Energy sources?


Active Member
What is space in terms of zero point energy? Maybe we should consider R&D of surface material that could be receptive to space. A film or plasma or nano materials that we haven’t discovered yet. What is the content of space that would create or form zero point energy? If space can not be captured then maybe it’s the surface of a device or component that is receptive to the content of space where the contents of space are simply coming into contact with said surface. We have photovoltaic and hydrovoltaic technology so a voltaic method as it relates to space. I recently read an article that mentioned Geobacter bacteria producing electricity. I don’t understand how that substance works but knowing it exists leads me to think there are other natural substances. For instance a jellyfish and an eel produce electricity naturally so maybe researching how they do it and then synthesize it if possible. Synthetic electricity. Ha.
I may be incorrect about jellyfish producing electricity. I was thinking their tentacles did but I think I’m mistaken. But a type of jellyfish produces a protein used in solar panels.


Senior Member
That's how nuclear fission works. Create lots of heat in a pool using radioactive rods, then let a mist create drops of water that fall into a turbine. Sounds very inefficient, but air can hold huge amounts of water traveling effortlessly to very high altitudes.

A skyscraper could probably get a few watts and drinking water from rain and condensing mist against metal plates at high altitude and having a turbine for vertical sewage water.
That's not really how nuclear fission works, and not really how a fission power plant works.
Turbines capture energy from steam by allowing the steam to rapidly expand, capturing some work from latent heat.
Works the same as coal-fired or natural gas generator plants. Just a different heat source.



Active Member
If quartz vibrates in its natural state maybe if we put it inside a container that has a surface that can detect and react to those vibrations. (Piezoelectric or kinetic research. )The vibrations would move atoms thru the air of the container. If the container had a surface of cilia maybe. Fine hairs that could be moved by the atoms constantly bumping into them. Atoms have mass. Very small mass. But so many atoms in a square inch it seems that the small mass adds up. And atoms are constantly moving.


Active Member
Quartz naturally vibrates at an exact frequency and contains piezoelectric properties, which means that when it is pressurized, it produces a small volt of electricity... online search.

If you press 2 quartz crystals together would you produce energy? Would constant pressure create constant energy. If not how could we oscillate the pressure. Can the energy produced by the pressure provide enough energy to produce its own oscillation. By oscillation I mean the application of pressure and the release of it.
I have seen videos of quartz being grown.


Senior Member
You can offer free fat reduction surgery along a highway for filling your lard lamps. When people bang on your door for causing infections with unlicensed surgery, you have a door banging generator with pre-recorded snarky remarks to make them more angry. When they queue outside for hours, you also have welcome rugs generating power from their steps back and forth. It's important to not let them use any toilet, so that you maximize power output.
