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3. What kind of gimmick did john cena have in one line you saw him in and have you ever seen trish stratus on another line? Jon Cena on this line is lame, the rap gig is a bit over the top. On other lines Jon Cena (Road Kill) is known as king of low blow. He even has a comc book and is bigger than the Rock/Dwayne Johnson.
Randy Orton is not big on other lines, not sure why.
I recall Jon Cena was a bodyguard for rapper Maximus Caesar on another timeline, one with a lot more flash than this one. Its all good.

God as if I dont hate Cena enough. I can only imagine what the alternate version of Phantom Lord must be writing about him in his column on that line. He's still probably the same bland 5 move wrestler I bet.

If I want to see what happened at the grassy knoll that fateful day JFK was killed, I first have to fly to Dallas, Texas. Then I can jump to the 60's and try to hit the exact date which is very difficult.

On the subject of JFK, Are there lines where he and his brother Bobby weren't killed and what are they like.

Is Teddy still the same bumbling drunk that he is here? What about JFK Jr...I would imagine if he hadnt died then he would be my Senator right now and not Hillary.

LOL...Okay, I'm reading up on this thing and Steven Gibbs claims that he received the "device" from 2 aliens named Paco and Pedro. Now, I don't know where you guys are from, but I'm from Texas. I have myself seen aliens named Paco and Pedro in my state but I doubt that they had any technology to share.

He also says that "This device is dangerous to some degree, since there is no protective shielding, therefore you could burst in- to flames, provided of course that you are not spiritually prepared. " I'm agnostic so I guess that means that if I try it, I'm doomed?

And listen to this.... "Lopez had referred to the device as the ?Magnetic X Device? and told Steve he had come in from the fifth dimension around 1959. He had been educated in electronics and trained to construct androids. He even made the android, which he referred to as his mother! And he claimed to have personally constructed a number of famous people who are really androids such as Ted Koppel, and one of the female actors in the movie MANNEQUIN. All of those were androids, which aren't robots, but cyborg. A cyborg is based on nanno-technology! "

HDRKid...I'm not trying to make fun of your project. Maybe it works for you, but if this guy Gibbs wants to be taken seriously, he needs to make his story a little more convincing. The stuff that I'm reading from him is just rediculous! If it had been me, for starters, I would have left out the "Ted Koppel is an android" part. And I would have chosen different names for my aliens.

Have you ever talked to this guy? I'm almost tempted to call him. Then maybe I can get a handle on the person behind the website.


Hi Virtualgirl:
1. What is the well for? The witness well is used to place a sample inside the hyper dimensional resonator.
That doesn't make alot of sense to me.
Typically you can put an old coin of the year you wish to travel to.

2. I can pick all these parts up at my local electronics store. Are you suppose to put something on your head or just sit next to it? Yes, I put the time coils around my head when tuning the HDR. All parts are easily available. The hyper dimensional resonator time coils are phone wire.

3. Have you ever talked to this guy? Yes, I have talked to Steven Gibbs. He lives in Kansas.

Hi PhantomLord:
1. On the subject of JFK, Are there lines where he and his brother Bobby weren't killed and what are they like?
The timeline where JFK was not killed is called Camelot. The US is very successful and we have fusion tech. A lot less pollution, crime, etc than our line.
Positives: are no income tax, federal reserve, gasoline powered cars.
Negatives: cops are out of work (low crime), property taxes are high :huh:

2. Is Teddy still the same bumbling drunk that he is here?
No, he died in a car crash.

3. What about JFK Jr...
John John went on to become president. Even better than his father. :)

Hi halo2junkie119:
1. Steven Gibbs said that one of the lines he went to was like a hippie line. Have you ever been to this line? Yes, George McGovern was elected president instead of Richard Nixon. McG legalized pot. The rest is history.

2. If so could you tell us about it? Crime rate dropped a lot because most crimes are caused by people stealing to feed their drug habit. Rehabs were built for addicts. People do not use 60's slang in 2005 like "far out man, check out these crazy wheels, GROOVY! " They use new slang that is different than ours. like "That car is so HOTT, it's on fire!" :)

Hi Passive_Extremist:
I don't think that "Return of the Dead" or "Island of the Dead" have been shown here. They all follow the same formula.

Hi Kero:
Have you ever seen Napolean Dynamite?
Yes, on this line and others.
If on another timeline, did his machine work?
Yes they all went back to the 1980's, but they de-aged a lot.
Kip had to change Nappy's diaper. I laughed till I cried. :lol:

Hi Darkwing:
You always mention the line where you saw that the greys took over. Give us details on what you exactly saw on that line.

1. How did the earth look?
Destroyed, the cities were gone. Grey style architecture in places. Some huans were colabs they were spared.

2. What were the greys doing exactly?
Turning humans into MREs for the reptilians.

3. What were the few humans left doing?
Hiding in the rubble. My double was eating from cans.

4. Were any major cities still standing?
All gone. The saddest part is that most people had given up the fight.
Many who fought at the begining later surrendered. A few were out there hiding. I did not see any hybrids on this line, only greys and humans.

Etc etc. Give us anything you saw I'm sure myself and others are very curious. It would be a looong post. :)

Hi tchetcha:
1. If it is so hard to astral project and to time travel (you say you just can make it once in every 3 attempts?!), why wast the time you do travel, watching movies, and wrestlers, and stuff? (When you say a WWIII is coming)
You are correct. I have wasted jumps on frivolous things. Like trying to see Star Wars b4 it came out.

2. You can just travel 500 years foward or backward? Any explanation for this? (Just interested because you said that in every line you jumped, Jesus was born, and He was the one I like to see.)
I cannot go back 2000 years. However if you could go back 2000 years I can tell you that you could probably talk to Jesus as he knew Latin and Portuguese is very close to Latin. :)

3. Your blog was a good idea for keeping a record of your journeys. Why dont you update it more often? (I'll be reading it, I promise). I will make more posts. Thanks.

Hi Frog:
I just wanted to say how are you doing in general?
Fine, still looking for a job. It sux not having one.
I am doing fine for now I wanted to know if you have finished inventing the flux capacitor yet if not I am not trying to rush you at all when your ready let me know if you will be able to send it to me as for your other inventions how are they coming along?
As soon as I get the 1200 MFD Cap I will start to build the flux cap. :)

Hi JasonX:
1. Hi but do you think the person posting could have been a older version of me, what were some questions he was asking? Might be. Typical questions are "What year are we hit."

2. Who stared in the movie 7-11 and what year was it made it that line?
Not sure of the year, but I remember a alien showing a cop his drivers license. It is for a UFO! :lol:

3. How old was the girl who played jeannie and what did she look like was she bulit? Kelly Kaiser was a teen, she was always saying "Comming master..." Don't remember who played the astronut.

4. So John cena was the king of low blow on one line and how big was he i mean bulit in the line where he was a bodyguard? Real big, like he ate roids like candy.

5. have you ever seen trish stratus in another line?
Never, I will start looking for her.

6. Have you ever seen any reality shows in other lines that are not on our line? Worlds Stupidest Cops. A cop shot himself in the head. Another one gave his gun for children to play with. It was loaded and went off.

7. Have you ever seen young actors like jamie lynn spears in lines when there older? Jamie is better than her sister. She goes on to make some great movies. I think one comes out in 2008. :D

1. what did jame spears lok ike in 2008 in that movie what was it called?

2. so john cena was huge how huge?

3. did you see britiney spears in the line where jamie spears makes good movies?

4. have you ever went to cleveland in youre astral travls in a different timeline?

5. the guy posting alot of questions in the line where the agent was did that talk talk about his life or girlfriend?

6. did you see any of the members of timetravelforum.net in the line where the greys took over?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"hdrkid\")</div>
Hi Passive_Extremist:
I don't think that \"Return of the Dead\" or \"Island of the Dead\" have been shown here. They all follow the same formula.


Where they Anything like these..?



Do you know who directs? Who acts in them? Anything about the plot?

Also Kid, could you tell me what our next musical or cultural movement will be?

I have been following this thread for quite a while, and kept a rather open mind.
One thing struck me as very odd a couple posts ago by HDRKid. I myself and my family are rather spiritual? For a couple months now, my mum has been teaching me how to Astral Travel. The first lesson she taught me was about meditation, and settling ones thoughts so that you can exteriorize yourself.
The next is to wander around the house and read notes on tops of cupboards, in cupboards etc, to prove that my AP's were correct.
After that, she then taught me to travel around. To get from place to place, you can do one of two things, or both :)
#1 - Wander there as you would during the day OR
#2 - Think of the place where you want to go and then BAM, you are there.
Now I don't know how Astral Time Travel works, but I would assume that once you got to the year that you are after, it would be quite simple to travel to any destination you want.
This is where I have started to doubt your posts HDRKid :(
I can't see any reason why you would NEED to be at that location in order to time travel there. Just TT where you are at, then just will yourself to the new location.
I don't know... As I said, I have never tried to Time Travel while in the Astral.

If you are looking for consistency in HDRKID's posts, I doubt you will find any. There are two things that make his posts popular and life sustaining.

1) He is nice and respectful to everyone, regardless of the attacks brought upon him.
2) He tells people what they want to hear, and they believe that he believes it is the truth.

The funny part is, I might not believe a single one of his predicitons, but I still think he is a great person, and love reading everything he writes.

Yes, being nice in this instance is the ONLY thing keeping the kid here. It has nothing to do with his being able to tell the truth which more than a few people have noticed for them selves.

Did you say 'Bad Mouth a moderator" kid? You seem to have a problem when the truth comes out about people. Gavin was a loser, he stabbed people in the back that worked for HIM on HIS board. Get a friggin clue kid, he was the OWNER of that gone to dust board. And what's more funny is that you equate 'badmouthing' with a debunker. Interesting, very interesting.

Take out your dictionary homey, and look up Debunker. What is the exact wording there? "TO EXPOSE OR RIDICULE THE FALSENESS, SHAM, OR EXAGERATED CLAIMS OF:
Key words there, FALSNESS, SHAM, EXAGERATED those words would perfectly typtify your lost cause on this thread.

That is the definition of DEBUNK. People have pointed out the BUNK in your stories for a while now. Does that make them bad people or just people that have spotted your lies in this thread? You consistently lie kid. Your H D R is a Hoax. Your stories are fabricated crap. You predictions are some of the the saddest examples of prevarication this board has ever seen. To claim that you are a A s t r a l Time traveler because of the Placebo H D R is a farce. You have no possible way of proving what you claim. Just like those that came here to lie about being a time traveler before and could not prove it. Proof is what you need, yet for all your fancy stories about new softdrink names, wrestlers still in the business, doom and gloom, alternate time lines, BBQ,s in the next valley, Red ants slaying the Black ants thay still amount to the same thing, NOTHING.
You Have Never Been Able To Give Any PROOF.

You claimed that ALL of your family is Psychic. A huh. Can you tell me why it is that such a mega disturbance in the Force as 25 Police cars arriving to your home was missed by ALL those Psychics in your family??

Hi Kero:

1) He is nice and respectful to everyone, regardless of the attacks brought upon him. Thanks.

2) He tells people what they want to hear, and they believe that he believes it is the truth. Most people do not want to believe that a big war is coming; me included, but that is what I see in the future.

Hi Sovaka:
When I astral travel I am like a balloon slowly drifting. I can go through walls and see what is inside a house, but I cannot teleport to DC and tell you what Bush is doing in the oval office.
Mostly I get my future information from seeing what is on CNN in the future.

When I first started astral travel I would go to the roof of my house and float above the trees. It was a lot of fun.

Now I use astral time travel a lot, but much of the information is not very useful, for example, I know that the mower breaks down next month.

My speed of drift is slow, I can see nearby objects, but this instant teleportation is not possible for me.

Here are a few tips. When you go astral, jump out of your body, then find an astral vortex. Go through it. You will be in another time. place of exit should be close, typically outside your house.

Make mental notes: what kinds of cars do people have, what type of clothes do they wear, etc.

Here is wishing you the best of luck on your travels. :)

Hi PE:
They already came out!
Funny, I never saw them on this line.

I still remember the tagline for "Ship of the dead"
"A deathship manned by a skeleton crew!"

Good hunting on your part.

Anything about the plot?
In "Island of the dead" The dead sailors come back to life on a radioactive atoll. In "Ship of the dead" Scientists come in a boat to check radiation levels and are forced to take the dead back to the mainland.

Next musical movement

cultural movement will be?
Peace movement becomes big after Bush invades Iran and starts drafting people. Expect protests in college and police beating up students.

Hi JasonX:
1. what did jame spears lok ike in 2008 in that movie what was it called?
The movie started with an A, but it was not Avalon.

2. so john cena was huge how huge?
Remember "Physic" in "The Princess Bride"? He was known in the wrestling world as "Andre the Giant" :)

3. did you see britiney spears in the line where jamie spears makes good movies? Yes, but she was married to Justin Timberlake. Jay Leno asked Jamie "How does it feel being more famous than your famous sister." Jamie answered "Pretty good, when I was little she used to pull my hair." :)

4. have you ever went to cleveland in youre astral travls in a different timeline? Cleveland? I have a friend who lives in Cincinnati.

5. the guy posting alot of questions in the line where the agent was did that talk talk about his life or girlfriend? No, he mostly asked question about the future. He called me to tell me that his dad had taken away his HDR. He wanted to borrow mine. He was a nice person.

6. did you see any of the members of timetravelforum.net in the line where the greys took over? My double was hiding and he did not have access to the internet. My guess is that most of them escaped the cities and were out hiding in the countryside.


1. What was youre favorite comedy from another line?

2. do you remember what the guys aviator was and why was his hdr tooken away?

3. have you ever seen drew barrymore in any other lines?

4. have you ever seen independence day in another line you know the movie?

5. Do you know who jamie spears was going out with in that line and what did she look like?

6. in the movie island of the dead was it very violent and what was the most grusmome death?
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