Is organized religion bad?

Re: Is organized Religion BAD?

kc wildman said:
nah its just the nature of things
real women don't snease,fart or burp.
therfor they must bitch or they will explode:D

My wife does all 3 and I never hear an unkind peep outta her...

An eye for an eye eh?
Re: Is organized Religion BAD?

Chip said:
My wife does all 3 and I never hear an unkind peep outta her...

An eye for an eye eh?
what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did you super glue her lips or somthin????
Re: Is organized Religion BAD?

well just saw a press release from fox news
seems the Texas court said send the kids back to the pervs.for more abuse:mad:
man I give up, when this crap is not stopped on the spot, I mean put down hard. we have lost all sence of humanity. I don't care how they found out. once its known it should be delt with. did I say I am pissed ????? well I am way passed pissed off,and fast aproching realy f*%#ing mad:mad:
Re: Is organized Religion BAD?

I think this article could bring back this thread on the track.
Will religion end on Mars?
27 Jun, 2008, 0230 hrs IST,Mukul Sharma, ET Bureau

As you read this, Nasa?s Phoenix Lander is sitting near the Martian north pole after travelling 680 million kilometres from Earth. Its onboard instruments are examining samples of soil looking for, among other things, some key chemical ingredients such as carbon-based compounds, which might be preserved there.

It?ll help scientists evaluate whether the environment has ever been favourable for life. Later Probes will establish if, indeed, life ever arose on Mars and then either died out afterwards or, perhaps, is still around.

If the place turns out to be barren, life on Earth will continue as if nothing much occurred. If not, there?s going to be at least one alleged aftershock to reckon with.

For example, some people are already writing off most major religions which are based essentially on an Earth-centric model, as never being able to recover from such a crippling body blow. (The Bible makes no mention of other planets or life on other planets.)

Their reasoning is that even if the type of life found is only microscopic in nature which existed many millions of years ago in the past, it would prove once and for all that life on our planet is not a one-off event requiring the services of a creator. In other words, discover life on Mars; prove evolution; disprove God.

But life, unfortunately, is not so simple. Firstly, although evolution is easily the most elegant, encompassing and predictive theory providing a unifying explanation for the diversity of life on Earth, it may not be the last word on the subject nor even the central principle of extraterrestrial biology.

Just like Newton was the last word only till Einstein came along. Also, forget carbon; ET may not be DNA-based at all. Thus its process of evolutionary development, if there is one at all, might be completely different from what we know happens here.

Secondly, proving evolution has no connection with the origins of animate matter anywhere because things like natural selection and mutation only come into existence after the fact.

The crunch that scriptural faiths will face, on the other hand, can loosely be termed decentralisation where the uniqueness of humanity along with Earth?s biosphere will no longer occupy centre stage as almost all belief systems have tried to sell us.

These religions would, therefore, have no choice but to modify their dogma to bring extra-terrestrial life into their creation beliefs.
Will religion end on Mars?- Editorials-Opinion-The Economic Times

What's gonna happen when they find out that there's life somewhere else ?
Like they say, life on Mars would proove evolution, and disprove God.
I wonder how they will react to that. Perhaps they'll try to find another way to control people.
Anyway, if they find something, it will take a while before we know it.

Re: Is organized Religion BAD?

they have already told us the next means of control, it is being put in place now, as we speak.( it will be food) they only used religon cause most of the world up to now. grew there own food outside the kitchen door in the family garden. but now the termator seeds have almost stopped that. soon they will have cross polinated all crops, and no saved seeds from last years crop will produce.:mad: the bas*%#&s
and they will use it very well to control everyone. if you want food take the mark and go to that line over there.
oh no mark for you??????? ok please step this way we got a line just for you:eek: off with there heads.
Re: Is organized Religion BAD?

Numenorean7 said:
Like they say, life on Mars would proove evolution, and disprove God.

I don't think it would prove evolution or disprove God.

I don't think most religious leaders would think that either. I mean, the Catholic Church just said that life elsewhere is probable and doesn't impact on the existence of a Creator; that God's message as we have it was meant for Earth, where the other life forms may well have gotten their own messages.

Re: Is organized Religion BAD?

Harte said:
I don't think it would prove evolution or disprove God.

I don't think most religious leaders would think that either. I mean, the Catholic Church just said that life elsewhere is probable and doesn't impact on the existence of a Creator; that God's message as we have it was meant for Earth, where the other life forms may well have gotten their own messages.

I'm not very religious by any means, but I really like your reasoning. Makes sense!
Re: Is organized Religion BAD?

I also agree that finding life on Mars would neither prove or disprove GOD.
It would just further my belief that something BIG and all powerful is at work everywhere! Even if it is just science.....well its something. But there has to be a spirit..We have it in us now....Something is at work out there..
Re: Is organized Religion BAD?

kc wildman said:
well just saw a press release from fox news
seems the Texas court said send the kids back to the pervs.for more abuse:mad:
man I give up, when this crap is not stopped on the spot, I mean put down hard. we have lost all sence of humanity. I don't care how they found out. once its known it should be delt with. did I say I am pissed ????? well I am way passed pissed off,and fast aproching realy f*%#ing mad:mad:

Well there are conditions set down for a lot of the families....hoops for them to jump thru for the time being. Maybe its the best that can be done.
Harte may have called it long ago in a post. Maybe things wernt as bad as reported. We need a Hartes brain here ...he keeps us from thinking too outlandishly!

OH....kc....stop watching FOX NEWS.
Re: Is organized Religion BAD?

well when you get 16 yrs olds with 3-4 kids and the dads 30+ yrs:mad:
in my eyes, it is woop ass time. no conditions, no questions, no excuesses, just get a rope. qiuck,fast,in a hurry like. sorry but I'm just being a dad here, and a pissed off one at that. I have four daughters, and to think some perv. was raping one of them!!!!! well I think any parent understands. call me what you will but it matters not who's daughter it is. once it is know it must be stopped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all that is needed for evil to win
is for good men to do nothing
