Looking Deeper Into The Hdr

Hi Numen, first I must say great job on updating this site! I really like the way it looks!! As for the HDR; if you have basic electronic skills and knowledge, you can easily build one on your own. The hardest part is making the E-mag which I've found a clever way around. I've had my own unit for about 2 years now and I'm not disappointed with the results at all!
Thanks Tuvok :) I'm glad you like the site dude. Good to see you around! ;)

I definitely gotta put this HDR on my TODO list for the next year. I always keep saying to myself that I'm going to look for parts, get to talk to people about it, that I'm gonna try the device, etc. I don't have any reason not to try building it, other than some lack of time.

Besides, you guys would be able to help me out with it if I ever have trouble building the device, which is awesome.

Cheers! :)
Hi Tuvok:
I just got off the phone talking to Steven Gibbs, and we were talking about the colorful characters that use an HDR unit, and colorful they are.

Steven Gibbs once had a pimp drive up. He came with two hoes to buy an HDR unit to time travel and Steven sold him one. He said that it was a mistake because later on he got a call from the cops. The two hoes said that the pimp used a time machine to get away. This happened when cops were closing in. I do not remember the pimps name.
It started with a "T" - something like Tyrone or Tyrese Washington was his name. The two hoes were blond and super skinny like anorexia. Steven says they looked like skeletons on heels and probably had AIDS because cause they looked sick like stage IV cancer. He told me that one ho was named aMANda and that she was a transsexual that used to be a man. He told me she looked like a woman, but had a deep voice. Well, you know, like a man. He said "The pimp told me she dun got the operation and that she don't got no dick no more." He said "That is "F" up." He said "Tyrese, gimme my money. Here is your HDR, now get the "F" outta my house - right now." The pimp said "Hey man, I wanna try this baby out." Steven said that he wanted him gone. AND, that he told him he could not smoke crack in the house, and he was not welcome anymore.

The pimp said "Hey, my bosses name is Frosty because he is a snowman. My street name is Santa Claus goes I got some - Ho HO HO!" He finally left in a gigantic purple cadillac that had pimpmobile written all over it and then some. Those fancy cars in rural Nebraska are not common.

Man, that's definitely not the kind of stuff I want to hear from Mr Gibbs, it doesn't make me want to give a try to his device for sure. That's some messed up stuff!

Why would such pimps want an time travel device anyway ?
Me pretending to be HDRKID...

"Hi Tuvok:

I noticed you have a Black Vulcan for your avatar... Get ready for some racist shit. But at the end I'll drop a picture of Austin Powers pretending to act like thats what I was really referring to. I just need to create some doubt for the sake of argument.

Now that that's taken care of, I'm off to talk about the predictions I never made coming true. They're max super awesome."
I don't get it........

Don't get what? The underlying racism in HDRkids post? All the signs are in HDRkids post. The "colorful" characters. The "pimps and hoes". The "Tyrone or Tyrese". The "gigantic purple Cadillac with pimp mobile written all over it". These are all stereotypical qualities of black people, and you just happen to have a black guy for your avatar. The entire story from HDRKID is obviously fake, but why did he write it for? What's its purpose?

Or maybe its all just a coincidence....
Or maybe its all just a coincidence....
Seriously, I vote for the coincidence. I don't see why HDRKID would post a comment containing such underlying (obvious or not) racism in a thread made out of respectful messages until now.
Seriously, I vote for the coincidence. I don't see why HDRKID would post a comment containing such underlying (obvious or not) racism in a thread made out of respectful messages until now.

Possibly. But, I really can't think of any other reason for blatant stereotypes in a fictional story.

Or maybe it's a true story?
