Is organized religion bad?


well I hope this will help a little (he who is without the law and yet lives by it, is a law unto himself and shall in nowise be cast out). there is some merit to being good,doing the right thing cause its the right thing to do. I know what law, CHRIST gave us the law, love GOD and love your neighbor. if you can do that your better than me. I wear a shirt my daughter got me says SOME PEOPLE ARE ALIVE SIMPLY BECAUSE IT'S ILLEGAL TO KILL THEM he he ha ha ho ho who you callin ho I love that shirt everybody laughs:eek:


I wasn't talking about Islam, I was talking about the Catholics and all their many crusades, like the Albigensian Crusade, and the oh-so-famous Inquisition.

sorry i ment only to say that the crusaders were spose to be saving the holy land from the turks(islam) who were not nice when they conqured the middle east. and you are rite all the murders must be hidden. our the leaders lose power as soon as the people see they are the same bunch of killers they just got rid of. i mean isn't all this the rise and fall of nations i don't know just seems we chase are selves.


Active Member
Dave Hunt rode a documented book on the Catholic Church called a Woman Rides the Beast. It shows just how "organized" the Church was throughout these 2000 years in killing and murdering and covering up anything and anyone that stood in their way to be numero uno.

I don' t believe in organized church anymore either. But if I want to hear the latest news on the Middle East that's not doctored, there are church organizations out there that supply that information, so I go to their websites, tv programs and prophecy conferences to get the info they have. These were the people who had news about the oil and gas finds Israel now reports in the news media 3 or 4 years ago, but no one was talking about them then! Their wells are that old and the news is that old, but it's only in the mainstream news now. That's how good my sources are.

Otherwise, you won't find me at a church service on a bet.


use to listen to a radio show called prophecy club from a church in kansas in think. they had a guest on talking bout the biggest oil field on this mudball spose to at the south end of the dead sea. he was trying to get drill permits then. i didn't believe him is that where your talking of


Junior Member
Organized religion generally teaches tolerance, kindness, peace and forgiveness – certainly not the self serving and intolerant agenda that the right associates with it.
It has often been hijacked to promote an “Earthly” agenda but that renders it no more obsolete than the post office was rendered obsolete when used to mail anthrax or government is rendered obsolete because some governments treat their people badly.
Although you want to keep the discussion athropolical, I will argue that spirituality is a fundamental human need and society benefits through healthy and well adjusted individuals.


All organized religions have sacred texts. Even if these were divinely inspired, the phase, "I know you think you heard what I said, but what I meant is not what you heard", comes to mind. Different religions may be a kind of "different strokes for different folks" thing for God. In different cultures, a different approach may work better for them. Religions that profess that their way is the only way are definitely bad. The Muslim/Christian tensions in the world being a good example. I prefer to have a personal relationship with my spiritual side and not have my views told to me.


Active Member
[QUOTE="Num7, post: 33574, member: Is organized Religion BAD?

Bible has been written by mortal men, I don't think that all the stuff explained and described in that book are written the way "God" wanted them. Ok, it's the holy bible, but it's a book after all. It has been "edited" and "revised", we're not reading the original version. The version we know must have been modified to program and control us probably.

I agree 100%, think about how many different "versions" of the Bible there are! And really, you can take any scripture. & make it mean ANYTHING you want, quite nearly. I don't like religion because you are following what another person says, rather than searching within yourself for our creator & figuring out what YOU believe to be true, or possible.
I feel like the Bible is more based off of true stories now, with the modern "versions."


Temporal Engineer
[QUOTE="Num7, post: 33574, member: Is organized Religion BAD?

Bible has been written by mortal men, I don't think that all the stuff explained and described in that book are written the way "God" wanted them. Ok, it's the holy bible, but it's a book after all. It has been "edited" and "revised", we're not reading the original version. The version we know must have been modified to program and control us probably.

I agree 100%, think about how many different "versions" of the Bible there are! And really, you can take any scripture. & make it mean ANYTHING you want, quite nearly. I don't like religion because you are following what another person says, rather than searching within yourself for our creator & figuring out what YOU believe to be true, or possible.
I feel like the Bible is more based off of true stories now, with the modern "versions."[/QUOTE]

It's not just the bible that is used for control. But it is the basis for accepting belief without question. But I feel it is also the basis for schizophrenia in some people. When you learn to accept and believe the unverifiable, you become a victim of your own mind.


Active Member
I believe it's used as a tool of sorts. A big ol book of stories and "rules", to reference to in case anyone asks questions. There are many aspects of religion in itself I don't agree with..
I believe in unverifiable things, but not because someone else told me to but out of experience. The only reason they are unverifiable is because we lack the knowledge in how to prove things unseen or felt with our mere 5 senses exist.
Like chakras. For example.
