white women seem to prefer black men?

(Don't answer that. I see where that's going)

Flip that around tiger! It is more of a case of black men refusing to date black women than anything else. Think about it, look at social portrayals of black women. Now look at social portrayals of white women. Go on any dating website. Black women have the least clicked on profiles. Guess who does? LOL

The studies are conclusive.
