Hello I am Jaden... a time traveler

As an ex-cop I have observed certain characteristics of a liar.
They tend to omit part of the truth when giving answers to questions hoping the officer won't notice...we do.
If the forum members will look back at the questions asked and the answers given you may notice a pattern.
Its called profiling during a routine field interview.
I do not like a liar or a hoaxer!
If you all want to be amused then go to a zoo and if you want to amuse, join the circus.
This is not my monkey and not my circus!

This poster failed my test right away. You would think that a guy given a time machine to travel back in time would have been given some basic instruction on what "TIME" is. Yet his reply left me just as clueless as to what the nature of "TIME" is, as I was before I read his reply. So as you can see, there was no more curiosity on my part to continue the discussion. But some people like to believe. It's the same old, same old. Everything is lie!
Yes I do low about them but your question was somewhat confusing for I don't k
I hope you do realize that just because I'm a time traveler for the military doesn't mean I know all their secrets. All I know, is that my job was to retrieve a T.V. that apparently had an alien message on it. That's all I knew.
My point was that Sony, WAS working on that holographic TV system, as were other manufacturers..
You didnt need to be in the military to have known about this as it was common knowledge
Computers and T.V.'s have evolved because humans get smarter and smarter
Yes, and that is why you should have known about the Sony holographic TV`s and computers, they were made common knowledge, and they would have been recorded in magazines and history books for you to read in the future...or were history books and every other book and magazine regarding 2017 destroyed in some cataclysmic event??...of course you will say either yes, or just simply not answer me :cautious:
Oh yes I do know about that it's just I don't understand your question too well. Anyways no we still have magezines and stuff like that Sony was able to invent it before they were destroyed but it's not really a big part I our life.
Ok then, can you be more precise about the old TV set that you have been sent to find...I would have thought that the people who sent you here would have placed you in the very year that TV`s were first being sold, which was around 1928, in the old mechanical form..Or they could have sent you back to a time period just after the second world when the cathode ray tube TV was being sold..that would be in 1946..So which TV is it that you need, the very old mechanical version or the first of the cathode ray models??..Also what is the transmission system that would be needed to view the cathode ray models of TV?
As an ex-cop I have observed certain characteristics of a liar.
They tend to omit part of the truth when giving answers to questions hoping the officer won't notice...we do.
If the forum members will look back at the questions asked and the answers given you may notice a pattern.
Its called profiling during a routine field interview.
I do not like a liar or a hoaxer!
If you all want to be amused then go to a zoo and if you want to amuse, join the circus.
This is not my monkey and not my circus!
You know, I just didn't want to tell you the terrible truth, but if you insist ok. WWIII starts in 2016... Naples falls 2019.
As an ex-cop I have observed certain characteristics of a liar.
They tend to omit part of the truth when giving answers to questions hoping the officer won't notice...we do.
If the forum members will look back at the questions asked and the answers given you may notice a pattern.
Its called profiling during a routine field interview.
I do not like a liar or a hoaxer!
If you all want to be amused then go to a zoo and if you want to amuse, join the circus.
This is not my monkey and not my circus!

This poster failed my test right away. You would think that a guy given a time machine to travel back in time would have been given some basic instruction on what "TIME" is. Yet his reply left me just as clueless as to what the nature of "TIME" is, as I was before I read his reply. So as you can see, there was no more curiosity on my part to continue the discussion. But some people like to believe. It's the same old, same old. Everything is lie!
As an ex-cop I have observed certain characteristics of a liar.
They tend to omit part of the truth when giving answers to questions hoping the officer won't notice...we do.
If the forum members will look back at the questions asked and the answers given you may notice a pattern.
Its called profiling during a routine field interview.
I do not like a liar or a hoaxer!
If you all want to be amused then go to a zoo and if you want to amuse, join the circus.
This is not my monkey and not my circus!

This poster failed my test right away. You would think that a guy given a time machine to travel back in time would have been given some basic instruction on what "TIME" is. Yet his reply left me just as clueless as to what the nature of "TIME" is, as I was before I read his reply. So as you can see, there was no more curiosity on my part to continue the discussion. But some people like to believe. It's the same old, same old. Everything is lie!
I thought I explained it just fine, but uh. Guess not. As I was saying time is nothing. Literally on my first day of training he just said "time is nothing". That's the honest truth. Nothing more to it man. Maybe you guys have a different definition but as far
As an ex-cop I have observed certain characteristics of a liar.
They tend to omit part of the truth when giving answers to questions hoping the officer won't notice...we do.
If the forum members will look back at the questions asked and the answers given you may notice a pattern.
Its called profiling during a routine field interview.
I do not like a liar or a hoaxer!
If you all want to be amused then go to a zoo and if you want to amuse, join the circus.
This is not my monkey and not my circus!

This poster failed my test right away. You would think that a guy given a time machine to travel back in time would have been given some basic instruction on what "TIME" is. Yet his reply left me just as clueless as to what the nature of "TIME" is, as I was before I read his reply. So as you can see, there was no more curiosity on my part to continue the discussion. But some people like to believe. It's the same old, same old. Everything is lie!
Let's just say that 10 years from now a tsunami hits Japan. Now, it took TIME to do that. So, time is really a measurement. And you can measure time. So, if you can measure time it means that you can count seconds, minutes, hours. Time tells us our date. Time is nothing
Hey fella your starting to babble.
The question that you failed to answer I'll repeat to you at the risk of being ruder then normal.
"What was the device that you used to move around in time"?
Please do not say it was a hot air balloon.

I think you only gave the ww3 date as a way to stay in the game?
I'll bet you think that the folks in the USA are fools and gullible fools at best?
We do have more then our share of them, but remember what a great statesman once said
"You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time".
I hope you do realize that just because I'm a time traveler for the military doesn't mean I know all their secrets. All I know, is that my job was to retrieve a T.V. that apparently had an alien message on it. That's all I knew.

So, the television STORED the message????
Please allow me to explain why I have distain for the jokers and hoaxers that use forums to just have some innocent fun?

How many folks here remember back when there were no safety seals on food and drug containers?

Some fool, just having fun, thought it might be fun to switch some of the Tylenol tablets with a poison pill.

It only took one evil bastard to cost the life of some innocent people that changed the way we package products today.

Now you may better understand how some jackass joker can change the way we have become suspicious of TT posters.

The assholes never give their real name and only hide behind the protection of forums like this.

Andrew Basiago comes along and is questioned as just another hoaxer because of all the liars out there.

The hoaxers are sick evil stupid people that need to grow up and get a life!
