first of all, i'd like to state this a hell of an interesting much so i joined immediately. but one thing i've noticed is that hdrkid catches a hell of a lot of damage here on the time travel forum, he almost seems to be hated. rather than just piling on, (how easy can that be?) i'd like to help him out a bit.....but first i've been attempting to study these 'hyper dimensional resonators' as i am extremely fascinated by time much so i wish i would've paid more attention in math class. but i can't seem to find anyone on the internet who has actually experimented with them.....until i found this site. i believe the hdr is a hoax.....let's get this straight, but what i can't comprehend is the fact that you can find absolutely nothing about hdr experiences ANYWHERE.....usually when someone's blowing smoke up your ass, you're at least able to find a couple of bullshit stories.
so that intrigue's's got to be one of two ways about it, either everyone's so embarrased they've been ripped off by gibbs they dare not tell a soul......OR.....the whole bit is actually true and the black government is deleting any evidence of the device's workings off the world wide web. now, i know i can't get the answers to those questions on this site, so i wanted to help kid out a bit by reminding you all of something he may or may not have neglected to mention about the veracity of his claims. lets say the device works and the jokes all on us.....from what i've read it seems very unlikely for you (or very hard) to be able to jump to your own distant future.....when you astral project with the hdr you can only go to an ALTERNATE REALITY....parallel of this one. so with keeping this in mind the reason he misses on a lot of his predictions is due to the fact that they are not occuring here but on an alternate timeline, it's that simple. where he screws up is when he says this is going to happen, or that for sure over there has to happen....he can't make such claims because he can never be sure which and whose future he is possibly spying.....i for one am glad many of his prophecies have yet to occur.....because i know for a fact they can.
with multiple world theory, anything and everything which can be even imagined to happen will and most certainly have already occurred somewhere else in the multiverse...and we should all be thanking the big man upstairs that he has seen fit to have mercy on all our candyasses.....because believe you me he can put it to an end in an instant. the only good doomsday prophecy is one which NEVER happens, remember that.....but i for one enjoy kid's tales, so my good man if you wouldn't mind please continue.....what else have you seen lately?