Re: HDRkid II

Btw i wrote to the anderson institue twice and i didnt get a reply go check there webiste and see how similar it is to timenomore , almost copycat me
Re: HDRkid II

Btw i wrote to the anderson institue twice and i didnt get a reply go check there webiste and see how similar it is to timenomore , almost copycat me
Wut ???

Some claim the Kid isn't the same person, like StarLord said. I'd say there's been at least 1 or 2 other posters behind the HDRKid account. This is a whole debate in itself, like this thread and its content.
Re: HDRkid II

Providence: 1 - the guardianship and control exercised by a deity; "divine providence"

Providence: 2 - Harte "ignores" HDRKid and then Starlord, who ain't been seen around here in a coon's age and is as scarce as hen's teeth, steps up to the plate.

Glad you're back, old buddy.

Re: HDRkid II

Good to see you again StarLord, it's been a while. Be patient with the young ones my friend, they still have a lot to learn about the Universe(s). uh...wait.. yeah right, I'm young ... :o

I'm glad you made it back.

I must admit though, I'd enjoy to see the kid post like he used to in 2005, his posts weren't the same as they are now. I could hardly explain why, but it was somehow different... perhaps it's me who was different at the time.

Thank you Numenorean7!

Here's what I remember:


Much was different back then. The kid's meds were working back then. I wonder if this particular "kid" remembers Darby.

Remember Darby kid? Do you remember he pinpointed where you lived? Remember folks finding your posts on a blog about that particular med regarding medication and how it wasn't working?
Remember folks finding your artsy blog?

I Do.

Here's the difference between then & now. Back then, the original "kid", Jennifer, was all about what buildings, clothes, vehicles, inventions, languages and people looked like in the future and that's what the made up stories were about. There was no fear, no doom mongering.

Something happened to their world and they became obsessed with the negative. They were swallowed up gradually by the dark side. Week by week, month by month, their posts became more and more filled with doom and gloom.

"You won't be laughing when..."

Then that phrase started to come out, as IF it's any of our fault that cacca passa in the world, and / or a parental admonition. Like "Wait untill YOU have your own children" OR it's our fault that we had spotted the BS in the claims and could not possibly be taken in by the crap. Yes, crap.

Before they got lost in their made up world of Doom & Gloom, the meds were working.

Then we saw two or three different people posting as the kid. Didn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Perhaps the lottery winner at hdrsareus site won the auspicious log in and pass word and got to be the kid for a few months. Doesn't matter which, it just was.

We wont go into the "Trip" and where they claimed to be posting from and what the ISP address actually turned out to be.

All in all, it's definitively THE worst hoax I have ever witnessed compounded by the asault on the senses by a series of ineffectual individuals strung out on peoples attention.

""Hi StarLord:
What can I say. You are much in error.""

Uh Huh. You can't say anything because as I suspect, either you are the original perp and the meds have clouded your memory or, the original never bothered to clue the successive players in on what went on. My memory does not fail me when it comes to you and your hoax. It's the Chain Saw Massacre I II III and IV of hoaxes.

It's Telly Tubbies 24/7 on every channel at high volume and your eyes are wedged open and you can't move your head.

It's a 50ft cow pie that has the magical ability to renew itself each time you look at it and the wind is always coming from the worst direction.

Everything you have stolen and "predicted" is a no brainer, otherwise they wouldn't have put it where you found it.

The stuff you make up is just as obvious.
Re: HDRkid II


Good to see you posting here again old friend. The place just isn't the same without you here.

I'm with you guys 100% on this not being the same HDRKid we had before. It would seem we are going on Hdrkid v3.0 because their posts have changed styles at least a few times.

Here's the difference between then & now. Back then, the original "kid", Jennifer, was all about what buildings, clothes, vehicles, inventions, languages and people looked like in the future and that's what the made up stories were about. There was no fear, no doom mongering.

This right here is describing it perfectly. Remember the "max" everything? "To the max" was going to be the next big slang term? Ocasionally JasonX would ask about some odd wrestling event and hdrkid would have some fantastic imaginative reply. Then the shit got dark. Very dark. You're all going to die from horrible bird-flu deaths dark. THis new hdrkid seems even more different than the last one. The one who would never even acknowledge the negative posts, and if they did it was just humourous and condescending. Bring the old hdrkid back.
Re: HDRkid II

I never get the point why none of the 2 hdrkid ever wanted to show his/her face to claim glory or fame , i know he/she posted video on youtube with carlos ( notice that carlos has long fingernail) and at one time you could see on the hdrkid youtube channel testing a device with a power inverter in a rental car using ugly yellow glove to hide his/her hand but seriously you could make out it was carlos , even steven show have done some video instead of me , on how to use an hdr. i dont know what they are afraid of
Re: HDRkid II

Keroscene!! Thanks for the kind words my friend. Somebody kick the lighthouse and see if we can catch G100's attention.

I believe the actual phrase if I'm not mistaken was "Maxpop" does that ring a bell?


"Glory"?? How could one possibly establish a concept like Glory to what amounts to $6.87 spent on Radio Shack parts made up of rheostats, LEDs, a *cough*cough* wish plate, (21'st century version of Aladdin's Lamp ) a tossed salad circuit board, wires and metal box put together by a farmer supposedly garnered from two aliens, ones who's named Pepeto?

People find out where you actually live after years of stacking lies regarding time travel and the and you'll find a plethora of flowers and tall glass container type votive candles with the pictures of the Madonna and Jesus with the big glowing heart on your front yard because of the obvious accident that took place with your brain.

You may have missed the episode where two engineering type school geeks put one together based on schematics, was that ever a knee slapper/reason to clean your monitor because it's covered with coffee after you gasp for breath because you LMAOROFPMPed it.

What was really sad were the "fans" that would show up and ask questions that amounted to naught but rearranging flowers around an equine carcass that had been assaulted post mortem for the thousandth time. Even the maggots had hatched and left 50 pages before that.

It is hoped that Frog(inset appropriate number here) never wasted his money or too much time on the farmer's debacle.

However, that brings up an even more interesting question. Who are the players, who are the sockpuppets when it comes to a Hoax? Who's holding the strings?

If you watch long enough, eventually the concept regarding exactly how many "live" people there are behind a site / Hoax comes to the forefront of your mind driven to the surface from clues found by the subconscious mind.
Re: HDRkid II

At this point, this thread reminds me of Lost in Space. Started out with an entertaining premise but now we're at the talking carrot stage.
