Lab Grown Meat


Active Member
She doesn't appear to think before just saying things
and appears to just say things for effect. Appears
to just say the most outlandish sounding things
merely for effect and the elicited response and I'm
not even sure if it's genuine stupidity or if she's secretly
laughing her ass off at herself.
Sometimes I wonder if the democrats and republicans are on the same side and the fight is a ruse to keep us entertained and complacent


Senior Member
Anyhow on the topic I am quite sure the government would put this shit in food without our knowledge just like they lied about the Tuskegee experiments and Project Monarch

You mean MK ULTRA I think. Project Monarch didn't exist I don't think.
It's a thing conspiracy theorists latch on to to try to explain why sexy women
exist in entertainment.


Senior Member
Britney Spears and Katy are supposedly part of this thing called MONARCH
along with all the people who performed in the CATS musical. Something like that.
There may be more to it but that's all I've heard. They also use Disney to create
princess sex slaves for the evil elite or sometihng. Like it theoretically could be true
I've seen no proof. MKULTRA is verified fact though it was a mind control thing
done on unwilling citizens and things like MONARCH distract from that until proven true.
Celebrities are definitely weird people though for the most part lol.
