Re: HDRkid

HI Numenorean7:

We move from HD to UHD, this is near term. Later comes holographic technology. I have seen this in the future. Think in the 1920's we have silent B&W movies, then we move to sound, and later to color. There have been many attempts to create 3D movies, but so far no success.

I have seen IMAX 3D and it is great, but you have to wear a visor and the equipment is very expensive. In the future 3D is created using lasers. I believe we have the technology right now.

Getting on to other subjects, John Titor said that the US would split into five parts. There is a russian prof who said this back in 1998.

As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S. - WSJ.com

Personally, I believe that the US will merge with Canada and Mexico, and have a new currency called the amero. This will compete with the euro. BTW, please remember that the US has 10X the oil of Saudi Arabia, quarter of world's coal deposits, and the richest land in the world.

For some reason in the future russian fears cause them to attack the US. Hopefully we can prevent this from taking place. 8)
Re: HDRkid

Hi nu:

Korean Blogger Arrested
FT.com / Asia-Pacific - Financial blogger arrested in South Korea

Well, There is a great deal of censoring going on and much of my content would be highly unsuitable for publication; even with the widest possible latitude of liberty. In fact, some of my content cannot be considered appropriate by even the most generous reasonable standards. I will delay the release of any data that could jeopardize the stability of existing structures of our current regime.

To give you an idea of the harm from premature release of information, back in 2005 I announced that complete collapse was just a few years away. As a result people with access to remote viewing information began a massive sell off - of real estate, and stocks, and commodities. The result was an acceleration in global financial collapse. There is always a danger to giving out information about what might happen in the future.

I do not pretend to have all the answers, but what would you do if you saw in the future a break down in the chain of command in Pakistan led to the release of certain unconventional weapons to radical extremists? Would you sound the alarm that people should leave populated cities?
Re: HDRkid

Is your content censored ?
Kid, I heard some times that your website was attacked by hackers, does it sill happen ?
Re: HDRkid

Hi Numenorean7:

I have my web site of three different hosts, so it is harder, because they have to knock out all three, but it still happens. I went astral today to 2010 and saw a lot of agitation. In another jump to 2050 I saw a world recovering.

Food in the far future that I saw was algae pellets and "astronaut food" like GU Energy Gel packets.

Here is a person who in 2003 saw the future. And talked about the Great Depression and prosperity is just around the corner.

See farther in the future.

The Lincoln like president tried to hold the country together. That sounds like Obama.
Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh if You Want to Get Things Done - Presidential Politics | Political News - FOXNews.com

TAKEN FROM 'Recession could be the worst since 1930s' warning as Brown admits: 'I never saw it coming' | Mail Online
"Britain's recession could be the worst since the 1930s, an expert warned today in the wake of Gordon Brown's admission that he hadn't seen it coming."

Do not believe the debunkers that claim Great Depression II was obvious. Few realize how bad things are now.

This guy reminds me of my neighbors. He worries about a red circle on his mailbox.

People will say my IRA is dropping in value every day. What do I do? Well, my answer is get ready for economic crisis and financial chaos. Yes, having gold is a good idea, but having food is even better. You cannot eat gold. :)
Re: HDRkid II

hey yo this is some serious shenanigans youre doing here you shouldnt mess with peoples hearts okay i dont know what kind of game your playing at but this is how people get hurt and lose their hope you need to be positive so dont make me roundhouse kick your ass cuz i will. ask the guy behind the taco bell
Re: HDRkid II

Har Har!!! It's like this site was never gone! Great to see old faces, er, avatars.....that said, sigh, HDRkid. It is a shame that your old thread is gone. However, the frustration that is known as in replying to you, isn't.

Why are you always so negative with your "predictions"? For once could you PLEASE tell us something positive and COOL about the future?

And not something lame like "coke blaque"......geesh.:rolleyes:
Re: HDRkid

hdrkid said:
To give you an idea of the harm from premature release of information, back in 2005 I announced that complete collapse was just a few years away. As a result people with access to remote viewing information began a massive sell off - of real estate, and stocks, and commodities. The result was an acceleration in global financial collapse. There is always a danger to giving out information about what might happen in the future.

Am I reading this correctly? Does this actually say that HDRKID, soothsaying paramour of the Kansas pig farmer and 2nd runner-up for Miss Astral Headgear of 2005, is claiming responsibility for the global economic turmoil due to premature release of info?

Now, far be it for me to argue against someone who I'm pretty sure is a bona fide expert in premature releases but isn't Gertrude somewhat overshooting his wad on this? Am I the only one that thinks this crazier than a shithouse rat on acid? Gladys, I'm thinking its time to shelve the dosage regime and give the old voltage approach a try.
Re: HDRkid

gl100 said:
Am I reading this correctly? Does this actually say that HDRKID, soothsaying paramour of the Kansas pig farmer and 2nd runner-up for Miss Astral Headgear of 2005, is claiming responsibility for the global economic turmoil due to premature release of info?

Now, far be it for me to argue against someone who I'm pretty sure is a bona fide expert in premature releases but isn't Gertrude somewhat overshooting his wad on this? Am I the only one that thinks this crazier than a shithouse rat on acid? Gladys, I'm thinking its time to shelve the dosage regime and give the old voltage approach a try.


That was funny.
Re: HDRkid

gl100 said:
Am I reading this correctly? Does this actually say that HDRKID, soothsaying paramour of the Kansas pig farmer and 2nd runner-up for Miss Astral Headgear of 2005, is claiming responsibility for the global economic turmoil due to premature release of info?

Now, far be it for me to argue against someone who I'm pretty sure is a bona fide expert in premature releases but isn't Gertrude somewhat overshooting his wad on this? Am I the only one that thinks this crazier than a shithouse rat on acid? Gladys, I'm thinking its time to shelve the dosage regime and give the old voltage approach a try.

OMG HA HA.....this is too much.

Really? Really HDRkid? You really think that you are a) that important, and b) there are THAT many remote viewers and c) remote viewers with money and stocks and real estate to sell off???

I don't think I should laugh at you anymore. I think you are the first example of someone who is obviously not from this particular timeline, er, dimension-as your sense of reality vs. the rest of us is truly disparaging......:rolleyes:
